Ⅰ. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined

문항별 배점 : 1~10 2점, 11~30 2.5점, 31~40 3점
Ⅰ. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined expression. (1~5)
1. The will does stipulate that you must wait until you are thirty years old to receive the money.
① remonstrate
② specify
③ imply
④ ascertain
2. These "supersmart" rats which performed acrobatic feats grew an enormous amount of brain tissue
compared with their sedentary partners, says Dr. Greenough.
① inactive
② restless
③ exhausted
④ aggressive
3. Mr. Garstein was particularly taken aback to hear that sleeping problems are often linked to physical
① relieved
② determined
③ intended
④ surprised
4. He could see the mixture of suspicion and apprehension on their faces.
① tolerance
② deception
③ dread
④ hesitation
5. The intrepid tourists can find charm, spirit and soaring music in Harlem.
① fearless
② successful
③ reliable
④ enthusiastic
Ⅱ. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (6~10)
6. The aim of the current round of talks is to promote free trade and to
① elaborate
② avert
③ aggravate
the threat of increasing
④ subvert
7. Exam period was __________, to say the least, even for the most dedicated students.
① spurious
② motley
③ reticent
④ arduous
8. China banned some domestic logging to protect its ___________ forests.
① dwindling
② lavish
③ contaminated
④ replaceable
9. To survive in this world, we have to act __________________ others, but to survive as ourselves,
rather than simply as cogs in a wheel, we have to act alone.
① in opposition to
② on top of
③ in concert with
④ on account of
10. When something has a significant effect, we would consider that effect to be a(n) _________________ one.
① destructive
② appreciable
③ partial
④ covert
Ⅲ. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected or rewritten. (11~15)
11. A huge amount of immigrants passed through the Great Hall on Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954.
12. Of the more than 1,300 volcanoes in the world, only about 600 can classify as active.
13. If a person goes to prison for using the Internet to commit a crime, can he be barred from using the
Internet after the sentence will be served.
14. Having grown up with successful women such as Margaret Thatcher and Madonna as role model, and
with popular culture awash with fantasies of all-powerful women, men are not so uncomfortable with
the woman in control.
15. In failing to debate the moral justification for capital punishment could well lead to a situation where
the practice of executing criminals is simply taken for granted.
Ⅳ. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (16~20)
16. Coffee, like beer, was made _______________ and, therefore, provided a new and safe alternative to
alcoholic drinks.
① using boiled water
② boiled water used
③ use of boiled water
④ water boiling
the relation between weight and health said the nation might want to reconsider what
are ideal weights.
① Some studied
② Some who studied
③ Some studies
④ Some of the studies
18. By killing much of the population of the Wampanoag confederacy, the epidemic that raged from 1616-19
the first permanent European settlement in North America.
① made it possible for
② made it possible
③ made possible
④ made it possible that
19. The current obsession with physical health and fitness may stem from a reasonable desire to be healthy,
an unreasonable obsession.
① with becoming
② and it become
③ but it can become
④ becomes
now have a much
20. What seems to be the most likely explanation for the happiness trends
longer to-do list than they once did.
① women
② being women
③ that women
④ is that women
Ⅴ. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (21~26)
21. With poor land and sparse rainfall, the Greeks were forced to turn to the Mediterranean. Unlike Egypt,
which was tied to the Nile, or Babylon, where life was circumscribed by the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers,
the Greeks were forced to reach outward for survival. While trade was important to both of those earlier
ancient civilizations,
. Trade is not only profitable, but it increases the
exchange of ideas. The Greeks built a Mediterranean trading empire that was one key to their commercial
the Greeks became a great military sea power
Greece eventually became a slave culture, which helped to bring about its downfall
the Babylonians and Egyptians did not ignore what the Greeks did
for the Greeks it was a form of economic survival that became a way of life
22. Many couples see living together as a step toward marriage, and these living arrangements are sometimes
referred to as trial marriages. They think that marriage is such an important commitment that
____________________________. Often couples live together and decide to get married when they want to
have children because they feel that marriage offers a more stable and secure setting for the children.
couples should get a divorce when marriages no longer work
rituals such as marriage ceremonies are essential for healthy societies
couples should not just live together without making a formal commitment to each other
they want to make sure they are suited to each other before they take such a permanent step
23. It is good to know about the changes that come along with puberty before they happen and it is
important to remember that ____________________________. No matter where you live, whether you
guy or a girl, or whether you like hip-hop or country music, you will experience the changes that
during puberty. No two people are exactly alike, but one thing all adults have in common is they
through puberty.
