Model High-Temperature Superconductor HgBa2CuO4+d Studied by Neutron, Muon and Photon Spectroscopies Yuan Li, Peking University Due to its simple crystal structure and high superconducting critical temperature, HgBa2CuO4+d (Hg1201) is considered a model cuprate superconductor ideal for fundamental research purposes. The production of high-quality single crystals of Hg1201 has enabled a series of spectroscopic experiments leading to new findings possibly related to the superconducting mechanism. In this talk, I will present some of the results under the following topics: a) Spin-polarized neutron scattering experiments have revealed a magnetic diffraction signal that indicates a time-reversal-symmetry-broken state with preserved translational symmetry below the pseudogap temperature T*. This signal has now been observed in several hole-doped cuprates and therefore appears to be universal, but static magnetic moments have not been observed by local probes including NMR and muSR. The discrepancy may be attributed to the very different time scales of the experimental probes. b) Using inelastic neutron scattering, we have observed magnetic excitations near the antiferromagnetic wave vector (pi,pi), including a resonant mode at energies below twice the superconducting gap and a commensurate low-energy response indicative of lack of spin-stripe fluctuations in Hg1201. In addition we have found disperseless modes possibly related to the unusual magnetism in the pseudogap state. c) Using Raman scattering, we have found that the high-energy two-magnon excitations exhibit a pronounced feedback effect related to the formation of Cooper pairs. The two-magnon signal is furthermore demonstrated to be strongly affected by photon scattering resonant effects, the condition of which changes with doping and reconciles a discrepancy between Raman and X-ray observation of spin excitations. (E-mail address: