Chapter 2 Experimental Procedure The chapter starts with a brief description of the deposition technique used for layer growth. Then the characterization tools used in this work are outlined. Particular emphasis is laid on the analysis of Raman and X-ray diraction experiments which served as a standard tool for phase identication and structural characterization. Potential and limitations of the respective techniques with respect to thin lm characterization are discussed. 2.1 System and Process Design In general chalcopyrite thin lms are deposited under non-stoichiometric conditions, where the chalcogen is oered at over-stoichiometric concentration. However nal lm compositions lie in the immediate vicinity of the Cu2 S-In2 S3 pseudo-binary line (Figure 1.4). This 400 ◦C) is due to the high chalcogen vapor pressure at the deposition temperature (> that hinders the incorporation of additional chalcogen atoms into the lattice. Depending ∆m (Equation 1.1) of the elemental composition growth Cu-poor (∆m < 0) and Cu-rich (∆m > 0) ones. As discussed on the deviation of molecularity processes are divided into in Section 1.1.2 structural properties and the defect chemistry of the chalcopyrite phase are greatly inuenced by the ∆m parameter, independently of the specic lm deposition method [33, 36, 38, 57]. Sophisticated coevaporation processes which are nowadays used for absorber layer preparation of the most ecient chalcopyrite thin lm solar cells utilize this feature of the chalcopyrite system as they switch between the Cu-rich regime (to provoke large grain sizes and good structural properties) and the In-rich regime (to avoid secondary phases in the nal layer) during lm growth. Such processes are generally referred to as two-stage or three-stage processes. Several deposition techniques have been reported for thin lm growth of CuInS2 , i.e. single source evaporation [58], coevaporation from single sources [59], chemical vapor transport [60], spray pyrolysis [61], and reactive sputtering [62]. However, up to now device grade CuInS2 material has only been achieved by either coevaporation of the elements or by two step processes were a precursor layer of metallic phases or binary suldes is converted into a CuInS2 lm by a reactive annealing step in a sulfur containing atmosphere [33, 21 22 Experimental Procedure 63, 64]. The growth process investigated in this work follows the latter approach, i.e. the sulfurization of metallic Cu-In and Cu-(In,Ga) stacks. In such a two step process, metal deposition and chalcogen incorporation are separate steps and the precursor composition mainly determines the molecularity. In the case of CuInS2 thin lm growth for photovoltaic applications the most ecient heterojunction solar cells have been achieved on the basis of Cu-rich prepared absorber layers [63, 65]. 2.1.1 Process Design for CuInS2 Thin Film Solar Cells The general structure and the interface band line up of a chalcopyrite heterojunction solar cell was already discussed in Section 1.2.1. Figure 2.1 shows the schematic structure and a typical SEM cross section of a CuInS2 solar cell prepared in this work. The structure consists of a metallic back contact (Mo), the p-type absorber layer (CuInS2 ) and the n-type window layer (CdS + ZnO). The ZnO window layer is contacted by a Ni/Al grid. The process sequence is schematically depicted in Figure 2.2. In the following the preparation steps will be briey outlined. NiAlfront contact n+-ZnOwindow layer ZnO n-CdSbuffer layer p-CuInS2absorber layer CuInS2 Mo-back contact Mo float glas-substrate 1 µm SEM image Figure 2.1: Schematic structure and SEM image of a cross-section of a CuInS2 thin lm solar cell showing the dierent layers which constitute the device. The SEM image has been shaded to highlight the dierent layers of the structure (marked CdS layer in the image is not to scale). Back contact deposition used as sample substrates. Conventional oat glass substrates (thickness 2 mm) were The molybdenum back contact (layer thickness 1 µm) was 400 ◦C). deposited by e-gun evaporation onto heated substrates (≈ 2.1. System and Process Design back contact absorber 23 window layer layer CTP PVD PVD e-gun deposition of Mo thermal evaporation of Cu-In reactive annealing in sulfur vapor RTP PVD thermal evaporation of Cu-(In,Ga) reactive annealing in sulfur vapor CBD KCN etching and deposition of CdS Sputtering RF magnetron sputtering of ZnO/ZnO:Al PVD e-gun deposition of Ni/Al grids RTP reactive annealing in H2S/Ar Figure 2.2: Process sequence used in this work for CuInS2 thin lm solar cell preparation. (PVD = physical vapor deposition, CTP = conventional thermal processing, RTP = rapid thermal processing, CBD = chemical bath deposition). Precursor deposition Metal precursor layers were sequentially deposited by physical vapor deposition (PVD) from tungsten boats in a high-vacuum-system. heating was applied. No substrate Ultrapure pellets (99.9999 %) of Cu, In and Ga served as source materials. The deposited thickness was monitored in-situ by separate X-tal balances for each element. The atomic composition of the precursor was determined by adjusting the lm thickness of each precursor layer. In addition the atomic ratios were controlled exsitu by determining the amount of evaporated material. A precise determination of the precursor stoichiometry was realized by diluting the entire metal stack in a solution of Königswasser ). Then the Inductively Coupled Plasma concentrated HCl and concentrated HNO3 at a ratio of 3:1 ( elemental concentrations in the solution were determined by Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (AES-ICP). Samples were stored in dry-air before further processing. The typical structure of a Cu-In-Ga precursor stack is depicted in Figure 2.3. Reactive annealing The metallic precursor lms were transformed to chalcopyrite ab∗ sorber layers by reactive annealing or sulfurization in an atmosphere containing either sulfur vapor Sx or a H2 S/Ar mixture (5% H2 S). Three systems were available for this temper step, which mainly diered in the reactive atmosphere used for sulfurization and in the substrate heater design. ∗ The terms reactive annealing and sulfurization will be used equally in the text. Both terms refer to the transformation of a precursors into a chalcopyrite in a sulfur containing atmosphere. 24 Experimental Procedure Ga In Cu Mo Figure 2.3: Structure of metal- float glass 600 500 o Tmax =567 C 500 o Tmax =547 C o Tmax =500 C o 400 Temperature ( C) o Substrate Temperature ( C) lic Cu-In-Ga stack (precursor). 