2.1 EQ: What events and technological advances paved the way for

2.1 EQ: What events and technological advances paved the way for European exploration?
New Ideas and Nations
• Crusades: European expeditions to gain control of their holy sites from the Muslims
• Marco Polo: traveled to China; described Asia's marvels in book Travels
The Growth of Trade
Knew they could benefit from trade.
Europeans wanted goods from Asia & didn't want to pay high $$$ from Arabs (ppl in Middle East) so they rerouted to the East.
The Growth of Ideas
Trade w/ Asia sparked interest in other cultures; Italian ppl studied Ancient Greeks & Romans
The Renaissance
"rebirth" of Greek & Roman learning of religion, art, & technology
Powerful Nations Emerge
Strong monarchs came to power in Spain, Portugal, England, & France;
Looked for ways to increase trade & make countries stronger & wealthier
Technology's Impact
1400's printing press made it easier to print books; leads to increased knowledge & interest in travel
Better Maps & Instruments
1200's used astrolabe (instrument that measures the positions of the stars) & compass to make maps more accurate
Better Ships
advancement in shipmaking technology
larger ships for more cargo
caravel: 3 masts, easier to maneuver, faster
African Kingdoms
Africa played a role in trade
Africans mined gold, copper, iron ore & traded for cotton, silk from Arabs
Portuguese sailed western coast of Africa & set up trade posts
Ghana ‐ A Trading Empire
Thrived on taxes placed on trade
Muslim caravans traded in Ghana, led many in W. Africa to become Muslim
Mali ‐ A Powerful Kingdom
Northern African kingdom, Mansa Musa (king) was a powerful ruler, a Muslim
Timbuktu became an important center of Islamic art & learning
The Songhai Empire
Plan of Government
Based laws on the Quran (Muslim holy book)
2.2 EQ: Why did Spain and Portugal want to find a sea route to Asia?
Portugal didn't have a Mediterranean port to trade btn Asia & Europe
wanted direct way to get African gold
sponsored by Spain
sponsored by Portugal
1. Henry the Navigator: started school for sailors, updated maps
2. Bartholomeu Dias: sailed from Portugal to S'ern tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope)
3. Vasco da Gama: sailed around Africa & landed in Calicut, India; "won da game"
4. Pedro Alvares Cabral: reached Brazil; claimed for Portugal then to India; established permanent forts in India
1. Christopher Columbus: Queen Isabella agreed to sponsor; found Bahamas, thought it was India; returned to Spain in triumph
2. Amerigo Vespucci: sailed S. Am. coast
3. Vasco Nunez de Balboa: hiked through Central Am. to Pacific Ocean
4. Ferdinand Magellan: through strait into Pacific Ocean; crew finished circumnavigating the globe
Viking sagas (traditional stories) told of failed attempts to settle in N. Am.
line of demarcation: imaginary line running down the middle of the Atlantic from the North Pole to the South Pole
Pope Alexander VI divided world (Spain lands west of line; Port. lands east of line)
strait: narrow strip of land
circumnavigate: sail around the globe
2.3 EQ: How did Spain's conquests affect the economic and social development of the Americas?
Spanish destroyed Aztec & Inca empires
settled in pueblos, missions, and presidios
introduced Catholicism, cattle, and horses
relegated Native Americans to the lower classes
introduced slaves to support tobacco & sugarcane plantations & exports
2.4 EQ: Why did European nations establish colonies in North America?
to spread their faith or to practice their beliefs freely
to become wealthy and powerful
to obtain resources
to trade or sell European products