Derivation of the Boltzmann principle Michele Campisia兲 Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg, Universitätsstrasse 1, D-86135 Augsburg, Germany Donald H. Kobeb兲 Department of Physics, University of North Texas, P.O. Box 311427, Denton, Texas 76203-1427 共Received 22 September 2009; accepted 4 January 2010兲 We derive the Boltzmann principle SB = kB ln W based on classical mechanical models of thermodynamics. The argument is based on the heat theorem and can be traced back to the second half of the 19th century in the works of Helmholtz and Boltzmann. Despite its simplicity, this argument has remained almost unknown. We present it in a contemporary, self-contained, and accessible form. The approach constitutes an important link between classical mechanics and statistical mechanics. © 2010 American Association of Physics Teachers. 关DOI: 10.1119/1.3298372兴 I. INTRODUCTION One of the most intriguing equations of contemporary physics is Boltzmann’s celebrated principle SB = kB ln W, 共1兲 where kB is Boltzmann’s constant. Despite its unquestionable success in providing a means to compute the thermodynamic entropy of isolated systems based on counting the number W of available microscopic states, its theoretical justification remains obscure and vague in most statistical mechanics textbooks. In this respect Khinchin has commented:1 “All existing attempts to give a general proof of this postulate must be considered as an aggregate of logical and mathematical errors superimposed on a general confusion in the definition of the basic quantities.” The lack of a crystal-clear proof of Boltzmann’s principle puts physics students, teachers, and all physicists in the uncomfortable position of being forced to accept the relation as a postulate which is necessary to link thermodynamic entropy to microscopic dynamics. Recent studies in the history and foundations of statistical mechanics2 have drawn attention to the fact that a similar relation, S = kB ln ⌽, 共2兲 emerges naturally from classical mechanics if the ergodic hypothesis is made, the properties that entropy should satisfy are appropriately set, and the basic quantities are consistently defined. The quantity ⌽ is the volume in phase space enclosed by a hypersurface of constant energy E. Equation 共2兲 is valid for both large and small systems and coincides with the Boltzmann formula for large systems. Hence, the derivation of Eq. 共2兲 provides the missing link for Eq. 共1兲. The basic argument underlying the derivation of Eq. 共2兲 can be traced to as early as the second half of the 19th century in the work of Helmholtz and Boltzmann.3,4 The purpose of this article is to provide an accessible and contemporary presentation of the original argument of Helmholtz and Boltzmann3,4 and of its recent developments.2 We derive Boltzmann’s principle from classical mechanics with one simple guiding principle—the heat theorem 共see statement 1兲 and one central assumption, namely, the ergodic hypothesis. In Sec. II we briefly review the basics of thermodynamics. We give concise formulations of the first and second laws of thermodynamics and introduce the heat theorem. We con608 Am. J. Phys. 78 共6兲, June 2010 struct a one-dimensional mechanical model of thermodynamics in Sec. III according to the work of Helmholtz.3 The concepts of ergodicity and microcanonical probability distribution emerge naturally in this model and are introduced in Sec. IV. In Sec. V we generalize the one-dimensional model to more realistic Hamiltonian systems of N-particles in three dimensions. At this stage the ergodic hypothesis is assumed and Eq. 共2兲 is derived. In Sec. VI we point out that the mechanical entropy of Eq. 共2兲 does not change during quasistatic processes in isolated systems, in agreement with the second law of thermodynamics. Non-quasi-static processes that can lead to an increase in entropy have been treated elsewhere.5,6 In Sec. VII the Boltzmann principle is derived. A summary and some remarks concerning the validity of the ergodic hypothesis are given in Sec. VIII. We present the line of reasoning and main results in the text, while proofs and problems are provided in Appendices B–E. II. CLAUSIUS ENTROPY We first review the first and second laws of thermodynamics in the formulation given by Clausius,7 which gives the definition of thermodynamic entropy. The