300 200 conventional process 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Time (min) (a) Figure 2.4: 300 RTP : sulfur vapor thermo couple Pt 100 on Mo Pt 100 on CIS 200 100 RTP 0 400 0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) 240 300 (b) (a) Characteristic temperature prole of a RTP sulfurization process and a conventional process. (b) Temperature prole of RTP annealing step (Sx system) as measured by a thermo couple, a platinum resistor at the Mo back layer and a platinum resistor at the CuInS2 layer (redrawn from [66]). 2.1. System and Process Design 25 1.) Conventional Thermal Processing (CTP): In this system a reactive atmosphere was ◦ established from a source containing a liquid sulfur bath at T = 200 C. Process pressure −3 mbar during sulfurization. Substrates were heated by an conventional was around 10 ◦ ◦ resistor heater to temperatures around 500 C. Annealing times at 500 C were between 15 to 30 minutes. 2.) Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP): Two RTP-systems were also used for precursor sulfurization. Due to the low thermal mass of such a system (substrates are heated by a UV-lamp eld) very short heat up and cool down ramps can be realized. Therefore the RTP systems were also used for quenching experiments which allowed for an ex-situ investigation of the lm growth behavior (Chapter 3). Sulfur was supplied either by putting sulfur powder next to the substrate which evaporates once the substrates are heated or by a H2 S/Ar gas ow. Process pressure was around 1 mbar in the sulfur vapor system and 500 mbar in the H2 S/Ar system. Typical annealing times were as short as 5 minutes. Figure 2.4 (a) shows characteristic temperature proles of a RTP sulfurization process and a conventional process. Experimental values for the substrate temperature were found to vary up to ≈ 50 K depending on the specic sensor and/or on the probing point at the sample or sample holder (Figure 2.4). Substrate temperature values given in this work are always as read on the meter, thus they might be the subject to a substantial absolute error. However, relative changes in temperature were found to be very reproducible in all systems. Since dierent devices were used for temperature control in the individual systems substrate temperature values can not be compared directly between the dierent systems. Window layer deposition The window layer consist of n-type CdS buer layer of + about 50 nm thickness, a n-type ZnO layer of 100 nm thickness, and a n -type ZnO:Al layer. Before the window layers are deposited the secondary CuS phase which forms during reactive annealing is removed by selective etching in a KCN solution. The CdS buer layer is deposited immediately after KCN etching by chemical bath deposition at a sub◦ strate temperature of 60 C. The ZnO layers are sequentially deposited by RF magnetron sputtering from a ZnO and a ZnO:Al target. evaporation. Ni/Al front grids are deposited by e-gun 26 2.2 Experimental Procedure Structural Characterization Several characterization techniques have been employed for sample analysis, i.e. secondary neutral mass spectrometry (elemental depth proling), micro-Raman spectroscopy and Xray diraction (phase analysis, structural analysis) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (atomic sample composition). Potential advantages and limitations of these techniques with respect to thin lm analysis will be discussed in the following. Information about lm roughness and morphological grain size were obtained from scanning electron microscopy images (SEM). In addition a small number samples was forwarded to transmission electron microscopy (TEM). 2.2.1 Depth Proling In order to determine the elemental composition and depth distribution of Cu(In1−x Gax )S2 thin lms secondary neutral atom mass spectrometry (SNMS) was used. SNMS is very similar to the widely used secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), but here neutral atoms, which are ionized separately, are used for mass spectrometry. Mass analysis in a SIMS measurement is based on the fact that a certain fraction (less than 1 % [67]) of the sputtered species is ionized. This fraction, i.e. the ionization yield, diers for dierent elements and compounds and is also sensitive to the structural properties of the sample. As long as the yield is known the nal result can be corrected, however, especially in polycrystalline samples the ionization yield might well be inuenced by local variations of the micro-structure in the vicinity of the sputtered atom (matrix eect), by oxidized surfaces and by changing surface compositions [68]. In SNMS, the uncertainty introduced by these eects is circumvent by separating the sputtering and the ionizing process. Only neutral atoms, which are ionized in a separate ionizer are used for analysis. The sput- tering yield, i.e. the fraction of eroded atoms per incident ion ux, is, in general, also a function of the above mention sample specic parameters. However, after some ten nanometers surface depletion and sputtering yield of each atomic specimen in the sample will approach an dynamic equilibrium, so that the composition of the sputtered secondary atoms reects the sample composition; in other words the sputtering process self adjusts. In a polycrystalline sample this might not be fully true as the sputtering yield can vary across the sample volume, in particular if the sample exhibits phase boundaries or large changes in structural properties (grain size, defect density etc.). When analyzing the experimental output it is dicult to dierentiate such changes in sputtering yield from pure compositional changes. Furthermore Cu-chalcopyrites haven proven to be very suscep- tible to roughness development during Ar-sputtering [69]. Similar eects are known for indium containing III-V compounds. In the latter case the eect has been ascribed to indium enrichment at the surface, which occurs due to the preferential sputtering of the V-compound and surface diusion of indium [70]. As a result of the dierent etch rates of indium and the surrounding In-V compound, the In-islands act as a shield for the underly- 2.2. Structural Characterization 27 ing layer leading to an increase in surface roughness with ongoing sputtering [70]. Sample rotation [69] and reactive sputtering with N2 [70] have been suggested to overcome this problem. In the latter case the suppression of In-segregation was tentatively assigned to Indium nitride formation at the surface, which has roughly the same sputter yield as the bulk material. Furthermore it is believed to protect the underlying regions from sputterdamage (important when using sample for PL or Raman) [71]. Another source of error is radiation-enhanced diusion [68]. Sputter induced defects at the surface can migrate into the bulk, thereby changing the original composition of the sample. According to Eicke [72] Cu depth proles of Cu(In1−x Gax )Se2 were found to be very sensitive to sputtering conditions, which was related to the high mobility found for Cu in chalcopyrite lattices [73]. By signicantly reducing the substrate temperature to e. g. liquid nitrogen temperature such eects can be reduced [67]. Surface roughness might be another problem, which can have detrimental eects on the depth resolution of the measurement, since the sputtering yield depends on the angle between the incident ion beam and the sample surface. As a rule ◦ of thumb in many cases the yield is greatest at an angle of 45 . That means, assuming normal incidence of the sputter species, a tilted surfaces of a crystalline grain will sputter o faster than a surface parallel to the substrate. Hence, surface roughness is preserved or even enhanced by the etching process. Again, the eect can be signicantly reduced by rotating the sample during the process. However, although some of the discussed eects can be minimized under certain experimental conditions, they have to be considered when analyzing elemental depth proles from SIMS or SNMS experiments. All SNMS measurements reported in this work have been carried out in a LHS10 system with a SSM 200 (electron beam SNMS) at the Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und WasserstoForschung Stuttgart (ZSW). The SNMS proles were collected under the following condi+ ◦ tions. An focused Ar beam of E = 5 keV and I ≈ 1 µA under an incident angle of 60 (with respect to the sample normal) was used for sputtering. Two dierent sputter modes have been used: 1. ature, and 2. stationary samples which were cooled down to liquid nitrogen temper- rotated samples at room temperature. The sputtered species were ionized by means of a cross-beam electron source (E = (5080) keV), whereby a electronic lens system assured that only neutral atoms could reach the ionizer. Then the ionized atoms were passed through a quadrupol mass spectrometer and nally detected by a Cu-Be-dynode. Secondary electrons emitted from the dyode were amplied by a photomultiplier and a pre-amplier to a recordable signal. The raw data in counts per seconds was converted to concentration proles by using experimentally determined sensitivity factors. These factors where based on system calibrations performed at Cu(Ga,In)(S,Se)2 single crystals and thin lms of known composition. There was a signicant variation in total sputter rate as a function of sample composition and a drastic drop in sputter rate once the Mo-back contact layer was reached. Figure 2.5 shows the sum of the Cu, In, Ga, and S count rate, corrected by the respective sensitivity factor. The eect of lm morphology and composition onto the sputter rate can clearly be seen in the gure. Without sample rotation (subgure (a.)) lms with larger grains sputter o faster and the rate varies quite signicantly over time. The eect is substan- 28 Experimental Procedure dgrain > 1 µm stationary sample 2500 dgrain > 1 µm rotated sample 1000 Tsubst. = RT 800 o Tsubst. = -180 C Counts 2000 600 1500 1000 500 0 400 dgrain < 1 µm CuGaS2 / CuInS2 CuInS2 / CuGaS2 all plots Cu(In,Ga)S2 / CuGaS2 0 2 4 Counts 3000 200 0 6 8 10 12 Sputter Time (1000 s) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Sputter Time (1000 s) (a.) (b.) Figure 2.5: Sum of corrected count rate of Cu, In, Ga, and S versus sputter time indicating sample dependent variations in sputter rate caused by (a) the grain sizes of the lm, and (b) by the stacking sequence of dierent phase in the lm. tially reduced, if the samples is rotated during sputtering (subgure (b.)). Since the data in subgure (b) was collected at CuInS2 /CuGaS2 bilayers of similar grain size but dierent stacking sequence the changes in total sputter rate have to be assigned to the changing composition with depth. The plots indicate a higher sputter rate for polycrystalline CuInS2 when compared to CuGaS2 . The sputter rate of CuGaS2 seems to be by one fth smaller compared to CuInS2 . 2.2.2 Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Raman spectroscopy has become a widely used method for the analysis of semiconductor layers. Its non-destructive nature, its high sensitivity for very thin lms, its variable information depth and the fast evolution of sophisticated equipment in recent years have lead to the wide-spread application of Raman spectroscopy. The so-called micro-Raman spectroscopy, which allows measurements of lateral resolution in the micro meter range, has further widened the eld of applications. In principle, the method is based on inelastic scattering of photons at lattice vibrational modes, e.g. at phonons. By evaluating the phonon frequencies, and the intensities, half widths, and shapes of lines in the Raman spectra the specic lattice dynamics of the sample can be investigated. This information can than be related to structural properties such as identication of materials and compounds, composition of mixed compounds, layer orientation, stress and crystalline perfection. In addition resonance Raman spectroscopy can be used to investigate the critical points in the electronic energy bands. Section will rst outline some fundamentals of Raman scattering. Then dominant lattice vibrational modes in Cu-chalcopyrites will be presented in section Subsequently, the deter- 2.2. Structural Characterization 29 mination of composition of mixed compounds, such as Cu(In1−x Gax )S2 , will be discussed. Finally, a short description of the experimental set up is given in section Principles of Raman Raman spectroscopy observes inelastic light scattering processes where energy of an incident photon of energy ~ωi dierent energy The energy transfered to to the sample corresponds to the energy ~Ωj ~ωs . j. of, e.g. a phonon is transfered to the sample and to a scattered photon of slightly Since the frequency of the incident light by using a laser the energy Ωj ωi can be well dened of the phonon involved in the scattering process can be obtained by analyzing the peak frequencies ωs of the scattered light. Energy as well as quasi-momentum have to be conserved in the process: ~ωs = ~ωi ± ~Ωj ; Ks = Ki ± qj , where The Ki,s ± sign refers to the photon wave vectors and (2.1) q j to the wave vector of the phonon. in Equation (2.1) results from the fact that in the scattering process a phonon is either generated (Stokes process) of annihilated (Anti-Stokes process). In most experiments only Stokes processes are