J. metamorphic Geol., 1998, 16, 577–588 Calculating phase diagrams involving solid solutions via non-linear equations, with examples using THERMOCALC R . P OWE L L ( e -ma i l: rp @ e ar t hs c i. u n ime l b. e d u. a u )1 , T . H O L L AN D2 A N D B . W O RL E Y 1 1 School of Earth Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3052, Australia 2 Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, UK A B S TR A C T Phase diagrams involving solid solutions are calculated by solving sets of non-linear equations. In calculating P–T projections and compatibility diagrams, the equations used for each equilibrium are the equilibrium relationships for an independent set of reactions between the end-members of the phases in the equilibrium. Invariant points and univariant lines in P–T projections can be calculated directly, as can coordinates in compatibility diagrams. In calculating P–T and T –x/P–x pseudosections – diagrams drawn for particular bulk compositions – the equilibrium relationship equations are augmented by mass balance equations. Lines in pseudosections, where the mode of one phase in the lower variance equilibrium is zero, and points, where the modes of two phases are zero, can then be calculated directly. The software, THERMOCALC, allows the calculation of these and a range of other types of phase diagram. Examples of phase diagrams and phase diagram movies, with instructions for their production, along with the THERMOCALC input and output files, and the MathematicaTM functions for assembling them, are presented in this paper, partly in hard copy and partly on the JMG web sites (http://www.gly.bris.ac.uk/www/jmg/jmg.html, or equivalent Australian or USA sites). I NTR ODU CT I ON The advent of large internally-consistent thermodynamic datasets (Helgeson et al., 1978; Holland & Powell, 1985; Powell & Holland, 1985; Berman, 1988; Holland & Powell, 1990; Gottschalk, 1997) has meant that it has become possible to calculate mineral equilibria involving solid solutions in complex systems (e.g. Spear & Cheney, 1989; Powell & Holland, 1990; Symmes & Ferry, 1992; Mahar et al., 1997). In principle such calculations allow phase diagrams to be constructed which closely approximate the phase relationships in rocks. Several different ways of approaching the calculation of mineral equilibria involving solid solutions have evolved out of those advocated in the chemical and metallurgy literature (e.g. van Zeggeren & Storey, 1970): the Gibbs method (Spear & Cheney, 1989); direct minimization of Gibbs energy (Wood, 1987; Connolly, 1990; de Capitani & Brown, 1987) and the solution of simultaneous non-linear equations (Powell & Holland 1990). This last approach is the one followed in the software, THERMOCALC, Powell & Holland (1988, and succeeding upgrades), which uses the internally-consistent thermodynamic dataset of Holland & Powell (1985, 1990, 1998) (e.g. Guiraud et al., 1990; Baker et al., 1994; Xu et al., 1994; Worley & Powell, 1998). The purpose of this paper is to consider the calculation of phase diagrams involving solid solutions by solving sets of non-linear equations. Examples of the application of this approach are calculated with © Blackwell Science Inc., 0263-4929/98/$14.00 Journal of Metamorphic Geology, Volume 16, Number 4, 1998, 577–588 the software THERMOCALC v2.6 using the April 20, 1996 version of the thermodynamic dataset. The version of THERMOCALC, current at acceptance of this paper for publication, this thermodynamic dataset, datafiles, output files and documentation for the examples are available from the JMG web sites. THERMOCALC is available to be downloaded in DOS, PowerMac and other Mac versions. The material summarized in Table 1 and the most recent published dataset are also available from the JMG sites. Current versions of the software and dataset, as well as Table 1. Summary of web-based material that is part of this paper, located at the JMG web site. See also the material at: http://rubens.unimelb.edu.au/ ~rpowell/THERMOCALC/ THERMOCALC.html for, for example, documentation of datafile construction and THERMOCALC scripts, as well as the most recent software and dataset. Category Software Dataset Documentation Mathematica functions Phase diagram movies Contents THERMOCALC v2.6 for DOS THERMOCALC v2.6 for PowerMac THERMOCALC v2.6 for other Macs (68k Macs) TH.PD (‘20apr96’) for DOS TH PDATA1 and THPDATA2 (‘20apr96’) for Mac getting started running THERMOCALC annotated KFMASH datafile annotated runs of THERMOCALC (logfiles) assembling