Electronic Properties of Solids R.J. Nicholas Electronic Properties: Combination of : • • • • • • • Metals Semiconductors Insulators Paramagnets Diamagnets Ferromagnets Superconductors Crystal Structure Atomic Structure Free electron theory of metals • Metals are good conductors (both electrical and thermal) • Electronic heat capacity has an additional (temperature dependent) contribution from the electrons. • Why are some materials metals and others not? Simple approximation: treat electrons as free to move within the crystal Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas 1 Free electron theory of metals • Alkali metals (K, Na, Rb) and Noble metals (Cu, Ag, Au) have filled shell + 1 outer s-electron. • Atomic s-electrons are delocalised due to overlap of outer orbits. • Crystal looks like positive ion cores of charge +e embedded in a sea of conduction electrons • Conduction electrons can interact with each other and ion cores but these interactions are weak because: (1) Periodic crystal potential (ion cores) is orthogonal to conduction electrons - they are eigenstates of total Hamiltonian e.g. for Na conduct. electrons are 3s states, but cores are n=1 and n=2 atomic orbitals. (2) Electron-electron scattering is suppressed by Pauli exclusion principle. Assumptions: (i) ions are static - adiabatic approx. (ii) electrons are independent - do not interact. (iii) model interactions with ion cores by using an “effective mass” m* (iv) free electrons so we usually put m* = me Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas 2 Free Electron Model L Put free electrons into a very wide potential well the same size as the crystal i.e. they are 'de-localised' Free electron properties Free electron Hamiltonian has only kinetic energy operator: Free electrons are plane waves = 2 ∂ 2ψ Eψ = − 2m ∂x 2 ψ = A e ± ikx with: Momentum: i= ∂ψ = ± =k ψ ∂x Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas Energy: − = 2 ∂ 2ψ =2k 2 ψ = 2m ∂x 2 2m Group velocity: ∂ω 1 ∂E =k = = ∂k = ∂k m 3 Free Electron Model – Periodic boundary conditions L L Add a second piece of crystal the same size: The properties must be the same. Density of states Calculate allowed values of k. Use periodic (Born-von Karman) boundary conditions: L = size of crystal ψ ( x) = ψ ( x + L) ∴ e ikx = e ik ( x + L ) ∴ e ikL = 1 2π 4π , ± L L 2π ∴δk = L ∴ k = 0, ± Density of allowed states in reciprocal (k-) space is: ΔK in 1 − D δ k Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas or ΔVK in 3 − D δ k3 x 2 for spin states 4 Density of states (2) States have energies ε to ε + dε g (ε )d ε = g (k )dk = 4π k 2 dk × dk dε dε ∴ g (ε )d ε = g (k ) =2 k 2 ε = 2m ⎛ 2mε ⎞ k =⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎝ = ⎠ = 1 dk ⎛ 2m ⎞ =⎜ ⎟ dε ⎝ =2 ⎠ 2 1 = 2 1 2ε 1 2 8π ⎛ 2π ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ L ⎠ k 3 4π ⎛ 2π ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ L ⎠ 2 δ k3 ⎛ 2m ⎞ ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎝= ⎠ 2 1 2ε 2mε ⎛ 2m ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ =2 ⎝ =2 ⎠ 3 ⎛ 2m ⎞ = 4π ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎝h ⎠ 3 2 ε 1 1 2 2 1 1 dε 2 1 2 ε 1 2 dε dε × V Fermi Energy Electrons are Fermions N = ∞ ∫ g (ε ) f F −D (ε ) d ε 0 μ at T = 0 N = ∫ g (ε ) d ε 0 μ at T = 0 is known as the Fermi Energy, EF Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas N 8π ⎛ 2mEF ⎞ n= = ⎜ ⎟ V 3 ⎝ h2 ⎠ ⎛ 3N ⎞ EF = ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 8π V ⎠ 2 3 3 2 h2 2m 5 Typical value for EF e.g. Sodium (monatomic) crystal structure: b.c.c. crystal basis: single Na atom lattice points per conventional (cubic) unit cell: 2 conduction electrons per unit cell 2 ∴ electrons per lattice point = 1 lattice constant (cube side) = a = 0.423 nm ∴ density of electrons n = N/V= 2/a3 = 2.6 x 1028 m-3 ∴ EF = 3.2 eV Fermi Temperature TF? kBTF = EF ∴ TF = 24,000 K Finite Temperatures and Heat Capacity Fermi-Dirac distribution function fF-D = 1/(eE-μ/kBT + 1) electrons are excited by an energy ~ kBT Number of electrons is ≈ kBT g(EF) ∴ ΔE ≈ kB2T2 g(EF) ∴ CV = ΔE/ ΔT ≈ 2kB2T g(EF) Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas 6 ∴ ln n = 3 ln E + const. 