investigated. As a result of the conversation of energy and momentum only certain combinations of energy and momentum can be transfered to 6 −1 the sample. Typical | j | values lie in the range of 10 cm , hence only phonons in the q immediate vicinity of the center of the Brillouin zone can be involved in a Raman process. In the scattering process the interaction between the photon and the phonon acts via electronic inter-band transitions (indirect process). According to [74] Raman light scattering can be described in a microscopic quantum mechanical time-dependent perturbation theory. Here the photon-electron and the electron-lattice interaction is described by three electronic transitions: 1- the absorption of a photon leading to an electronic transition from a ground state to an excited state |e. 2- the electron-lattice interaction, i.e. the electronic transition from a state |e which involves the creation or annihilation of a photon Ω. ~ |e |0 to a state ~ 3- the recombination of the electron-hole pair under emission of a photon ωs which cor responds to the transition |e to |0. In this picture the transition |e → |e corresponds to transitions between intermediate states in the same band caused by a phonon-induced energy shift of the band itself (intra-band electron-phonon interaction). Inter-band electron-phonon interactions are also possible, however the scattering eciency is much smaller. Since the energy conservation needs only to be full-lled for the process as a whole the electron-hole pairs states involved in the process are virtual states and must not necessarily coincide with the real electronic band structure. If, however, transition energies correspond to real states in the band structure the transition probabilities drastically increase leading to much higher Raman scattering cross sections for excitation energies close to e.g. band gap energies (resonant Raman scattering). 30 Experimental Procedure Raman at Cu-chalcopyrites One of the rst reports of Raman spectroscopy studies at a chalcopyrite semiconductor (ZiSiP2) was published by Kaminow et al. [76]. Later Koschel and Bettini [77] presented lattice dynamical calculations of some chalcopyrite compounds and were able to predict some so far unobserved modes. A detailed report on experimental Raman Intensity results of the Raman spectra of CuInSe2 was published by Tanino et al. [78]. Meanwhile there is a considerable number of publications regarding Raman spectroscopy of Cu-chalcopyrites single crystal and thin lm specimen. A concise review covering experimental results as well as lattice dynamical calculation of chalcopyrite compounds has been given recently in a series of publications by Ohrendorf and Haeuseler [7981]. The chalcopyrite-structure has four formula units in the tetragonal unit cell. The primitive cell contains two for- 0 20 40 60 Photon Energy (meV) mula units, i.e. eight atoms per unit cell. Therefore 24 vibrational modes (3 acoustic, 21 optical) can be expected. In order to detect a phonon in a Raman experiment the Posi- phonon must obey certain necessary conditions (Selection mode as Rules), which are based on symmetry considerations de- a function of composition in rived form the crystal structure under investigation. If the Figure 2.6: Spectral tion of Raman A1 Cu(In1−x Gax )S2 , x x = 0.86 (b), = 0.3 (d), x x x = 1 (a), = 0.5 (c), = 0 (e) [75]. phonon can be observed in Raman it is also called Ramanactive. According to a group theoretical treatment by Kaminow [76] the following irreducible representation of the optical phonons at the zone center results Γ = A1 (Ra) + A2 + 3B1 (Ra) + 3B2 (IR, Ra) + 6E(IR, Ra) . Ra and IR in parentheses stands for Raman and Infra-red active respectively. (2.2) In the case of non-resonant scattering the Raman component corresponding to the A1 mode is much stronger than any other. Therefore the analysis of Raman spectra of CuInS2 and Cu(In1−x Gax )S2 thin lms will be based mainly on the A1 phonon line. The A1 mode is caused by the vibration of two pairs of anions, with one vibrating in the direction of the a-axis and the other in the direction of the b-axis. Since optical phonons are a fairly unique ngerprint of a certain material, phase identication by Raman is a more or less straightforward procedure. Furthermore variations of the composition of a compound can well be resolved from the energies of the phonon modes. The relationship between the vibrational dynamics of a mixed compound and its composition (or stoichiometry) can be classied into three types: i.e. one-mode, two-mode, 2.2. Structural Characterization 31 and three-mode behavior. In the one-mode case the constituent compounds have the same phonon modes and their frequencies varies approximately linearly with composition between the respective end point values. In the two-mode case, the intermixing materials exhibit separate phonon modes, which vary characteristically, in general not linearly, with composition. At intermediate composition modes of both materials will be observed. In the three-mode case additional modes, only characteristic for the mixed compound, appear beside the modes of the endpoint materials. The vibrational system of solid solutions in Cu-chalcopyrites transforms in the two-mode manner in the case of anion substitution and in the one-mode manner in the case of cation substitution [75, 82]. Correspondingly the CuInS2 -CuGaS2 system shows one-mode or uni-modal behavior. This was experimentally conrmed by Agkyan et al. [75] who found an continuous shift in the A1 peak position with composition found that in the range of 0.3 < x x. Furthermore they < 0.8 the mode was strongly broadened (Figure 2.6). As outlined above the A1 is caused by the vibrational motion of the anion lattice. The shift of its spectral position is mainly due to the slightly altered Ga-S binding force with respect to In-S and the smaller atomic weight of Ga. The shift between CuInS2 and −1 CuGaS2 is about 18 cm (36 meV to 39 meV in Figure 2.6). Taking into account the −1 typical experimental resolution limit of 12 cm the composition can be determined to an accuracy of about 5 %. This might seem to be a moderate value compared to methods such as XRD, which, in general, give results of much higher accuracy based on precise lattice constant determinations. Nevertheless the determination of composition by means of Raman oers a number of advantages. Particularly in thin lm analysis an optical method, such as Raman, might be more suitable as the required minimum layer thickness is lower than for X-ray diraction. Furthermore in the case of CuInS2 the penetration depths of