phase diagrams with Mathematica low-level functions (drawline etc) high-level functions for compatibility diagrams high-level functions for T –x and P–x pseudosections full examples of using functions AFM compatibility diagram at 3 kbar, for 500 to 580 °C T –x psuedosection for 510–650 °C, for 5 to 10.5 kbar 577 578 R. P OW E L L E T A L . documentation of other THERMOCALC facilities, are at: http://rubens.its.unimelb.edu.au/~rpowell/ THERMOCALC/THERMOCALC.html C A L C U LAT IN G P H A S E DI AG RA M S Calculating phase diagrams involves a number of steps: 1 Choose a model system in which to do the calculations. A model system is just the chemical system, usually specified in terms of oxides, in which the equilibria to be calculated can be represented. This specifies which phases, and the substitutions within them, that will be able to be considered. Obviously these phases can only involve those end-members that occur in the thermodynamic dataset used (or linear combinations of them). For example, the model system normally used to consider metapelites is K O–FeO–MgO–Al O – 2 2 3 SiO –H O (or KFMASH) (Thompson, 1957), allowing 2 2 most of the critical minerals, and the FeMg and −1 (Fe,Mg)SiAl Al (Tschermak’s) substitutions in −1 −1 them, to be considered. This model system is the one used for the examples in this paper. 2 Formulate the thermodynamics of the phases in the system. Given that a central part of calculations on assemblages involving solid solutions is the calculation of the equilibrium compositions of the phases, the activity-composition (a–x) relationships of the phases are needed in algebraic form, in terms of the composi- tional variables to be calculated. The first stage of this is matching the required substitutions in each phase with end-members in the thermodynamic dataset, and assigning composition variables to the substitutions. In the case of chlorite in KFMASH, for example, the FeMg and (Fe,Mg)SiAl Al substitutions are −1 −1 −1 represented by clinochlore [clin, Mg Al Si O (OH) ], 5 2 3 10 8 daphnite [daph, Fe Al Si O (OH) ] and amesite 5 2 3 10 8 [ames, Mg Al Si O (OH) )] end-members. Two 4 4 2 10 8 composition variables are needed, and one choice is x=Fe/Fe+Mg, reflecting the extent of FeMg , and −1 y=Al/4, reflecting the extent of (Fe,Mg)SiAl Al −1 −1 (see Appendix). For each phase, a mixing model needs to be chosen. The approach followed in formulating the a–x relationships of KFMASH chlorite in terms of x and y, in this case in terms of the ideal-mixingon-sites model, is illustrated in Appendix 2. The a–x relationships for the other phases in the examples are also summarized in Appendix 2. 3 Decide on which phase diagrams are to be constructed. This decision will depend mainly on what geological problem is being addressed. Important types of diagrams are: $ A P–T projection, usually a key phase diagram, shows the stable invariant points and univariant (or reaction) lines for all of the bulk compositions in the system. A P–T projection for KFMASH, constrained Fig. 1. P–T projection for KFMASH (+mu+q+H O); the in-excess phases 2 in the reactions labelling are not included the univariant lines, as is usual for such diagrams. See Table 3 for the abbreviations used. C ALC ULATING PHA SE DIA GRA MS Fig. 2. AFM compatibility diagram for KFMASH (+mu+q+H O) at P=6 kbar and T =560 °C. 2 by stipulating the presence of muscovite, quartz and H O (i.e. with mu+q+H O ‘in excess’), is shown in 2 2 Fig. 1. Such diagrams are the familiar petrogenetic grids of the literature. $ Compatibility diagrams show the mineral assemblages, and ranges of mineral solid solutions, at specified P–T , for all of the bulk compositions in the model system. A compatibility diagram for AFM, with mu+q+H O in excess, is shown in Fig. 2. 2 $ P–T pseudosections show just those phase relationships for a particular bulk composition. A P–T pseudosection for a model pelite composition in AFM, with mu+q+H O in excess, is shown in Fig. 3. 2 $ T –x or P–x pseudosections show the phase relationships for a particular bulk composition line, at specified P or T respectively. A T –x pseudosection for AFM, with mu+q+H O in excess, is shown in Fig. 4. 