differential form of the first law of thermodynamics is8 dE = ␦Q + ␦W, 共3兲 where dE is the change in internal energy, ␦Q is the energy added to the system due to heating, and ␦W is the work done on the system during an infinitesimal transformation. The first law is the energy conservation law applied to a system in which there is an exchange of energy by both work and heating. It is essential to realize that ␦Q and ␦W are inexact differentials, whereas dE is an exact differential. The internal energy E is a state variable, a quantity that characterizes the thermodynamic equilibrium state of the system. In contrast, W and Q characterize thermodynamic energy transfers only and are not properties of the state of the system.9 A differential is exact if and only if the integral along a path in the system’s state space depends only on the end points. In contrast, the corresponding integral of an inexact differential with the same end points depends on the path taken. A summary of the formal definition of differential forms 共more precisely, 1-form兲 and their major properties is given in Appendix A. © 2010 American Association of Physics Teachers 608 ␦Q T 共4兲 = dS. The function S is called the thermodynamic entropy of the system. Statement 1 can also be stated in an equivalent integral form. The integral of ␦Q / T along a path connecting a state A to a state B in the system’s state space does not depend on the path, but only on its end points A and B.11 This statement means that there exists a state function S 共the thermodynamic entropy兲 such that 冕 B A ␦Q T = S共B兲 − S共A兲. ϕ (b) ϕ(x; V2 ) E2 E1 (c) E1 , V1 (d) E2 , V2 x− (E1 , V1 ) 0 x+ (E1 , V1 ) x x− (E2 , V2 ) 0 x+ (E2 , V2 ) x Fig. 1. Point particle in the U-shaped potential 共x ; V兲 = mV2x2 / 2. 共a兲 Shape of the potential for a V = V1. 共b兲 Shape of the potential for a V = V2. 共c兲 Phase space orbit corresponding to the potential 共x ; V1兲 at energy E1. 共d兲 Phase space orbit corresponding to the potential 共x ; V2兲 at energy E2. The two quantities E , V, uniquely determine one “state,” that is, one closed orbit in phase space. 共5兲 From Eq. 共3兲, the heat transfer is ␦Q = dE − ␦W. In general, work can be performed by changing external parameters i, such as the volume, magnetic field, and the electric field. The work ␦W done is given by −兺iFidi, where Fi denotes the corresponding conjugate forces, pressure, magnetization, and electric polarization, respectively. Therefore, the first law can be written as ␦Q = dE + 兺 Fidi . (a) ϕ(x; V1 ) p The second law of thermodynamics can be conveniently summarized in three statements. Statement 1. The differential ␦Q / T is exact. This statement is one of the most important statements of thermodynamics. Although ␦Q is not an exact differential, an exact differential is obtained when it is divided by the absolute temperature T. An equivalent statement is that there exists a state function S such that 共6兲 A crucial point in statements 2 and 3 is that they are for thermally isolated systems. Thermally isolated systems are those that are not in contact with a thermal bath, by means of which either their temperature or energy can be controlled. Thus, these processes are those in which only the external parameter V is varied in a controlled way and the variable E is uncontrolled. In statement 2 a quasi-static process is one in which the change in the parameter V is so slow that at any instant of time the system is almost in equilibrium. In statement 3, this requirement is relaxed. i Without loss of generality, we will restrict ourselves in the following to only one external parameter V with conjugate force P:12 ␦Q = dE + PdV. 共7兲 In this case, statement 1 can be expressed as 共dE + PdV兲/T = exact differential = dS. 共8兲 Equation 共8兲 is known in literature as the heat theorem.10 Because by definition dS = 共S / E兲dE + 共S / V兲dV, the heat theorem can be expressed in equivalent terms as there exists a function S共E , V兲 such that13 S 1 = , E T S P = . V T 共9兲 Any inexact differential, such as ␦Q = dE + PdV, does not enjoy the same property: It is impossible to find a function of state Q共E , V兲 such that Q / E = 1 and Q / V = P. The following two statements, regarding the function S, complete Clausius’s form of the second law. Statement 2. For a quasi-static process occurring in a thermally isolated system, the entropy change between two equilibrium states is zero, ⌬S = 0. 