the laser light used for excitation is only 100 nm (1/20 of the typical absorber layer thickness), a fact that oers the possibility of depth-resolved measurement, when the Raman measurement is combined with ion-etching methods. In micro-Raman mode the high lateral resolution allows to perform homogeneity studies of composition in the micro meter range across a samples surface. Besides the identication of phases or the determination of compositions Raman spectrometry provides valuable information on the degree of crystallinity of a sample. Real crystal structures are always the subject of impurities and dislocations. These eects may be responsible for the non-conversation of momentum in the scattering process which is experimentally reected by a corresponding broadening of the spectral lines. The line shape of phonon peaks observed in a Raman spectrum can thus be used to characterize the degree of disorder in a solid. The lifting of momentum conservation with structural disorder can even lead to acoustical phonons contributing to the Raman signal which will lead to a very broad background in the spectra in the vicinity of the excitation laser line. 32 Experimental Procedure Raman - Experimental All micro-Raman spectra reported in this work were measured at the University of Barcelona. The spectra were taken by means of a Jobin-Yvon T64000 spectrometer coupled with an Olympus metallographic microscope. submicronic (objective: The obtained spot size on the sample was slightly x100, NA = 0.95). All spectra were recorded in backscattering conguration. The sampling volume of a Raman measurement is limited on one hand by the spot size on the other hand by the penetration depth of the laser light used for excita+ tion. In our case the green line of an Ar laser (λ = 514.5 nm) was used which corresponds to a sampling depth of about 100 nm in CuInS2 ; less than one twentieth of the usual total absorber thickness. Depth-dependent information on lm structure could be gained by repeatedly sputtering + (Ar ) the sample and performing Raman measurements in between. A PHI 670 Scanning Auger Nanoprobe System was used for sputtering. was determined by Auger Electron Spectroscopy Simultaneously the atomic composition (AES) between successive sputter steps. A 10 nA current of 10 keV electrons was used for AES. The ion energy for sputtering was 2 keV. The ion current was xed at a nominal value of 50 µA for all sputter steps. Reference Raman measurements at CuInS2 single crystals did not reveal any signicant sputter related damage under the described experimental conditions. 2.2.3 X-ray Diraction XRD measurements served as a standard tool for phase identication throughout this work. The method was also employed in order to resolve Ga-induced eects on structural parameters such as lattice constants, anion displacement, and tetragonal distortion by analyzing the peak position and integral intensity of selective reections. XRD measurements were performed using a Brucker D8 diractometer. This section starts with a brief overview of fundamental aspects which determine the intensity of a X-ray reection. The inuence of instrumental parameters as well as sample related parameters onto line shape and position of a XRD reection will be briey discussed. Then numerical calculations of XRD-spectra of CuInS2 thin lm samples will be outlined. Furthermore XRD-spectra of lms with gradients in lattice constant will be discussed. Correction factors necessary when analyzing thin lm samples are discussed in Appendix A.3. The scattered intensity The scattered intensity in a X-ray diraction experiment can well be described in terms of classical theory of scattering of X-rays by electrons (kinematical theory). When electromagnetic radiation falls on an atom, or more precisely on the electronic sphere of the atom, two processes may occur: (1) the radiation may be absorbed with an ejection of electrons 2.2. Structural Characterization 33 from the atom, or (2) the radiation may be scattered. In X-ray diraction only the latter process is important. The scattered radiation, which spreads out in all directions from the atom has the same frequency as the primary radiation (elastic scattering). In high resolution X-ray diraction the kinematical approach, which treats the electro magnetic eld strength as a planar wave, fails to predict the experimentally observed intensities and a more fundamental, dynamical theory, becomes necessary. The following outline is restricted to the kinematical case. In X-ray diraction the scattered intensity is caused by interference between waves scattered from the dierent atomic sites within the crystal. When treating the scattering classical reection of X-rays at a set of periodically spaced lattice planes the common Bragg Law can be derived, which in vector form is given by process as a where s − s0 = Ghkl , λ 2 sin Θ 1 s − s0 |= . |Ghkl | = , | dhkl λ λ (2.3) s0 and s are unit vectors in the directions of the primary and diracted beams k0 and k, Ghkl is called the scattering vector, dhkl is the distance between equivalent lattice planes, and Θ denotes the angle between the lattice planes and the incident or the diracted beam. The indices (hkl) are the Miller indices of the set of lattice planes which causes the reection. In the case of an orthogonal crystal structure with lattice constants a, b, and c the lattice plane spacing dhkl is given by Here 1 d2hkl = h2 k 2 l2 + + . a2 b2 c2 (2.4) The Bragg-law describes the angle under which a XRD-reection will occur in experiment. As mentioned above the scattered intensity is caused by interference between waves scattered from the dierent atomic sites within the unit cell. The total scattered intensity is then obtained by 1.- summing over the scattered intensity of each atom unit cell, usually described in terms of a atomic scattering factor factor which accounts for the dierent positions all unit cells N in the crystal fα , multiplied by a phase in the unit cell and 2.- summing over in the sample, I(Ghkl ) ∝ K Fhkl rα α I0 2 N |Fhkl |2 r2 is called structure factor. I0 where, Fhkl = fα e-i Ghkl ·rα . (2.5) r for the distance α stands for the initial intensity and between sample and detector. The factor K has been introduced to account for corrections due to sample geometry and experimental set up. Several contribution to the correction factor K are discussed in Appendix A.3. Equation (2.5) shows that all sample dependent information regarding the intensity of a reection (hkl) is contained in other terms in the equation are sample independent. The atomic position Fhkl , whereas all rα in the unit cell 34 Experimental Procedure is usually expressed in terms of components along the basis vectors of the lattice by means of fractional coordinates written Fhkl = u, v, w ∈ [0 . . . 