2 Pseudosections are important because in systems with solid solutions, it is not usually obvious which parts of the equilibria in a P–T projection will be seen by a particular bulk composition, given that the compositions of the phases vary along the univariant lines (compare Figs 3 & 4 and Fig. 1). The diagrams in Figs 1–4 were calculated with the program THERMOCALC, using the a–x relationships in the Appendix (see Table 3 for the phase and endmember abbreviations used). Although there are other types of phase diagrams that can be drawn, for example with activities or chemical potentials on the axes, it is the calculation of the types of diagram in Figs 1–4 that will be the focus in this paper. 4 Build up the phase diagram via calculations on the equilibria involved. Each mineral equilibrium calculation involves setting up and solving a mathematical problem, as outlined in the next section for calculation 579 Fig. 3. P–T pseudosection in KFMASH (+mu+q+H O) for a 2 ‘common’ pelite composition: Al O =41.89, MgO=18.19, 3 FeO=27.29, and K O=12.63 (in2 mol%). 2 Fig. 4. A T –x pseudosection in KFMASH (+mu+q+H O), for a composition line along which FeO:MgO varies, with2 x= FeO/(FeO+MgO), and Al O =41.89, FeO+MgO=45.48, and 2 3composition line goes through K O=12.63 (in mol%). This the2 composition used in Fig. 3. in terms of sets of non-linear equations. Generating a phase diagram usually involves many such calculations. The calculations are computationally intensive so they are usually carried out by computer: THERMOCALC 580 R. P OW E L L E T A L . is software that performs such calculations. Phase diagrams can be drawn from THERMOCALC output using MathematicaTM functions which are made available here. These functions allow single phase diagrams to be drawn, as well as phase diagram movies to be constructed. THERMOCALC can also produce tabdelimited tables for importing into other graphical software for manipulation and plotting. C O N S T R U C TI O N A L F E AT U R E S OF P H A S E D I A G R AM S In the calculation of phase diagrams such as Figs 1–4, it is necessary to understand their constructional features. Such features of P–T projections, involving invariant1 points and univariant lines, are generally familiar. The constructional features of compatibility diagrams are illustrated in Fig. 5. The tie triangles (divariant equilibria) in the full system (within the triangle) as well as the divariant equilibria in the subsystems (edges of the triangle) specify much of the geometry, including the apices of the one-phase fields (quadrivariant equilibria). The edges of the one phase fields can be determined via the adjacent trivariant equilibria. In cases such as this, in which Fe–Mg is the dominant substitution, the edges are close to being straight; in other systems, such edges can be strongly curved. Pseudosections involve the invariant and univariant equilibria they inherit from P–T projections, as well as additional boundary lines and points. In a P–T pseudosection these inherited equilibria are just those parts of the P–T projection ‘seen’ by the bulk composition being considered (compare Figs 1 & 3). In a T –x pseudosection these inherited equilibria occur as horizontal lines, spanning the range of bulk compositions that ‘sees’ an equilibrium. The boundary lines and points separate fields of different variance; across lines the variance changes by one, and through points by two, e.g. Fig. 6(iii), 7(iv). Divariant fields adjoin univariant lines, separated by trivariant fields that emanate from points along the univariant lines, e.g. Fig. 6(i), 7(ii). The boundary points and lines can be most easily discussed with a new notation, which takes advantage of the fact that at lines one mode has gone to zero, and at points two modes have gone to zero. Labelling is carried out in terms of the lower variance assemblage involved, with the names of phases with zero modes given in brackets, see Figs 6 & 7. So for example in Fig. 6(iii), going from the g–chl–bi divariant field, through the point at 8 kbar and 580 °C, into the chl quadrivariant field, the modes of bi and g go to zero at the point. The point is therefore labelled ‘chl ( bi g)’. Similarly, in going down T at 10 kbar from the g–chl–bi divariant field into the g–chl trivariant field into the chl quadrivariant field, the two lines crossed are labelled ‘chl g ( bi)’ and ‘chl (g)’. The zero mode aspect of the boundary lines and points also provides a means of calculating them directly, as shown below. H O W C A L C U LAT IO N S A R E S ET UP WI T H NON- LINEAR EQUATIONS The organization of phase diagram calculations is predicted on the way the calculations are to be carried out. Setup of calculations for use in a non-linear equations solver, rather than, for example, a Gibbs energy minimizer, is outlined here. Fig. 5. The constructional features