licensing information statement #26

QBCC has developed this information statement to clarify the licensing
requirements regarding roof restoration and repair. This information statement
does not replace anything contained in the Queensland Building and
Construction Commission Act 1991 or the Queensland Building and Construction
Commission Regulation 2003.
Pursuant to that legislation, carrying out roof repair and restoration work, greater
than $3,300 in value1, constitutes ‘building work’. This means the person
undertaking the work is required to hold an appropriate QBCC licence as listed
below. If you are required to be licensed and are not, you may not be entitled to
payment and may be prosecuted by QBCC.
The following licence classes are able to perform certain aspects of this work:
• Roof and wall cladding
Install, repair and maintain insulation, metal roof battens,
roof sheeting, flashings, rainwater goods, skylights,
ventilators and the like. Not able to paint or rectify
damaged roof paintwork. Not able to perform tie-down
work on any building component other than the roof
batten to rafter connection.
Roof tiling licence
Install, repair and maintain insulation, roof battens, roof
tiles, flashings, bedding and pointing, skylights,
ventilators and the like. Not able to paint or rectify
damaged roof paintwork. Not able to perform tie-down
work on any building component other than the roof
batten to rafter connection.
Plumbing and drainage
Install, repair and maintain insulation, metal roof battens,
roof sheeting, flashings, rainwater goods, skylights,
ventilators and the like. Not able to paint or rectify
damaged roof paintwork. Not able to perform tie-down
work on any building component other than the roof
batten to rafter connection.
Carpentry licence
Builder Open licence
Install, repair and maintain insulation, roof battens, roof
sheeting, flashings, rainwater goods, skylights,
ventilators and the like. Not able to paint or rectify
damaged roof paintwork. Able to perform all types of tiedown work.
Able to perform or co-ordinate the installation, repair and
maintenance of all roofing works including roof painting
and tie-downs.
Builder Medium Rise
Able to perform or co-ordinate the installation, repair and
maintenance of all roofing works including roof painting
and tie-downs - but only on buildings that are to a maximum
of 3 storeys, but not including Type A construction on classes
4-9 buildings
Builder Low Rise licence
Able to perform or co-ordinate the installation, repair and
maintenance of all roofing works including roof painting
and tie-downs - but only on class 1 and class 10 buildings
and class 2-9 buildings with a gross floor area not exceeding
2000m , but not including Type A or B construction
Structural metal fabrication
and erection licence
Install, repair and maintain insulation, metal roof battens,
roof sheeting, flashings, rainwater goods, skylights,
ventilators and the like. Not able to paint or rectify
damaged paintwork to roofs. Able to perform tie-down
work on any metal building components including the
metal roof batten to timber rafter connection.
Non-structural metal
fabrication and installation
Install, repair and maintain insulation, metal roof battens,
roof sheeting, flashings, rainwater goods, skylights,
ventilators and the like. Not able to paint or rectify
damaged paintwork to roofs. Not able to perform tiedown work on any building component other than the
metal roof batten to rafter connection.
Painting and Decorating
Able to paint tiled roofs and sheet roofs.
Note: Where tie-downs are involved, the contractor is responsible to ensure the correct
wind rating is applied and that the tie-down design conforms to the AS 1684 – Timber
Framing Code.
Contractors are able to undertake incidental work of another class up to an
aggregate value1 of $3,300. Incidental work is considered as minor associated
work of another licence class that relates to the work being undertaken by the
contractor. It can be carried out personally or by engaging an appropriately
licensed contractor.
An example of incidental work is where a licensed roof tiler could replace, or
organise for a licensed carpenter to replace, a section of rotten timber fascia
when contracting to repair roof tiles on a house. This is if the aggregate value1 of
the fascia repair (including any other incidental work the roof tiler is performing) is
$3,300 or less.
Value of building work means an amount representing the reasonable cost to a consumer of having the work
carried out by a licensed contractor on the basis that all building materials are to be supplied by the contractor
(whether or not the work is in fact carried out by a licensed contractor on that basis).
If you require any further information or wish to apply for a licence please contact
your nearest QBCC office or log onto the QBCC’s website at
1st Introduced
QBCC commenced