1]. a1 , a2 , a3 The structure factor may then be fα exp[−2πi(huα + kvα + lwα )] . (2.6) α In brief, the shape and dimension of a crystal unit cell can be deduced from the position of XRD-reections, the content of the cell can be determined from the intensity. Peak prole analysis In an experiment the overall intensity of a XRD-reection will be spread out over a nite angular range. The width of this range, i.e. the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the XRD reection, is determined by several independent eects. The nal line prole of the reection can be considered as a convolution product of • the emission prole of the source • specimen aberrations due to nite grain size, strain, and defect concentrations, as well as absorption in the sample, nite sample thickness, and tilt of the sample • an instrument component which determines the angular resolution of the experimental set up With current diractometers instrument broadening can be minimized to a level, so that, assuming a perfect sample, the emission prole becomes a signicant part of the total observed line prole. The emission prole of the Cu-Kα radiation mainly consists of two contributions Kα1 and Kα2 . Due to the ne-structure of the underlying electronic transitions the emission lines are slightly asymmetric. The prole can be suciently approximated by means of two Lorentz-proles [83]. Since the incident radiation is never exactly monochromatic the half width of a reection is broadened (dispersion). In XRD spectra collected in this work the peak splitting due to the emission line doublet Kα1 and Kα2 could be well resolved. However, the peak shapes were either determined by instrumental or by sample related broadening. Sample broadening arises mainly from the fact that the scattered intensity is due to a coherent superposition of scattered X-ray waves. In practice only a nite volume of the crystal will lead to coherent scattering. Eects which determine this volume might be crystallographic defects (point defects, dislocations), grain boundaries, or the nite thickness of the sample itself. According to Scherrer [84] the nite grain size d in a polycrystalline sample leads to a broadened intensity prole ∆|G| = 0.9 · 2π/d . I(G) of half width (2.7) The corresponding line prole can be described by a Lorentz-prole. The FWHMgs of such a grain-size broadened prole was given by Cheary [85] as FWHMgs _ cos1Θd , (2.8) 2.2. Structural Characterization where [d] 35 = nm. In the case of polycrystalline samples with grain sizes range the above relation allows for a determination of d d in the submicron by evaluating the FWHM of the line prole of the XRD reection, presuming instrumental broadening can be neglected or has been corrected for. Figure 2.7: The six instrumental weight functions for a (A) low-resolution and (B) high resolution diractometer [86]. A detailed overview about eects leading to instrumental broadening can be found in [87]. Eects, which aect the shape, symmetry and position of a reection and which are introduced by the geometry of the experimental set up include [88]: • at specimen error • axial divergence or brush eect • specimen transparency • generator focus, eects of apertures, and misalignment Each individual eect leads to a characteristic deviation of the peak prole. Figure 2.7 plots the experimental weight functions for the six most important experimental errors for a low resolution and a high resolution diractometer [86]. A convolution of all eects results in the nal prole . Among them the at specimen error and the axial divergence turned out to be the most important ones in measurements of this work. The at specimen error arises from the fact that a at sample lies tangential at the circle of focus (see Figure 2.9). This leads to asymmetric broadening and a shift of the peak to lower 2Θ values. The error can be reduced by means of apertures. The fact that the mean scattering volume is located below the sample surface causes an additional peak shift due to deviations from the ideal beam geometry. The magnitude of this shift strongly depends on the absorption −1 coecient of the sample. However, for µ > 250 cm , as in CuInS2 , it turns out to be ◦ below ∆Θ = 0.01 [89]. The divergence of the incident and the diracted beam in the 36 Experimental Procedure Brush eect. plane normal to the circle of focus leads to the so-called Numerically this eect causes the largest asymmetrical broadening. It also leads to a Θ-dependent shift (to ◦ smaller values for Θ < 90 ). Again, the eect can be reduced by additional apertures in the beam path (Soller-Blenden). The focus of the primary beam generated in the X-ray tube is very sensitive to the operating conditions of the tube. Therefore scans were always performed at the same generator voltage and current; the same values which were also used for system calibration. Changes of the line shape due to the apertures in the beam path were negligible in our set up, when compared to the eects discussed above. Misalignment of the set up can lead to signicant shifts in the measured angular position of the XRD reection. Here the biggest source of error will be introduced by a displacement of the sample surface with respect to the ideal position of the circle of focus. As is depicted in Figure 2.8 the peak shift is given by 2S cos Θ = tan ∆2Θ ≈ ∆2Θ , Θ R (2.9) R is the radius of the goniometer. The corresponding peak shift for an assumed misalignment of the sample surface of 50 µm are plotted in Figure 2.8. In the range of low Θ values sample displacement was found to be the biggest where S 1, is the sample displacement and source for errors in peak position. ∆2Θ R s 0.03 symmetric scan s = 50 µm R = 217.5 mm o ∆ 2θ ( ) 2Θ ∆2Θmeas 0.02 asymmetric scan Φ = 5.0 0.01 x = 2 S cos (Θ) Φ = 0.5 o o 0.00 Θ Θ x s Θ 20 40 60 80 o 2θ() Figure 2.8: Systematic peak shift due to misalignment of sample. In general measured patterns from an X-ray powder diractometer cannot be tted by a simple analytical function such as a pure Gauss or Lorentz prole. Several analytical peak 2.2. Structural Characterization 37 shape functions had been proposed. Best results were obtained by using pseudo-Voigt or Pearson-VII functions. These functions are not only characterized by peak position, intensity and full-width-at-half-maximum but also by an additional parameter n that denes the fraction of Lorentzian to Gaussian character of the prole. Kern [88] has compared several peak shape function for