共10兲 Statement 3. For a non-quasi-static process occurring in a thermally isolated system, the entropy change between two equilibrium states is non-negative, ⌬S ⱖ 0. 609 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 6, June 2010 共11兲 III. ONE-DIMENSIONAL MECHANICAL MODELS OF THERMODYNAMICS In this section we construct a one-dimensional classical mechanical analog of Clausius thermodynamic entropy. This construction dates back to Helmholtz2,3,10 and is based on the heat theorem 共8兲. Consider a particle of mass m and coordinate x moving in a U-shaped potential 共x兲, as illustrated in Fig. 1. To allow for the possibility of doing work on the particle by means of an external intervention, we assume that the potential depends on some externally controllable parameter V so that = 共x ; V兲. The Hamiltonian of this system is H共x,p;V兲 = K共p兲 + 共x;V兲, 共12兲 where K共p兲 = p2 / 2m is the kinetic energy and p is the momentum. Given this mechanical system, we need to specify its internal energy E, “temperature” T, and the “force” P conjugate to the external parameter V. For the internal energy, we take the energy E given by the Hamiltonian. For a fixed V, the particle’s energy E is a constant of motion. For simplicity, we define the zero of energy in such a way that the minimum of the potential is 0, regardless of the value of V. Once V and E are specified, the orbit of the particle in phase space is fully determined. We call E and V the system’s “thermodynamic” state variables.14 The particle moves between the two turning points x⫾共E , V兲 and forms closed orbits in phase space with a period 共E , V兲 共see Fig. 1兲. Now that the state variables are fixed, we have to define M. Campisi and D. H. Kobe 609 the corresponding temperature and conjugate force. In agreement with the common understanding that temperature for classical systems is a measure of the kinetic energy of the particles, we take the temperature to be proportional to the kinetic energy averaged over a period T共E,V兲 ⬅ 2 kB共E,V兲 冕 共E,V兲 K共p共t;E,V兲兲dt. 共13兲 0 The Boltzmann constant kB ensures the correct dimensions for the temperature T. For the conjugate force, we take the time average of − / V,15 P共E,V兲 ⬅ − 1 共E,V兲 冕 共E,V兲 0 共x共t;E,V兲;V兲 dt. V 共14兲 In Eqs. 共13兲 and 共14兲 x共t ; E , V兲 and p共t ; E , V兲 are the solution of Hamilton’s equations of motion with a fixed V and arbitrary initial condition x0 , p0 such that H共x0 , p0 ; V兲 = E. Having identified the mechanical analogs of internal energy, external parameter, temperature, and conjugate force with the quantities E, V, T, and P, respectively, we can now ask whether a mechanical analog of the entropy S exists. To answer this question, we must find, according to statement 1, as expressed in Eq. 共9兲, a function S共E , V兲 such that 1 S共E,V兲 = , E T共E,V兲 S共E,V兲 P共E,V兲 = . V T共E,V兲 共15兲 That such a function exists is given by the following theorem. Helmholtz’s theorem. A function S共E , V兲 satisfying Eq. 共15兲 exists and is given by S共E,V兲 = kB log 2 冕 x+共E,V兲 x−共E,V兲 冑2m共E − 共x;V兲兲dx. 共16兲 The proof of the theorem is given in Appendix B and Ref. 10, pp. 45–46. The entropy S共E , V兲 can be rewritten compactly as 冖 S共E,V兲 = kB log pdx, 共17兲 where p = 冑2m共E − 共x ; V兲兲 is the momentum of the particle when it is located at x: The integral 养pdx is called the reduced action.15 It is the area ⌽ in phase space enclosed by the orbit of energy E and parameter V, S共E,V兲 = kB log ⌽共E,V兲, where ⌽共E,V兲 = 冕 dpdx. 共18兲 共19兲 simple to model a real thermodynamic system composed of as many as 1023 particles. Thus, it is necessary to generalize the Helmholtz theorem to multidimensional systems. IV. ERGODICITY AND THE MICROCANONICAL ENSEMBLE To generalize our model to more degrees of freedom, we need ergodicity and the microcanonical ensemble. The onedimensional example of Sec. III can be used to introduce these important concepts. The time average of a phase function f共x , p兲 over the orbit specified by E and V is 610 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 6, June 2010 冕 f共x共t兲,p共t兲兲dt. 