Intro to Thermodynamics What is ∆H What is ∆S

Intro to Thermodynamics
What is ∆H
What is ∆S
A New Term
∆G = Gibb’s Free Energy
Energy available to do _______________ due to a particular process. This quantity takes
both ___________________ and ____________________ into account
Understanding ∆G
1) The real energy available to do _______________ on the ____________________ due to a
__________________ or __________________ process (In this case ∆G has a __________________ sign
– which means the process is __________________, and occurs all by itself with no net input of energy, and
actually gives off energy. This is called an __________________ process) This is ∆G ___ 0.
2) The real work energy __________________ to a physical or chemical system in order to cause a
particular process to take place (In this case ∆G has a __________________ sign – which means the
process is __________________, and does not occur all by itself, requiring a net _______________ of
energy in order to take place. This is called an __________________ process) This is ∆G ___ 0.
KEEP IN MIND – ∆G takes both Energetic Factors into account
1) Heat (enthalpy ∆H)
2) Disorder (∆S)
A New Equation
∆G = ∆H – T∆S
Note: S has units J/K (which means that entropy’s effect on a process is dependent upon the temperature at
which the process takes place)
Unit analysis:
What should be the values for ∆H and ∆S if a negative ∆G is desired?
What should be the values for ∆H and ∆S if a positive ∆G is desired?
Draw the Thermodynamic TUG OF WAR on the back of this page.