SCHOOL DISTRICT #8 SCHOOL PLAN TO STRENGTHEN LEARNING 2014/15 WEG Community School Mission Statement At WE Graham Community School, our mission is to create a safe inclusive environment where individuals strive to develop integrity and pursue wisdom, excellence, and growth. Context: WE Graham Community School is a K – 10 facility that services the families in Slocan City and the Upper Slocan Valley. The school has seen a reduction in both students and staff over the last few years but is continuing to offer unique and engaging programs for students. The current student population is 66. The school is configured into 4 classes: K-3, 3-6, 7-8 (Outdoor Education Leadership Program) and the Valhalla Wilderness Program for grades 9/10. Goal: To improve student achievement and engagement through hands on, experiential, project-based learning, both in the classroom and outdoors. Objectives: (if needed) Students will connect curriculum with real world applications. Evidence-Based Rationale: We chose this goal because: we believe, based on our observations, that learning is more meaningful when connected to real world applications. we believe this goal allows for all types of learning styles. we believe that students with learning challenges learn better and thrive in active, alternate learning environments we believe that our location is rich in learning opportunities and we should take advantage of them we believe that outdoor education will nurture environmental stewardship we believe group socialization is critical in developing leadership, cooperation, team work, healthy relationships promoting social responsibility Evidence that has been observed: Students are better behaved and more cooperative when engaged in the outdoors. Students are more empathetic when working to overcome challenges in the outdoors. Students become more self-sufficient by demonstrating task persistence and resilience. Assessment tools and processes to assess progress on goals and objectives: Student and parent surveys Self-assessments Teacher observation District assessments Instructional strategies/structures to be implemented to impact the goal, worded as an inquiry question(s). Will using experiential learning increase the level of student engagement? Can an outdoor / environmental program impact student achievement? Plans for staff development and collaborative work: Collaborative planning and reflection / evaluation time 3-4 times per year (staff development fund; innovative practices grant) Staff visitation to an outdoor environmental school (mainly directed at our K6 program) Book study continuation: “Learning Outside the Classroom:Theory and Guidelines for Practice” Use of these principles to promote engagement Parental and community involvement strategies: Share annual plan with parents Parent volunteers for classroom, activities and driving Use community resources to connect students with their environment Communication Strategies (students, staff, community): Creating and maintaining the school website to provide information Regular articles in the village newsletter; Valley Voice; Pennywise Magnetic sign as often as possible Monitoring Plan Dates: December February May One thing you are going to do to enhance the health status of students in your school. This year WEG is promoting nutritional health through the development of a consistent breakfast and hot lunch program. We are also committed to a significant daily physical education program. One thing you are doing to help with the implementation of the Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement and improve the performance of aboriginal students. WEG is part of the Slocan Valley of Schools which are working together to provide a comprehensive Aboriginal Cultural Program for our self-identified students. We are also trying to address their specific learning needs with our existing Learning Support time. School Plan Contributors: Members: School Staff and School Planning Council _________________________________________________ Ed Nielsen WEG Principal _________________________________________________ Tamara Ireland School Planning Council _________________________________________________ Shannon O’Hara School Planning Council