共20兲 0 For simplicity, we have dropped the explicit dependence on E, V of , x共t兲, p共t兲, and 具f典t. Because p = mv = mdx / dt, the differential dt is dx . p共x兲 dt = m 共21兲 Using this differential, we obtain 具f典t = 2m 冕 x+ x− dx f共x,p共x兲兲. p共x兲 共22兲 The factor 2 is due to the particle going from x− to x+ in a half period / 2. Now consider the integral 冕 dp␦共p2/2m + 共x;V兲 − E兲, 共23兲 where ␦ denotes the Dirac delta function. If we use the expression ␦共f共p兲兲 = 兺i␦共p − pi兲 / 兩f ⬘共pi兲兩, where the pi’s are the zeroes of f共p兲 and 兰␦共p − pi兲dp = 1, we obtain for the integral, 冕 ␦共p2/2m + 共x;V兲 − E兲dp = 2m/p共x兲. 共24兲 Then, Eq. 共22兲 becomes 具f典t = 1 冕 冕 dx dp␦共p2/2m + 共x;V兲 − E兲f共p,x兲, 共25兲 where it is unnecessary to specify the integration limits x⫾ because they are implied by the Dirac delta function. The period is given by = 冕 冕 冕 冕 = x+ dt = 2 0 H共x,p;V兲ⱕE Helmholtz’s theorem shows that there exists a mechanical counterpart of the entropy given by the logarithm of the phase space volume enclosed by the curve of constant energy H共x , p ; V兲 = E. That there exists a function S satisfying Eq. 共15兲 is a remarkable result that shows there is a consistent onedimensional mechanical model of thermodynamics. Although this model suggests the deep connection between classical mechanics and thermodynamic entropy, it is too 1 具f典t ⬅ x− dx dx p共x兲 dp␦共p2/2m + 共x;V兲 − E兲. 共26兲 Hence, we arrive at 具f典t = 冕 冕 dx dp共x,p;E,V兲f共p,x兲, 共27兲 where we have introduced the phase space probability density function M. Campisi and D. H. Kobe 610 共x,p;E,V兲 = 1 ␦共p2/2m + 共x;V兲 − E兲. 共E,V兲 共28兲 From Eq. 共26兲, it is clear that is properly normalized. The function 共x , p ; E , V兲 is the microcanonical distribution. Equation 共27兲 shows that the time average of a phase space function f共x , p兲 over a period is equal to its microcanonical average. This property is called ergodicity. All onedimensional systems with a U-shaped potential are ergodic. 1 S共E,V兲N = , E TN共E,V兲 We now extend the treatment for one degree of freedom to systems of N-particles in three dimensions with 3N degrees of freedom. The Hamiltonian for an interacting system of N-particles of mass m is HN共q,p;V兲 = KN共p兲 + N共q;V兲, 共29兲 3N 2 pi / 2m is the kinetic energy and N is the where KN共p兲 = 兺i=1 3N potential energy. The coordinates q = 兵qi其i=1 and their conju3N gate canonical momenta p = 兵pi其i=1 are 3N-dimensional vectors. In analogy with one-dimensional systems with a U-shaped potential, we define the microcanonical probability distribution as N共q,p;E,V兲 = 1 ␦共E − HN共q,p;V兲兲, ⍀N共E,V兲 共30兲 where ⍀N共E , V兲 is the normalization ⍀N共E,V兲 = 冕 冕 ¯ ␦共E − HN共q,p;V兲兲dqdp. 共31兲 The microcanonical average 具f典 of a phase function f共q , p兲 is defined as 具f典 ⬅ 冕 冕 ¯ N共q,p;E,V兲f共q,p兲dqdp. 共32兲 Continuing the analogy with one-dimensional systems, we make the following crucial assumption. Ergodic hypothesis. For a given E and V, the time average 具f典t of any function f共q , p兲 is uniquely determined and is equal to its microcanonical average 具f典, 具f典t = 具f典 . 共33兲 In analogy with Eqs. 共13兲 and 共14兲, we define the temperature as TN共E,V兲 ⬅ 2 具KN典t , 3NkB 共34兲 which is twice the average kinetic energy per degree of freedom. The conjugate force is defined as PN共E,V兲 ⬅ − 冓 冔 N V . 共35兲 t We ask, in agreement with statement 1 as expressed in Eq. 共9兲, does there exist a function SN共E , V兲 such that 611 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 6, June 2010 共36兲 The following theorem gives the answer. Generalized Helmholtz theorem. A function SN共E , V兲 satisfying Eq. 共36兲 exists and is given by SN共E,V兲 = kB log ⌽N共E,V兲, where ⌽N共E,V兲 ⬅ V. MULTIPARTICLE MECHANICAL MODELS OF THERMODYNAMICS S共E,V兲N PN共E,V兲 = ? V TN共E,V兲 冕 冕 ¯ 共37兲 dqdp. HN共q,p兲ⱕE 共38兲 The proof, which is based on the equipartition theorem, is given in Appendix C and Ref. 2. Unlike the temperature and conjugate force, SN is not a time average of some phase function f共q , p兲. This theorem shows that ergodic systems constitute ideal mechanical models of thermodynamics. The state variables E and V define their thermodynamic state. In addition, their temperature and conjugate force can be defined as functions of the state variables. Surprisingly, the heat differential 共dE + PNdV兲 / TN is exact, allowing for a consistent and logical definition of entropy SN. VI. ADIABATIC INVARIANCE According to the generalized Helmholtz theorem, SN is consistent with the first law of thermodynamics and statement 1 of the second law of thermodynamics. Is this construction also consistent with statements 2 and 3 of the second law of thermodynamics? For SN to be consistent with