the precise determination of the peak position and obtained best result when using a Pearson-VII function given by Ii,k = 1/n ∆2Θi,k 2 Γ(n) (2 − 1) 1 + 4(21/n − 1) Γ(n − 0.5) π F W HMk F W HMk 2 −n , ∆2Θi,k = 2Θi − 2Θk . Γ(n) is the gamma function. When n = 1 becomes a Lorentzian and when n → ∞ it becomes a Gaussian. where (2.10) the Pearson-VII XRD-Experimental All XRD-scans where collected in Bragg-Bretano geometry (Figure 2.9). The Cu-Kα dou- GM G DC GS DS k0 D G FC k θ θ Figure 2.9: Bragg-Bretano geometry used in the Brucker D8 diractometer. G - generator, D - detector, GM - Goebel Mirror, GS - generator Soller aperture, DS - detector Soller aperture, FC - focusing circle, DC - detector circle. blet from a Cu-anode (generator settings E = 40 keV, I = 40 mA) radiation. For better collimation of the incident beam a the exit slit of the generator. the incident beam. was used as incident Goebbel-mirror was attached to The Goebbel-mirror also removed Cu-Kβ radiation from A szintilization counter was used as the detector. To minimize ef- fects due to spatial divergence of the reected beam a Soller-aperture (width=1 mm) was 38 Experimental Procedure mounted in front of the detector entrance slit. The resolution limit of the diractometer was checked using a reference quartz sample and a Al2 O3 (Corrund) powder. The Full◦ ◦ Width-Half-Maximum (FWHM) of all peaks was in the range of 0.045 0.07 . Their was no signicant angle dependence of the peak width; only a slight increase with decreasing peak intensity. Two-theta osets were also checked using these standards. Two scanning modes were used during this work, i.e. symmetric scanning and asymmetric scanning. Standard symmetric XRD Θ - 2Θ scans give an integral picture of a thin lm sample, since the intensity of the incident radiation is nearly homogeneous across the sample thickness. In order realize more surface sensitive scans asymmetric scans were performed where the incident beam is xed at a very small angle Φ and only the detector is scanned. Figure 2.10 gives a schematic overview of the two modes. The penetration depth of the incident X-ray intensity into a thin lm, assuming an k G k0 G k θ θ Ψ Φ (a) θ +Ψ k0 (b) Figure 2.10: Experimental geometry of the Bragg-Bretano method for X-ray diraction; (a) symmetric mode, (b) asymmetric mode. absorption coecient of µ = 730 cm−1 (corresponds to CuInS2 ), is plotted in Figure 2.11 for dierent angles of incidence of the primary beam. It can clearly be seen that for an ◦ incident angle of Φ = 5.0 the sampling volume accessible for XRD is of the order of 2 µm which is the typical thickness of samples investigated in this work. In the case of an ◦ angle of incidence of Φ = 0.5 the rst 500 nm only will contribute to the measurement. Thus by varying Φ the surface sensitivity of the measurement can be inuenced. This is particularly useful when analyzing bilayer structures of unknown stacking sequence. The change in the intensity ratio of reections from the dierent layers with incident angle can be used to determine the relative location of the dierent layers. X-ray absorption in a thin lm sample as a function of incident angle is also discussed in Appendix A.3. 2.2. Structural Characterization Rel. X-ray Intensity I / I0 1.0 39 -1 µCIS = 730 cm labels denote angle of incidence Φ o 0.5 10.0 o 5.0 Figure 2.11: Calculated X-ray inten- o o 0.0 0.5 sity versus sample depth for dier- o 0.9 1.8 surface 0.0 Mo back layer 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Depth (µm) ent angle of incidence of the primary beam. The assumed X-ray absorp−1 cortion coecient of µ = 730 cm responds to CuInS2 . 2.2.4 Calculation of XRD spectra Calculated X-ray diraction spectra for Cu(In1−x Gax )S2 thin lms were employed in this work in order to evaluate measured XRD data. A script based on the software package (TM) MATHEMATICA [90] was written, so that eects of structural deviations and eects due to gradients in lattice constant could be simulated. Structure factors were calculated from Equation (2.6). Values for the atomic scattering factors were interpolated form tabulated values taken from the International Tables of Crystallography [91]. Dispersion was accounted for by applying the correction factors of Cromer and Liberman [92]. Isotropic Debye-Waller temperature factors were taken from the crystal renement of single crystals of CuInS2 and CuGaS2 by Abrahams and Bernstein [23]. On the basis of the structure factors peak intensities were calculated taking into account absorption of X-rays in the sample and the thin lm geometry. All correction factors considered in the simulations are discussed in Appendix A.3. Calculated peak proles were based on the Pearson-VII function according to Equation (2.10). The full width at half maximum parameter (FWHM) and the peak-shape parameter n were obtained from ts to experimental data of reference samples. All calculations were done for Cu-Kα1 and Cu-Kα2 radiation with an assumed intensity ratio of Kα2 /Kα1 = 1/2. A list of the parameters used can be found in Appendix A.4. To compute the XRD-spectrum for a layer with variable lattice constant along the depth prole, the layer was subdivided into laminae of constant lattice constants. The XRD spectrum was then obtained by summing up the reected intensities of each lamina corrected for absorption of the incident and the scattered beam in the overlying layers. The minimum number of laminae required was determined empirically by recalculating the spectrum with increasing number of laminae until no detectable change in the calculated ◦ output, with respect to the experimental resolution limit of 0.01 , occurred. 