of the AFM compatibility diagram in Fig. 2. The numbers give the variance of the corresponding field. Part (i) focusses on a full-system divariant field; (ii) focusses on the chlorite one-phase field; its apices are defined by the corresponding apices of the full and subsystem divariant fields; (iii) focusses on the KFASH divariant fields that define the left hand edge of the diagram, (iv) focusses on the KMASH divariant fields that define the right hand edge. 1for an n component system, involving p phases, the variance v is equal to n−p+2, otherwise known as the phase rule. Invariant: v=0; univariant: v=1; divariant: v=2; and so on. Calculating P–T projections and compatibility diagrams A non-linear equations approach is suited to calculating equilibria of a specified variance. Thus, the calculation of P–T projections and compatibility diagrams is straightforward. So, if the position of the [bi,cd] invariant point in Fig. 1 is to be calculated, the equilibrium ctd–st–chl–g–mu–q–H O is addressed. 2 Similarly, if the coordinates of the corners of the g–chl–bi divariant triangle in Fig. 2 are to be C ALC ULATING PHA SE DIA GRA MS 581 Calculating an invariant point, say [bi, cd] at about P=12 kbar and T =595 °C on Fig. 1, will involve solving a set of non-linear equations consisting of the equilibrium relationships for reactions, forming an independent set, written between the end-members of the phases in the equilibrium being considered 0=DG°+RT ln K 1 1 0=DG°+RT ln K 2 2 e Whereas DG° is just a function of P–T , the equilibrium k constant, K , is, in general, a function of P–T and the k compositions of all the phases whose end-members are involved in the reaction. The P–T and these compositions are the unknowns that are solved for. For [bi,cd] on Fig. 1 an independent set of reactions is: (1) 72mctd+11py+3ames=8mst+17clin ; (2) 8mst+17clin+6ky=84mctd+11py ; (3) 10mst+19clin+3q=96mctd+13py ; (4) 39mctd+4py=4mst+7clin+3H O ; 2 (5) 8fst+17daph+6ky=84fctd+11alm ; (6) 10fst+19daph+3q=96fctd+13alm ; (7) 39fctd+4alm=4fst+7daph+3H O ; 2 (8) 8mst+14clin+3cel=72mctd+11py+3mu ; (9) 8fst+14daph+3fcel=72fctd+11alm+3mu ; Fig. 6. The constructional features of part of the P–T pseudosection in Fig. 3, indicating the necessary calculations to define the lines and points. The numbers give the variance of the corresponding field. In parts (i–iii), points and lines are labelled in terms of the lower variance adjacent assemblage, with the phase(s) whose modes are zero there being given in brackets. Part (i) focusses on the g+chl=st+bi univariant line, showing its relationship to adjoining trivariant fields that terminate on it; (ii) focusses on the g–chl–bi divariant field, its boundary lines at higher P being with trivariant fields, whereas the lower P boundary is the univariant; and (iii) focusses on the chl quadrivariant field. calculated, the equilibrium g–chl–bi–mu–q–H O is 2 addressed. The approach can be extended to the calculation of all of the equilibria of a particular variance in a system. Calculating all of the equilibria of variance, v, involves looking at all of the different combinations of n−v+2 phases chosen from the p phases in the system. There will be p( p−1) ... (n−v+4)(n−v+3) p = Cn−v+2 (n−v+2)(n−v+1) ... (2)(1) of these (in the absence of composition degeneracies amongst the phases). using the abbreviations in Table 3, and the corresponding set of equilibrium relationships can be written out. For example, the first one is A B (ast )8(achl )17 mst clin 0=DG°+RT ln 1 (actd )72(ag )11(achl )3 mctd py ames which becomes, on substituting for the activity expressions in the Appendix 0=DG°+RT 1 {(1−x )4}8{16(1−x )5(1−y )2y2 }17 st chl chl chl ×ln {(1−x )}72{(1−x )3}11{(1−x )4y4 }3 ctd g chl chl Given that each DGo is a function of P and T , these nine equations are in nine unknowns: P, T , x , x , st ctd x, x , y , x and y . Therefore they can be g chl chl mu mu solved, giving the P–T coordinate of the invariant point on the P–T projection, as well as the equilibrium compositions of the coexisting minerals there. (THERMOCALC gives P=12.2 kbar, T =595 °C, x =0.865, x =0.662, x =0.830, x =0.436, y = st ctd g chl chl 0.556, x =0.701 and y =0.793). See also Table 4 mu mu for the results of calculations around the [ctd,cd] invariant point in Fig. 1, that terminates st+bi stability to higher pressure at P=10 kbar and T =623 °C. Calculating the g–chl–bi–mu–q–H O divariant equi2 A B 582 R. P OW E L L E T A L . Fig. 7. The constructional features of part of the T –x pseudosection