statement 2, it is necessary for it to satisfy the following condition. If the parameter V is varied very slowly in time from a V0 = V共t0兲 to V f = V共t f 兲, the corresponding change in the entropy SN is zero. The time of variation must be much slower than any time scale of the system’s dynamics. By allowing for a time dependence of V, the Hamiltonian function of the system is also time dependent, and hence energy is not conserved. Consider the initial system at t = t0 with phase space point q0 , p0. The system then evolves under the time-dependent Hamiltonian HN共q,p;V共t兲兲 = KN共p兲 + N共q;V共t兲兲 共39兲 to a new phase space point q f 共q0 , p0兲 , p f 共q0 , p0兲, where we have made explicit the dependence on the initial condition of the evolved phase space point. The energy at time t f is E f = HN共q f 共q0 , p0兲 , p f 共q0 , p0兲 ; V共t f 兲兲. It is known16 that for ergodic systems the energy E f reached at the end of a very slow change depends only on the initial energy E0 = HN共q0 , p0 ; V共t0兲兲. The final energy E f is determined by solving the equation ⌽N共E0,V0兲 = ⌽N共E f ,V f 兲. 共40兲 Thus, the quantity ⌽N共E , V兲 does not change when V is varied infinitely slowly in time. In classical mechanics this property is called adiabatic invariance. Because the entropy is SN共E , V兲 = kB log ⌽N共E , V兲, and ⌽N共E , V兲 is an adiabatic invariant, it is evident that SN is also an adiabatic invariant. Therefore, the entropy does not change if V is varied very slowly in time and thus SN complies with statement 2. A proof of adiabatic invariance of ⌽N is given in Appendix D and Ref. 16, pp. 27–30. M. Campisi and D. H. Kobe 611 It is also possible to prove that, in an averaged sense, SN complies with statement 3 as well.5,6 In this case the average change in entropy must be considered because the final energy is not uniquely determined by the initial energy for fast transformations. Depending on the initial conditions, different final energies can be obtained and hence different final entropies. VII. THE BOLTZMANN PRINCIPLE For a system composed of a very large number N of particles that interact via short-range forces, the phase space volume ⌽N共E兲 approaches an exponential dependence on E, ⌽N共E兲 ⬀ eE. Because ⍀N = ⌽N / E 关see Eq. 共31兲兴, we also have ⌽N ⬀ ⍀N 共see Ref. 17, p. 148兲. The quantity ⍀N in Eq. 共31兲 is the measure of the shell of constant energy HN共q , p ; V兲 = E. As such, it is proportional to the number W of microstates compatible with a given energy E. According to semiclassical theory each microstate occupies a volume h3N of phase space, where h is Planck’s constant.18 By introducing an arbitrary energy scale ⌬E, the number of microstates W is given by W = ⍀N⌬E / h3N兲. Thus, for very large N we obtain the proportionalities, ⌽N ⬀ ⍀N ⬀ W 共N Ⰷ 1兲. 共41兲 We take the logarithm and obtain SN ⯝ kB ln W = SB 共N Ⰷ 1兲, 共42兲 except for an irrelevant constant. Equation 共42兲 shows that for large ergodic systems composed of many particles interacting via short range forces, the differential of the Boltzmann entropy is equal to the differential ␦Q / T. Hence, it can be identified with the Clausius entropy, which gives a proof of the Boltzmann principle. compliance with the equipartition theorem and the fact that it is a positive and increasing function of the energy.27,28 The entropy in Eq. 共37兲 also appears in Gibbs seminal book.29 However, its connection with the heat theorem has not been recognized previously. The most crucial point in the derivation of the Boltzmann principle is the introduction of the ergodic hypothesis. Although this hypothesis is generally believed to hold for real macroscopic systems, its proof is a formidable challenge which has been achieved only in few special cases.30 A proof that a gas of elastically colliding hard spheres is ergodic was announced in 1963 by Sinai.31 However, the full proof was not published and the problem is still open 共see Ref. 32 for a more detailed discussion兲. Nevertheless, the ergodicity of hard spheres systems is plausible as indicated by recent numerical simulations 共see Sec. IV of Ref. 33兲. In regard to these difficulties, we note that the present derivation of the Boltzmann principle does not use the fact that the average of any arbitrary phase function is equal to its microcanonical average, as required by the ergodic hypothesis. It only uses the fact that the time average of K and − / V is equal to their microcanonical averages 共see the proof of the generalized Helmholtz theorem in Appendix C兲. Thus, the ergodic hypothesis can be replaced by the following hypothesis. Weak ergodic hypothesis. For given E and V, the time averages 具K典t and 具 / V典t are uniquely determined and are equal to their microcanonical averages, that is, 具K典t = 具K典 , 共44兲 具/ V典t = 具/ V典 . 