are a
everybody goes through it
few are willing to accept the changes
some people start puberty a bit earlier or later
your body grows faster than any other time in your life
24. Today the used-book market is exceedingly well organized and efficient. Campus bookstores buy back not
only the books that will be used at their university the next semester but also those that will not. Those
that are no longer on their lists of required books they resell to national wholesalers, which in turn sell
them to college bookstores on campuses where they will be required. This means that even if a text is
being adopted for the first time at a particular college,
publishers can sell a book to multiple students
there is almost certain to be an ample supply of used copies
college bookstores urge faculty to avoid using it next semester
college bookstores guarantee that they will buy back its used copies
25. Youngsters whose friends were more academically oriented did better over the course of high school than
students who began school with similar records but who had less academically oriented friends. Similarly,
students whose friends were more delinquent developed more problems themselves over time than did
adolescents who began the study with the same behavior profile but who had friends who were less
delinquent. These findings tell us, then, that parents have legitimate reason to be concerned about the
qualities and values of their children's friends, especially during early adolescence,
susceptibility to peer influence runs strong
they show strong resistances to social norms
their behaviors are easily affected by suspicion
peer competition is an important factor for sucess
26. Philosophy is not usually treated as a single, unified subject. It is typically broken down into several
specialties and it is common for contemporary philosophers to be experts in one field
Philosophy addresses complex issues from all facets of life―being an expert on all of philosophy would
entail being an expert on all of the life's most fundamental questions.
who are trained to think philosophically
who also know about other branches of philosophy
but know little about another
and provide detailed information on philosophical concepts
Ⅵ. Read the following passages and answer the questions. (27~40)
[27-28] Last week I went to dinner with an eligible doctor. As we were finishing the main course, I
struck up conversation with the owner (Marco) in Italian―I speak five languages. My date nearly
choked on his linguini and spent the rest of the date mute. I had committed the worst dating faux
pas: I had outshone my suitor. Yet it would seem I am not the only woman who is wondering
whether it is time to hang up her brain. In America, research shows that successful women are hiding
their accomplishments for fear that their academic achievements and financial kudos will scare off
potential suitors.
27. Which of the following is true?
My date did not like Italian food.
Marco was smarter than my date.
It turned out that my date was not a doctor.
My date was a kind of man who does not like a smart woman.
28. My mistake was that _______________________.
talked too much
acted in a rude manner
spoke in Italian
forgot the fact that my date was a doctor
[29-30] Forty years ago a young, radical journalist helped ignite the War on Poverty with his pioneering
book The Other America. In its pages, Michael Harrington warned that the recently proclaimed age of
affluence was a mirage, that beneath the surface of U.S. prosperity lay tens of millions of people stuck in
hopeless poverty that only massive government intervention could help.
Today, a new generation of journalists is straining to duplicate Harrington's feat―to convince
contemporary America that its economic system doesn't work for millions and that only government can lift
them out of poverty. These new journalists face a tougher task than Harrington's though, because all levels
of government have spent about $10 trillion on poverty programs since his book appeared, with
disappointing, even counterproductive, results. And over the last four decades, millions of poor people,
immigrants and native-born alike, have risen from poverty, without recourse to the government programs
that Harrington inspired.
29. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
Michael Harrington was a journalist who called for governmental intervention in poverty.
According to The Other America, many Americans suffered from poverty.
The contemporary journalists have been influenced by Harrington's claim.
Governmental poverty programs have helped millions of poor people escape from poverty.
30. Which of the following is most likely to follow the passage?
The achievements of Harrington's strong conviction
The re-evaluation of Harrington's argument
Successful examples of the U.S. governmental efforts to help the poor
The positive effects of the U.S. governmental efforts on economy
[31~33] Each of the two coldest summers in the past 500 years, 1601 and 1816, followed large volcanic
upheavals that threw massive amounts of dust into the stratosphere. Over the course of each year, as the
slowly spreading dust obscured the Sun, the Earth cooled. As long as an eruption is big enough, the effect
works regardless of where on Earth the volcano is located. Tambora, Indonesia, erupted in April 1815, and
in Europe, 1816 was known as "the year without a summer." Even the polar ice cap levels of those
anomalously cold summers show large quantities of volcanic ash. As recently as 1991, we saw a temporary
drop of 1 degree in global temperatures after the explosion of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines.
The evident correlation between volcanic eruptions and global cooling years is easy to understand. On
the other hand, we don't know why the period between 1100 and 1250 was warm enough in Europe and
America for the Vikings to grow crops in Greenland. _____________, 1400 to 1800 was so cool that it is
called the "Little Ice Age." Global mean temperatures dropped by a degree or two; the Dutch canals froze
over regularly, and the Swedish army invaded Denmark by marching across the iced North Sea. New York
harbor occasionally froze, and George Washington experienced a cold winter at Valley Forge―cold but not
unusually cold for that era. Were these events due to a shift in winds, a shift in ocean currents, or perhaps
even a combination of many factors?
31. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
Earth-induced and water-induced changes in climate are linked to each other.
Some climate anomalies are easy to explain and others are not.