40 Experimental Procedure X-ray structure factors of CuInS2 and CuGaS2 As shown in Section, Equation (2.6), the structure factor describes the coherent superposition of scattered waves originating from the individual atomic positions in the unit cell. Depending on the specic structure interference might be either constructive or destructive, hence not all reciprocal lattice vectors which satisfy Bragg's law will lead to a reection in an experiment. For a chalcopyrite structures such as CuInS2 and CuGaS2 the allowed reections fall into one of three categories [93]. Group (i) reections have (h, k, l/2) all even or odd. These reections correspond to the zincblende structure. A I-III-VI2 compound with random occupation of the cation lattice site (sphalerite) would lead to group (i) reections only. the tetragonal unit cell is distorted, i.e. 2c = a. In most ternary chalcopyrites As a result the multiplicity of zincblende h = l/2 or k = l/2 is reduced and the singular zincblende reection is split (2, 0, 0)zincblende → (2, 0, 0)/(0, 0, 4)chalcopyrite . Group (ii) reections have indices given by (h, k) even and (l/2) odd or vice versa. The structure factor of these reections depends only on the anion scattering factor. If u = 0.25, reections with into a doublet, e.g. i.e. no anion displacement, the structure factor vanishes. Group (iii) reections have indices given by (h) even and (k, l) odd or (k) even and (h, l) odd. The structure factor contains a cation term which arises from the dierence in the cation scattering factors and, in case u = 0.25 also an anion term. These reections are also called superlattice peaks. A list of calculated Fhkl values for selected reections of CuInS2 and CuGaS2 can be found in Table 2.1. The table also compares the calculated data to values reported by Jae and Zunger [8]. Their values are based on the Fourier transform of the calculated electronic charge densities, which were calculated self-consistently by means of a density-functional formalism. Both sets of data were calculated with the same set of lattice parameters given in [24] and listed in Table 1.1. The agreement is reasonably well, taking into account that the calculations of this work are based on tabulated atomic scattering factors for neutral atoms which do not account for changes in the electron density due to chemical bonding and lattice formation. For a CuInS2 and CuGaS2 lm of 2.5 µm thickness the calculated XRD intensity spectra (Θ-2Θ scan, Bragg-Bretano geometry) are depicted in Figure 2.12. Using the classication (i)(iii) for chalcopyrite structure factors the following trends can be deduced. Group (i) or zincblende like reections are the most intense in the spectra. The (112) and the (024)/(020) lattice planes have the highest packing density and therefore the corresponding peaks dominate the spectra. Due to the lower atomic scattering factor for Ga compared to In, XRD reections for CuGaS2 are by one fth weaker in intensity than the corresponding CuInS2 reections. The eect of the tetragonal distortion of the chalcopyrite unit cell on the (024)/(220) group (i) reections is demonstrated in Figure 2.13. The distortion c/a is greater than 2 in 2.2. Structural Characterization 41 Table 2.1: Comparison of calculated structure factors Fhkl in e/(primitive cell) of selective XRD reections of CuInS2 and CuGaS2 from Ref. [8] and this work. CuGaS2 CuGaS2 CuInS2 CuInS2 hkl group [8] this work [8] this work (112) (i) 112.77 113.28 142.63 143.35 (200) (i) 53.32 53.87 84.94 85.70 (004) (i) 51.98 52.57 82.78 83.44 (204) (i) 123.04 124.60 151.57 153.37 (220) (i) 122.86 124.41 149.43 151.18 (116) (i) 86.21 87.64 112.28 113.74 (312) (i) 86.43 87.86 111.01 112.42 (224) (i) 45.67 46.16 73.50 73.74 (008) (i) 102.12 103.61 129.07 130.74 (400) (i) 100.70 102.20 122.42 123.98 (202) (ii) 1.09 1.06 2.14 2.23 (310) (ii) 1.56 1.77 3.28 3.64 (402) (ii) 2.98 3.04 6.11 6.19 (101) (iii) 6.63 6.61 19.56 19.72 (103) (iii) 1.75 1.84 29.38 29.51 (121) (iii) 6.85 6.81 29.11 29.09 (123) (iii) 8.13 7.95 19.31 19.15 (233) (iii) 6.83 7.08 30.30 30.23 CuInS2 and less than 2 in CuGaS2 . (Table 1.1). The values in the alloyed Cu(In1−x Gax )S2 system obey Vegard's law [25], i.e. they vary linearly with composition x (Figure 2.13 (a)). Figure 2.13 (b) shows calculated (024)/(220) reections of a Cu(In1−x Gax )S2 thin lm as a function of composition x. The doublet structure with an intensity ratio I220 /I024 ≈ 1/2 can clearly be seen. Although, the anion displacement changes quite signicantly between CuInS2 and CuGaS2 its inuence on the structure factors of group (i) peaks is negligible. Since the tetragonal distortion arises from the ordered cation sublattice in the chalcopyrite structure the peak splitting serves as a good indicator for the degree of chalcopyrite cation ordering in a sample. At x ≈ 0.2 where c/a = 2.0 the distortion vanishes and no peak splitting is observed. In such a case chalcopyrite ordering can only be evaluated by analyzing the group (iii) peak intensities, which are determined by the dierence in scattering factor at the dierent cation sites in the unit cell. In CuGaS2 the structure factors of this group are rather small, i.e. below 10 e/cell (Table 2.1), since fCu almost equals fGa . As can be seen in Figure 2.12 ◦ only the (101) reection at 18.0 can be expected to be above the detection limit. At higher 2θ values the superlattice of a CuGaS2 thin lm are very weak since the peak in- tensities are signicantly reduced by the polarization and Lorentz-factors and in case of a thin lm sample additionally by the reduced scattering volume. In CuInS2 the situation is dierent as the large dierence between fCu and fIn leads to much higher structure factors for group (iii) peaks. At least ve superlattice peaks can be well resolved at the simulated (224) (125) (301) (123) 0.1 (121) (103) (101) 0.2 (233) (008)/(040) (116)/(132) zincblende peaks superlattice peaks (004)/(020) CuInS2 (112) 0.3 (024)/(220) Experimental Procedure Norm. XRD Intensity 42 (220)/(024) (233) (301) (123) (121) (020)/(004) (103) 0.1 (132)/(116) 0.2 (224) CuGaS2 (112) 0.3 (101) Norm. XRD Intensity 0.0 0.0 o 20 o 30 o 40 o 50 o 60 o 70 2 Theta Figure 2.12: Calculated XRD spectra of CuInS2 (upper plot) and CuGaS2 (lower plot). Intensities are plotted relative to the (112) reection. spectra of the CuInS2 thin lm in Figure 2.12. The inuence of structural deviations from an ideal chalcopyrite unit cell onto the group (iii) reections of a CuInS2 thin lm such as cation order/disorder transitions, deviations from molecularity, changes in the anion displacement u, and the isovalent substitution of In with Ga is discussed in Appendix A.1. Most of the group (ii) structure factors are well below 5 electrons/cell, which leads to reections that are in general below the detection limit of a XRD-measurement at a powder sample. No group (ii) reection was observed at samples of this work. 2.2. Structural Characterization 43 CuGaS2 [Ga]/[In+Ga] c Lattice constant (nm) 1.12 1.08 0.54 1.06 1.04 c 1.02 2.1 2.0 distortion 0.52 0.9 0.8 XRD Intensity 1.10 c/a Tetragonal constant (nm) a Lattice 1.0 1.14 a 0.56 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 1.9 0.30 0.20 0.0 0.5 u Anion displacement 0.25 0.2 0.1 CuInS2 o 1.0 46 [Ga]/[In+Ga] o 47 0.0 o 48 o 49 2 Theta (a) (b) Figure 2.13: (a) Lattice constants, tetragonal distortion and anion displacement of the Cu(In1−x Gax )S2 alloy system as a function of x and (b) corresponding XRD-spectra of the (024)/(220) doublet for Cu-Kα1 and Cu-Kα2 radiation. The characteristic peak splitting vanishes at [Ga]/([In] + [Ga]) ≈ 0.2 where c/a = 2.0.