A CARBON CLEAR PROJECT PROJECT SUMMARY Methane Capture from Landfill, Chile Source of Greenhouse Gas Reduction: This project captures and destroys methane gas - a powerful greenhouse gas. The methane is collected from two large landfills in central Chile and flared to prevent its release into the atmosphere, producing significant emission reductions. Project Location Valparaíso Region, Chile Type of Project Why We Like It: Methane Gas Capture Currently, most landfill gas in Chile is released into the atmosphere without any treatment or control. This project showcases methane capture technology and the great emission reductions that can be achieved with it, with no negative impact on the environment. Emission Reductions 11,000 tCO2e Furthermore, this project will make additional emission savings in its second phase by using the captured methane as a source of energy for electricity, displacing the use of fossil fuels. The project creates a number of social contributions to Chile’s overall sustainable development. As a result of methane capture the risk of potential fire or explosion is significantly reduced. It also avoids the bad odors associated with air pollution, and employs local staff to manage the methane capture operations. Independent Assurance: This project complies with the additionality criteria established by the Clean Development Mechanism. With its high up-front investment costs, it is unlikely it would have happened without money from the sale of carbon offset credits. The carbon offset credits have been verified by an accredited third party auditor and are Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) certified. Project in Brief Emission reductions achieved by capturing and flaring landfill methane gas Promotes new technology and transfer of knowledge Provides local employment and reduces risk of landfill explosions and odour