共45兲 In summary, ergodicity is too stringent a condition and the weaker ergodic condition for only the temperature and pressure is sufficient to obtain the Boltzmann principle.34 VIII. CONCLUSIONS Given an ergodic system, it is possible to specify its thermodynamic state by means of the total energy E and the external parameter V. Given the state E , V, we can unambiguously define the quantities TN共E , V兲 and PN共E , V兲. Once these are identified with the system temperature and conjugate force, we can ask whether, as prescribed by the heat theorem, the combination dE + PNdV TN 共43兲 is an exact differential. Surprisingly, the answer is positive, meaning that there exists a function SN共E , V兲 that can be identified with the thermodynamic entropy of the system. The generalized Helmholtz theorem says that this function is given by the logarithm of the volume ⌽N共E , V兲 of phase space enclosed by the hypersurface of energy H共q , p ; V兲 = E. For macroscopic systems, this entropy coincides with the Boltzmann entropy, thus revealing the rationale of the Boltzmann principle. The entropy in Eq. 共37兲 is sometimes referred to as the Hertz entropy.19,20 Hertz21,22 derived it from the requirement of adiabatic invariance 共see also Refs. 16, 23, and 24兲, whereas we have derived it from the heat theorem. The fundamental character of the entropy in Eq. 共37兲 is also recognized in Ref. 25, where its property of being a canonical invariant is emphasized, and in Ref. 26, which highlights its 612 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 6, June 2010 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank the Texas Section of the American Physical Society for the Robert S. Hyer Recognition for Exceptional Research award presented at its Fall 2008 meeting. They also thank Cosimo Gorini for reading the manuscript. They are grateful to Professor Randall B. Shirts for providing the translation of Ref. 25 and for his comments. Valuable remarks from anonymous referees are also gratefully acknowledged. APPENDIX A: DIFFERENTIAL FORMS: BRIEF REVIEW OF DEFINITIONS AND MAIN RESULTS A differential form 共more precisely, a 1-form兲 in a connected subset A of R2 is formally written as = M共x1,x2兲dx1 + N共x1,x2兲dx2 , 共A1兲 where M共x1 , x2兲 , N共x1 , x2兲 are two functions on A and 共x1 , x2兲 are the coordinates in R2.35 Given a curve : 关s0 , s1兴 → A, 共s兲 = 共1共s兲, 2共s兲兲, 共A2兲 the integral of along the curve is defined as M. Campisi and D. H. Kobe 612 冕 冕 = s1 关M共共t兲兲1⬘共t兲 + N共共t兲兲2⬘共t兲兴dt, 共A3兲 s0 where 1,2 ⬘ are the derivatives of 1,2. A differential form is said to be exact if there exist a function G : A → R such that = dG, 共A4兲 that is, G 共x1,x2兲 = M共x1,x2兲, x1 G 共x1,x2兲 = N共x1,x2兲, x2 共A5兲 where G is called a primitive for the differential form. Let ⌺共A , B兲 be the set of all curves connecting the point A ⬅ 共a1 , a2兲 to the point B ⬅ 共b1 , b2兲 in A. A differential form is exact if and only if for any two points A and B in A and curves and in ⌺共A , B兲 it satisfies 冕 冕 = . 共A6兲 The integral of an exact differential form along any curve connecting A to B does not depend on the curve , but only on the ending points, and is given by 冕 冕 2具K典t = = dG = G共B兲 − G共A兲. 共A7兲 The following statement also holds: A differential form is exact if and only if its integral along any closed curve is zero. If the functions M and N are of class C1 共that is, they are differentiable兲, then a necessary condition for the form to be exact is that M x2 = N x1 . 共A8兲 In this case the differential form is said to be closed. ⌽ , 共B3兲 from which we obtain S kB = E 2具K典t 共B4兲 using Eq. 共B2兲. Similarly, we also obtain 冓 冔 S kB =− V 2具K典t V 共B5兲 . t From Eqs. 共13兲 and 共14兲, we obtain S 1 = , E T 共B6兲 S P = . V T 共B7兲 APPENDIX C: PROOF OF THE GENERALIZED HELMHOLTZ THEOREM The proof of generalized Helmholtz theorem makes use of the multidimensional version of Eq. 共B1兲, ⍀N = ⌽N , E 共C1兲 which can be proved, in a way similar to Eq. 