Puritan Bennett™ 840 Ventilator Initiating Bi-Level Ventilation Software Option Setup Card Bi-Level (conventional ratio) Initial Setup •PEEPL: 3 cm H2O above lower inflection point (or “Best PEEP” value) •PEEPH: adjust to achieve 7 mL/kg VT (maximum 40 cm H2O) •TH: 1.5 seconds •Rate: 10 bpm •PS: adjust to achieve 7 mL/kg VT (maintain at less than PEEPH value) •FiO2: adjust for SpO2 > 92% or PaO2 > 65 mm Hg APRV •Initial Setup •PEEPL: approximately 5 cm H2O •PEEPH (CPAP level): adjusted to maintain decreased WOB, or O2 delivery goals within lung protection peak alveolar pressure limits. Start low and observe spont rate and tidal volume. Slowly increase CPAP level until compliance improves (resp rates decrease and VT increases). Continue until rate and VT deteriorates. Titrate downward again. •Rate: 6 - 10 breaths/min •TL (Release Time): usually less than 1.0 sec. Should be short enough so as not to allow complete exhalation. “Lock” TL when appropriate TL is determined. •TH: determined by TL and rate Ventilator Maintenance •Decrease rate to control for Auto-PEEP •Increase rate to maintain pH > 7.25 •Increase FiO2 and TimeH (in 0.25 sec increments) to improve oxygenation •Adjust PEEPH to maintain 7 mL/kg VT •Adjust PEEPL based on periodic inflection point maneuvers (or “Best PEEP” determinations) Weaning •Reduce PEEPH (maintain 7 mL/kg VT) •Reduce FiO2 as tolerated (maintain SpO2 > 92%) •When FiO2 < 0.4 –– Decrease TH to 1.5 sec –– Decrease Rate Ventilator Maintenance •Adjust PEEPH to maintain acceptable MAP and WOB •Increase rate (but hold TL constant) to decrease CO2 –– May decrease MAP (may possibly require slightly higher PEEPH) •Decrease PEEPL slightly to increase “release” VT •Add PS at PEEPH to decrease CO2 and WOB –– Usually no more than 5 cm H2O above PEEPH Weaning •Decrease rate as CO2 permits •Decrease PEEPH as oxygenation permits •APRV equals CPAP with PS PCV Basics Bi-Level Basics •Pressure and inspiratory time are set by the operator. •Volume and flow are variable according to patient needs. •Patient can breathe spontaneously during the inspiratory and expiratory phase of the PC mandatory breath cycle. •Active valve allows free breathing anytime during mandatory breath delivery. •PC cannot count or measure spontaneous breaths taken during TI . •PC cannot synchronize transition to PEEP with patient’s spontaneous exhalation. PC Settings Bi-Level Settings •Mode = A/C or SIMV •PI = Inspiratory pressure (above PEEP) •TI = Inspiratory time (operator can choose to setTE or I:E ratio instead of TI) •PEEP •Frequency = Respiratory rate •Rise Time % •PS (in SIMV) = above PEEP and only during TE Example: •PC settings: Mode = SIMV, PI = 20, TI = 1.0 sec, PEEP = 5 cm H2O •Freq = 15 bpm, PS = 20 cm H2O Monitored data: •FTOT = 30, Mand PPEAK = 25 cm H2O Spont PPEAK = 25, PEEP = 5 cm H2O •I:E = varies PCV PI • Pressure and inspiratory time are set by the operator. •Volume and flow are variable according to patient needs. •Patient can breathe spontaneously during the inspiratory and expiratory phase of the PC mandatory breath cycle. •Active valve allows free breathing during any phase of breath delivery. •Bi-Level mode counts and measures spontaneous breaths taken during TI . •Bi-Level mode synchronizes transition to PEEPL . with patient’s spontaneous exhalation. Bi-Level Mode Equals •Mode = Bi-Level •PEEPH = High PEEP (same as PI in PC); sets actual PIP. NOT above PEEP •PEEPL = Low PEEP (same as PEEP in PC), TH = Time at High PEEP* (same as TI in PC) *operator can choose to set TL (Time at Low PEEP) or TH:TL ratio (same as I:E ratio in PC) •Frequency = Respiratory rate, rise time % •PS = above PEEP Example: •Bi-Level settings: Mode = Bi-Level, PEEPH = 20, TH = 1.0 sec, PEEPL = 5 cm H2O, Freq = 15, PS = 20 cm H2O Monitored data: •FTOT = 45, Mand PPEAK = 20 cm H2O, Spont PPEAK = 25 (5 cm H2O above PEEPH), PEEP = 5 cm H2O •I:E = varies PEEPH PEEP Equals PEEPL TI Equals TH TE Equals TL I:E Ratio Equals TH :TL Ratio COVIDIEN, COVIDIEN with logo, Covidien logo and positive results for life are U.S. and internationally registered trademarks of Covidien AG. Other brands are trademarks of a Covidien company. ©2008, 2011 Covidien. All rights reserved. 11-VE-0268 VE10403 6135 Gunbarrel Avenue Boulder, CO 80301 800-635-5267 www.covidien.com