2 dn 3 dE ∴ = n 2 E dn 3 n = = g ( EF ) dE 2 EF Previously we have n = AEF3/2 ∴ C v = 3nk B k BT EF = 3nk B T TF ∴ Heat Capacity is: (i) less than classical value by factor ~kBT/EF (ii) proportional to g(EF) Is this significant? Lattice Room Temperature Low Temperature Electrons 3nat.kB π2/2 nkB (kBT/EF) 12π4/5 nat.kB (T/ΘD)3 π2/2 nkB (kBT/EF) C/T = βT2 + γ Debye term Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas free electron term 7 Rigorous derivation ∞ U = ∫ ε g (ε ) ∂f F − D ? ∂T f F − D (ε ) d ε 0 ∞ ∂U ∂f = ∫ ε g (ε ) dε ∂T ∂ T 0 ∴ 2 = g ( EF ) k B T ∞ ∫ − EF k BT = π2 3 f = 2 x x e dx (e x ) + 1 2 + δ ≈−∞ 2 g ( EF ) k B T 1 ε − μ , x= e + 1 kT x ∂f − ex = ∂T ex + 1 ( ) δ ∝ ∞ ∫ − EF k BT = × 2 ∂x ∂T x e x dx (e x ) + 1 2 0 (why?) Magnetic susceptibility • Susceptibility for a spin ½ particle is: χ= μ B2 μ0 kT / electron • This is much bigger than is found experimentally - Why? Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas 8 Pauli paramagnetism Separate density of states for spin up and spin down, shifted in energy by ± ½gμBB (g=2) Imbalance of electron moments Δn Δn = ½ g(εF) × 2μBB giving a magnetization M M = μB Δn = μB2 g(εF) B and a susceptibility χ = M/H = μ0 μB2 g(εF) = 3nμ0 μB2 /2εF k-space picture and the Fermi Surface T=0 states filled up to EF = 2k 2 ∴ = EF 2m Map of filled states in k-space = Fermi surface ∴ kF = 2mEF =2 N = 2× 4π k F3 3 ⎛⎜ 2π ⎞⎟ 3 or we can write: ⎝ L ⎠ ∴ k F3 = Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas 3π 2 N V 9 k-space picture and the Fermi Surface ∴ T=0 states filled up to EF E = 2k 2 = EF 2m ∴ kF = 2mEF =2 EF k kF How big is Fermi surface/sphere compared to Brillouin Zone? Simple cubic structure volume of Brillouin Zone = (2π/a)3 electron density n = 1/a3 volume of Fermi sphere = 4πkF3/3 = 4π3/a3 = half of one B.Z. Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas 10 Electron Transport - Electrical Conductivity Equation of motion: Force = rate of change of momentum = ∂k = − e (E + B × v ) ∂t Apply electric field - electrons are accelerated to a steady state with a drift velocity vd - momentum is lost by scattering with an average momentum relaxation time τ ∴ momentum loss = mvd τ ∴ current j = nevd = = −eE ne 2τ E m ne 2τ ∴ conductivity σ = = neμ m μ is mobility with: vd = μE What happens in k-space? All electrons in k-space are accelerated by electric field: On average all electrons shifted by: δ k = − eEτ = = δ k = Fδ t = − eE δ t E EF k δk Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas kF 11 What happens in k-space? All electrons in k-space are accelerated by electric field: = δ k = Fδ t = − eE δ t On average all electrons shifted by: δk = − eEτ = Fermi sphere is shifted in k-space by δk << kF ∴ To relax electron momentum k must be changed by ~ kF Scattering occurs at EF ∴ we need phonons with large value of k. But phonon energy is small so only a small fraction of electrons kBT/εF can be scattered Scattering processes Basic Principle: Scattering occurs because of deviations from perfect crystal arrangement Electron scattering mechanisms: (i) thermal vibrations i.e. phonons (vibrations of the atoms are a deviation from perfect crystal structure) (ii) presence of impurities - charged impurities are very important - scattering is by Coulomb force i.e. Rutherford scattering. Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas 12 Matthiessen’s rule: ∴ρ = Scattering rates (1/τ) add m ne 2 ∑ 1τ = ρ T + ρ i Mean free path (λ): electrons are moving with Fermi velocity vF ∴ λ = v F τ ( NOT v d τ ) Low temperature mean free paths can be very long as electrons are only scattered by impurities Hall Effect In a magnetic Field B the electron experiences a force perpendicular to its velocity. A current j causes a build up of charge at the edges which generates an Electric field E which balances the Lorentz force ( − e ) ( E + v d × B ) y = 0; Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas E y = (vd ) x B z 13 Hall Effect Balance of forces: In a magnetic Field B the electron experiences a force perpendicular to its velocity. A current j causes a build up of charge at the edges which generates an Electric field E which balances the Lorentz force ( − e ) ( E + v d × B ) y = 0; The Hall coefficient RH is: j x = n ( − e) vd E y = (vd ) x B z RH = ⇒ Ey RH = − 1 j x Bz ne Negative sign is sign of the charge on the electron Metal Charge/Atom (units of electron charge e) Group Hall Expt. FE Theory Lithium -0.79 -1 I Sodium -1.13 -1 I Potassium -1.05 -1 I Copper -1.36 -1 IB Silver -1.18 -1 IB Gold -1.47 -1 IB Beryllium +0.1 -2 II Magnesium -0.88 -2 II Calcium -0.76 -2 II Zinc +0.75 -2 IIB Cadmium +1.2 -2 IIB Aluminium +1.0 -3 III Indium +1.0 -3 III Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas 14 Thermal conductivity In metals heat is mainly carried by the electrons Simple kinetic theory formula for thermal conductivity K: K = 1/3CλvF [C = π2/3 kB2T g(EF) = π2/2 nkB kBT/EF] = π2/6 λvF nkB kBT/EF [λ = vFτ ; EF = ½mvF2] = π2/3m n kB2 τ T Scattering processes • Low temperatures: defects, τ independent of T • Intermediate temp. : Low Temp phonons - Debye model τ ∝ T-3 • High temperatures: ‘classical’ phonons τ ∝ T-1 Wiedeman-Franz ratio Electrical and Thermal conductivities of electrons are both proportional to the relaxation time τ Taking the ratio of the two should make this cancel so if we define the Lorenz number as L = K/(σT) we have the Wiedeman-Franz Law: L = K 2 2 π kB = σT 3e 2 Predicted value is absolute and the same for all metals. Works well at high and low temps, - breaks down in ‘Debye’ region where energy and charge scattering are different Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas 15 Successes and Failures of Free Electron Model Successes: • Temperature dependence of Heat Capacity • paramagnetic (Pauli) susceptibility • Ratio of thermal and electrical conductivities (Lorentz number) • Magnitudes of heat capacities and Hall effect in simple metals Failures: • • • • Heat capacities and Hall effect of many metals are wrong Hall effect can be positive Does not explain why mean free paths can be so long Does not explain why some materials are metals, some insulators and some are semiconductors Nearly Free Electron Approximation Use a travelling wavefunction for an electron, e ikx, with kinetic energy =2k2/2m Assume that this is Bragg scattered by the wavevector G=2π/a to give a second wave e i(k-G)x with energy =2(k-G)2/2m Crystal potential is periodic in real space. Therefore we can Fourier Transform the potential so that: V ( x) = ∑ G VG exp (iGx ) For a schematic solution we calculate what happens for a single Fourier component VG so V(x) = VG(eiGx + e-iGx) Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas 16 Nearly Free Electron Approximation Use a travelling wavefunction for an electron, e ikx, with kinetic energy =2k2/2m Bragg scattering θ d Δk = 2|k|sinθ = 4π/λ sinθ = 2π/d 2dsinθ = λ Δk = G = ha* + kb* +lc* a With d = 2θ h2 + k 2 + l 2 Formally what we are doing is to solve the Hamiltonian form of Schrödinger equation Hψ = Eψ where ψ are the two travelling wave solutions. Expanding gives: ⎛ H11 − λ ⎜⎜ H 21 ⎝ H11 H12 ⎞ ⎛ eikx ⎞ ⎟ = (E − λ ⎟⎜ H 22 − λ ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ ei (k −G ) x ⎟⎠ =2 ∂2 = ψ1 * − ψ1 2m ∂x 2 = 2k 2 = , 2m ⎛ eikx ⎞ ) ⎜⎜ i (k −G )x ⎟⎟ ⎝e ⎠ = 2 (k − G ) = 2m 2 H 22 H12 = ψ 1 * V ( x) ψ 2 = VG Metals – HT10 – RJ Nicholas 17