共B1兲, by expressing ⌽N as 兰共E − H共q , p ; V兲兲dqdp and using the relation ␦共x兲 = d共x兲 / dx. The equipartition theorem,17 2具K典 ⌽N = 3N ⍀N 共C2兲 is the generalization of Eq. 共B3兲 to many dimensions. We use Eqs. 共C2兲 and 共C1兲 with Eq. 共37兲 and obtain 3NkB SN = . E 2具KN典 共C3兲 冓 冔 In a similar way, we obtain 3NkB N SN =− V 2具KN典 V APPENDIX B: PROOF OF HELMHOLTZ’S THEOREM For a one-dimensional system confined in a U-shaped potential the period of the orbit is equal to the derivative with respect to energy of the phase space area ⌽ enclosed by the orbit15 = ⌽ . E 共B1兲 A simple way to prove this relation is by expressing the area as ⌽共E , V兲 = 兰共E − H共x , p ; V兲兲dpdx, where 共x兲 is the Heaviside step function 关共x兲 = 1 if x ⱖ 0, 共x兲 = 0 if x ⬍ 0兴. If we take the derivative with respect to E and use the relation ␦共x兲 = d共x兲 / dx, we obtain 关see Eq. 共26兲兴. By using Eqs. 共B1兲 and 共18兲, we have S = kB . ⌽ E From Eq. 共22兲, we obtain the relation 613 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 6, June 2010 共B2兲 . 共C4兲 By using Eqs. 共34兲 and 共35兲 with the ergodic hypothesis, we finally arrive at SN 1 = , E TN 共C5兲 SN PN = . V TN 共C6兲 APPENDIX D: PROOF OF ADIABATIC INVARIANCE OF ⌽N To prove that ⌽N in Eq. 共38兲 is an adiabatic invariant, we use the time-dependent Hamiltonian HN共q,p;V共t兲兲 = K共p兲 + 共q;V共t兲兲. 共D1兲 We take the total time derivative of the Hamiltonian HN共q , p ; V共t兲兲 in Eq. 共D1兲, M. Campisi and D. H. Kobe 613 共D2兲 where the terms involving q̇ and ṗ cancel by Hamilton’s equations.36 The derivative dV / dt changes slowly in time, but dHN / dt and HN / V can change rapidly because of their dependence on q共t兲 and p共t兲. To eliminate the fast variables q , p, we take the average of Eq. 共D2兲 with respect to the microcanonical ensemble, which gives 冓 冔 冓 冔 dHN dt HN V = dV . dt 共D3兲 By Liouville’s theorem36 the average on the left-hand side of Eq. 共D3兲 is 冓 冔 dHN dt = dE . dt 共D4兲 The microcanonical average in Eq. 共33兲 on the right-hand side of Eq. 共D3兲 is 冓 冔 dHN dV = 冕 冕 ¯ =− N共q,p,E,V兲 HN共q,p,V兲 dqdp V 1 ⌽N , ⍀N V 共D5兲 where ⌽N and ⍀N are given in Eqs. 共31兲 and 共38兲, respectively. If we substitute Eqs. 共D4兲 and 共D5兲 into Eq. 共D3兲 and use ⍀N = ⌽N / E, we obtain d⌽N ⌽N dE ⌽N dV + = 0, ⬅ dt E dt V dt 共D6兲 which shows that ⌽N is constant and therefore an adiabatic invariant. APPENDIX E: SUGGESTED PROBLEM Consider the following Hamiltonian of a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with angular frequency V 共see Fig. 1兲: H共x,p;V兲 = 共a兲 共b兲 共c兲 共d兲 p2 mV2x2 . + 2 2m 共E1兲 Calculate the area ⌽共E , V兲 enclosed by the trajectory of energy E and angular frequency V. Use Eq. 共B1兲 and check that the period of the orbit is, as expected, given by 共E , V兲 = 2 / V. Use Eqs. 共13兲 and 共14兲 to show that kBT共E , V兲 = E and P共E , V兲 = −E / V. Show that the differential form dE + PdV, with P共E , V兲 as in part 共b兲 is not exact. 关Hint: Show that Eq. 共A8兲 is not satisfied.兴 Show that the integral of dE + PdV over the rectangular path with corners 共E0 , V0兲, 共E0 , V1兲, 共E1 , V1兲, 共E1 , V0兲, and E0 ⫽ E1, V0 ⫽ V1, is not zero. Consider the differential form = 共1 / T兲dE + 共P / T兲dV, with P共E , V兲 and T共E , V兲 as in part 共b兲. Find a primitive function S共E , V兲 for . Show that, apart from an additive constant, it is S共E , V兲 = log ⌽共E , V兲, as dictated by Theorem 1. Check that Eq. 共A8兲 is satisfied. a兲 Electronic mail: Electronic mail: b兲 614 A. Khinchin, Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Mechanics 共Dover, New York, 1949兲, p. 142. 2 M. Campisi, “On the mechanical foundations of thermodynamics: The generalized Helmholtz theorem,” Stud. Hist. Philos. Mod. Phys. 36, 275– 290 共2005兲. 3 H. Helmholtz, “Principien der statik monocyklischer Systeme,” Borchardt-Crelles Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 97, 111–140 共1984兲; also in Wissenshafltliche Abhandlungen, edited by G. Wiedemann 共Johann Ambrosious Barth, Leipzig, 1985兲, Vol. 3, pp. 142– 162, 179–202. 4 L. Boltzmann, “Über die Eigenschaften monocyklischer und anderer damit verwandter Systeme,” Crelles Journal 98, 68–94 共1884兲; also L. Boltzmann, in Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, edited by F. Hasenohrl 共J. A. Barth, Leipzig, 1909兲, Vol. 3, pp. 122–152, reissued Chelsea, New York, 1969. 