Abstract Guidelines 1) Send all abstracts to MIKImeeting2015@gmail.com by March 13 in Microsoft Word format. No other format will be accepted. 2) Your file should be named using this format: Your Name_Presentation Type_School Examples: MollyLee_Poster_Kansas GoldyGopher_Oral_Minnesota 3) Limit your abstract (all text, figures, and references) to a single 8.5”x11.0” page 4) Follow this format: Title: centered, 12 pt, Bold, Times New Roman font; insert symbols using the “Symbols” font. Presenter’s names and affiliations: centered, 12 pt Times New Roman font. The person’s name that is giving the presentation should be underlined. Body of the abstract: 12 pt Times New Roman font, single spaced and justified; insert symbols using the “Symbols” font. Figures: must be imbedded in the word document 5) See example below for reference 6) Email MIKImeeting2015@gmail.com with any questions. Abstract Example MIKI Abstract Submission Example Molly Lee, Vincent Crowley, and Elyse Petrunak Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 This is an example of a MIKI Abstract that should be submitted. Please do not forget to submit the document in Microsoft word format, as no other formats will be accepted. Also, do not forgot to follow the guidelines listed above, including using only Times New Roman font. We greatly appreciate you reading through the instructions and look forward to meeting you all in April! Let us know if you have any questions about abstract submission.