Volcanic eruptions are the most significant causes of global temperature shifts.
Historically, global cooling years were much longer than global warming years.
32. Which of the following best fits in the blank?
① Not surprisingly
③ Consequently
② In any case
④ Conversely
33. Why does the author mention Tambora in the passage?
Because the effect of the eruption of Tambora was far-reaching.
Because the eruption of Tambora caused the explosion of Mount Pinatubo.
Because the summer in 1815 was still colder than the summer in 1601.
Because the eruption of Tambora was the largest volcanic upheaval in history.
[34~35] Can there be a godless morality? Can we assert a superiority for a godless morality over
traditional, theistic, and religious morality? Yes, I think that this is possible. Unfortunately, few people even
acknowledge the existence of godless moral values, much less their significance. When people talk about
moral values, they almost always presume that they have to be talking about religious morality and
religious values. The very possibility of godless, irreligious morality is ignored.
A popular claim among religious theists is that atheists have no basis for morality―that religion and
gods are needed for moral values. Usually they mean their religion and god, but sometimes they seem
willing to accept any religion and any god. The truth is that neither religions nor gods are necessary for
morality, ethics, or values. They can exist in a godless, secular context just fine, as demonstrated by all
the godless atheists who lead moral lives every day.
34. What is the main topic of the passage?
① Moral values without gods
③ Public lives with secular morality
② Traditional views on morality
④ The presumption of religious morality
35. Which of the following best describes the author's view of atheists?
Atheists have no basis for morality because they have no religion.
The atheists who lead moral lives demonstrate the possibility of godless morality.
The significance of secular moral values is ignored by atheists.
Atheists are morally superior to theistic and religious men.
[36~38] The philosophers tell us that art consists essentially, not in performing a moral act, but in making
a thing, a work, in making an object with a view not to the human good of the agent, but to the exigencies
and the proper good of the object to be made, and by employing ways of realization predetermined by the
nature of the object in question.
Art thus appears as something foreign in itself to the sphere of the human good, almost as something
inhuman, and whose exigencies nevertheless are absolute: for, needless to say, there are not two ways of
making an object well, of realizing well the work one has conceived―there is but one way, and it must not
be missed.
The philosophers go on to say that this making activity is principally and above all an intellectual activity.
Art is a virtue of the intellect, of the practical intellect, and may be termed the virtue proper to working
But then, you will say, if art is nothing other than an intellectual virtue of making, whence comes its
dignity and its ascendancy among us? Why does this branch of our activity draw to it so much human sap?
Why has one always and in all peoples admired the poet as much as the sage?
It may be answered first that to create, to produce something intellectually, to make an object rationally
constructed, is something very great in the world; for man this alone is a1ready a way of imitating God.
And I am speaking here of art in general, such as the ancients understood it―in short, of art as the virtue
of the artisan.
36. The philosophers tell us that
an artistic object is something amoral since an object is inhuman
it is needless to say art has something to do with the human good
the making of an object of art is already innate in the object in question
artists must always keep in mind the proper use of the object after the work is done
37. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
An object conceived by the artist has only one way of its realization.
Art as an intellectual activity of making lacks dignity.
Man imitates God by rationally constructing an object.
The ancients understood art as the virtue of the artist.
38. Poets have been admired as much as sages because
creators like God
as religious as sages are
intellectually no less than sages
disciplined under the teachings of sages
[39~40] Seeds of Peace takes up where governments leave off, attempting to fulfill the hope of peace
treaties that are signed but that remain essentially pieces of paper. Seeds of Peace carries out a task that
governments are neither equipped for nor very interested in: transforming the hopes for peace into a new
reality on the ground among populations that have been taught for decades to distrust and hate one another.
The program fosters education, discussion, and emotional growth through both competitive and cooperative
activities and emphasizes the importance of developing non-violent mechanisms of resolving conflict. In the
three years of its operation, over three hundred male and female teenagers have come from Israel, Palestine,
Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and, for the first time last summer, from Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Campers
are selected in a competitive process; the only prerequisite is that they must have a working knowledge of
English. Initially each candidate is recommended by his or her school and then asked to write an essay on
the following subject: "Why I want to Make Peace with the Enemy." The final step of the selection process
is a personal interview. Candidates are awarded extra points if they demonstrate skill in speaking English.
Points are also awarded to children from refugee camps or other underprivileged backgrounds.
39. What is "Seeds of Peace"?
language program that teaches English to teenagers from conflicting countries.
summer camp program that fosters communication among teenagers from conflicting countries.
camp program that carries out a governmental task to transform the hopes for peace into reality.
writing program that helps teenagers from conflicting countries write good essays on world peace.
40. What is the most important qualifications to be admitted to Seeds of Peace?
knows English.
has lived in a refugee camp.
has written on essay on world peace.
has a recommendation from his or her school.