5 M. Campisi, “Statistical mechanical proof of the second law of thermodynamics based on volume entropy,” Stud. Hist. Philos. Mod. Phys. 39, 181–194 共2008兲. 6 M. Campisi, “Increase of Boltzmann entropy in a quantum forced harmonic oscillator,” Phys. Rev. E 78, 051123-1–10 共2008兲. 7 J. Uffink, “Bluff your way in the second law of thermodynamics,” Stud. Hist. Philos. Mod. Phys. 32 共3兲, 305–394 共2001兲. 8 H. B. Callen, Thermodynamics 共Wiley, New York, 1960兲. 9 D. Chandler, Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics 共Oxford U. P., Oxford, 1987兲. 10 G. Gallavotti, Statistical Mechanics: A Short Treatise 共Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999兲. 11 A path in the space of state variables corresponds to a transformation that leads the system from A to B through a sequence of almost equilibrium states. Consequently, the change ␦Q is understood to be a quasi-static change. 12 For the common case of work due to expansion or compression the external parameter V is the volume and its conjugate force P is the pressure. In general, V and P stand for any conjugate pair of “displacement” and force depending on the nature of the work done on the system 共for example, magnetic field and magnetization兲. 13 ជ ⬅ 共1 / T , P / T兲 is a conservative vector field. In other words, the field F ជ =ⵜ ជ S, where That is, there exists a potential function S共E , V兲 such that F ជ ⵜ is the gradient operator in the space 共E , V兲. For this reason, the entropy can be understood as a thermodynamic potential. 14 The thermodynamic state variables 共E , V兲 should not be confused with the mechanical state variables 共p , x兲. 15 L. Landau and E. Lifshitz, Mechanics 共Pergamon, Oxford, 1960兲. 16 V. L. Berdichevsky, Thermodynamics of Chaos and Order 共AddisonWesley Longman, Essex, 1997兲. 17 K. 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Halicioglu, and W. A. Tiller, “Laplace-transform technique for deriving thermodynamic equations from the classical microcanonical ensemble,” Phys. Rev. A 32 共5兲, 3030–3039 共1985兲. 27 P. Talkner, P. Hänggi, and M. Morillo “Microcanonical quantum fluctuation theorems,” Phys. Rev. E 77, 051131-1–6 共2008兲. 28 The conditions ⌽ ⱖ 0 , E⌽ = ⍀ ⱖ 0 ensure that the temperature derived from the Hertz entropy, that is, T = 共E log ⌽兲−1 = ⌽ / ⍀ is positive definite. 29 J. Gibbs, Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics 共Yale U. P., New Haven, 1902兲, reprinted by Dover, New York, 1960. 1 dHN共q,p;V兲 HN共q,p;V兲 dV , = dt dt V Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 6, June 2010 M. Campisi and D. H. Kobe 614 30 J. L. Lebowitz and O. Penrose, “Modern ergodic theory,” Phys. Today 26 共2兲, 23–29 共1973兲. 31 Ya. G. Sinai, “On the foundation of the ergodic hypothesis for a dynamical system of statistical mechanics,” Sov. Math. Dokl. 4, 1818–1822 共1963兲. 32 J. Uffink, “Compendium of the foundations of classical statistical physics,” in Philosophy of Physics, edited by J. Butterfield and J. Earman 共Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007兲 具 00002691/典. 33 M. Campisi, P. Talkner, and P. Hänggi, “Finite bath fluctuation theorem,” Phys. Rev. E 80, 031145-1–9 共2009兲. 34 The simplest example of a nonergodic system that satisfies this weaker condition is a one-dimensional particle in a symmetric double well potential. For energies below a certain critical value Ec, the curve of constant energy splits into two disjoint curves ␥l and ␥r, with the phase space trajectory covering only one of them. 共For energy above Ec there is only one trajectory and ergodicity holds.兲 Because ␥l and ␥r are mirror images of each other, the time averages of even functions of x, such as K and − / V, are not affected by which of the two curves the motion follows. Thus, such averages can be calculated as microcanonical averages over the curve ␥l 艛 ␥r. 35 In the main text the role of 共x1 , x2兲 is played by the state variables 共E , V兲. 36 H. Goldstein, C. Poole, and J. Safko, Classical Mechanics, 3rd ed. 共Addison-Wesley, San Francisco, 2002兲, pp. 337, 419–421. Dribble Glasses. More properly, these two glasses in the collection of Union College in Schenectady, New York, are examples of Tantalus cup or the automatic siphon. When the water level reaches the bend in the internal glass tube, the siphon starts and the glass empties itself of water. 共Photograph and Notes by Thomas B. Greenslade, Jr., Kenyon College兲 615 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 6, June 2010 M. Campisi and D. H. Kobe 615