in Fig. 4, indicating the necessary calculations to define the lines and points. The numbers give the variance of the corresponding field. In parts (ii–iv), points and lines are labelled as in Fig. 3. Part (i) shows the AFM diagram at the temperature of the g+chl=st+bi univariant equilibrium, showing where the bulk composition line of the T –x diagram plots at this temperature, in projection from the calculated compositions of muscovite; (ii) focusses on the g+chl= st+bi univariant line; (iii) focusses on the g–chl–bi divariant field, with the apex at x=1 given by the corresponding KFASH univariant equilibrium; (iv) focusses on the chl quadrivariant field. librium as a tie triangle on a compatibility diagram (e.g. Fig. 2), a set of seven independent reactions is: (1) clin+ames+4q=3py+8H O ; 2 (2) 5py+3daph=5alm+3clin ; (3) clin+east=ames+phl ; (4) ames+cel=clin+mu ; (5) 3ames+2phl+6q=py+3clin+2mu ; (6) 2ann+mu+6q=alm+3fcel ; (7) 6daph+mu+3fcel=7alm+4ann+24H O . 2 giving seven equilibrium relationships in terms of nine variables: P, T , and the compositions x , x , y , x , g chl chl bi y , x and y . To calculate this equilibrium, two bi mu mu variables must be fixed. Fixing P and T , as appropriate for a compatibility diagram (P=6 kbar, T =560 °C in Fig. 2), the compositions of the coexisting phases in the equilibrium can be calculated by solving the equilibrium relationships. The coordinates of the calculated compositions of the phases can then be plotted on a compatibility diagram. The coordinates of biotite, the only phase in this equilibrium which is not already in the plane of the compatibility diagram, is found by projecting from the calculated composition of the muscovite. (THERMOCALC at P=6 kbar and T = 560 °C gives the {A,F,M} coordinates to be g: {0.250, 0.704, 0.046}, chl: {0.190, 0.558, 0.251} and bi: {−0.228, Table 2. Notation (units used are kJ, K and kbar and temperatures are quoted in °C). Symbol P T a x aj i x i y i R DG° k n p s c v p j xj i cj i x i,j s [k] x^n Meaning pressure temperature activity composition activity of end-member i in phase j composition variable, Fe/Fe+Mg, for phase i composition variable relating to Tschermak’s substitution for phase i gas constant (0.0083144 kJ K−1) Gibbs energy of reaction for reaction k number of components in a model system number of phases in an equilibrium Total number of end-members in the phases in an equilibrium number of composition variables set (i.e. given values) in an equilibrium variance modal proportion of phase j in an equilibrium proportion of end-member i in phase j number of molecules of component i in end-member j site fraction of element i on site j standard deviation reaction not involving phase k (i.e. k-out) in Table 8, means x to the power of n 0.871, 0.356}. The calculated AFM coordinates of the stable divariant fields at P=6 kbar and T =560 °C, as shown in Fig. 2, are summarized in Table 5. To generalize, considering an n-component model system, if phase k involves e end-members, then it k involves e −1 composition variables. For p phases in k the equilibrium, there will be Sp e ¬s end-members k=1 k of phases, and Sp (e −1)=s−n composition k=1 k C ALC ULATING PHA SE DIA GRA MS Table 3. Abbreviations and full names of the phases and endmembers, and the formulae of the end-members, used in the KFMASH examples. The end-member abbreviations are those understood by THERMOCALC. Phase abbrev. Phase full name mu muscovite bi biotite chl chlorite cd cordierite ctd chloritoid st staurolite g garnet and ky sill q HO 2 andalusite kyanite sillimanite quartz fluid End-member abbrev. End-member full name Formula Table 5. Summary of the THERMOCALC output for the stable KFMASH divariant triangles at P=6 kbar and T =560 °C, giving the AFM coordinates on the compatibility diagram in Fig. 2. The coordinates of biotite are calculated by projection from the calculated composition of muscovite in this divariant equilibrium. Divariant mu cel fcel phl ann east clin ames daph crd hcrd fcrd mctd fctd mst fst py alm gr and ky sill q HO 2 muscovite celadonite Fe celadonite phlogopite annite eastonite clinochlore amesite daphnite cordierite hydrous cordierite Fe cordierite Mg chloritoid Fe chloritoid Mg staurolite Fe staurolite pyrope almandine grossular andalusite kyanite sillimanite quartz water fluid KAl Si O H 3 3 12 2 KMgAlSi O H 4 12 2 KFeAlSi O H 4 12 2 KMg AlSi O H 3 3 12 2 KFe AlSi O H 3 3 12 2 KMg Al Si O H 2 3 2 12 2 Mg Al Si O H 5 2 3 18 8 Mg Al Si O H 4 4 2 18 8 Fe Al Si O H 5 2 3 18 8 Mg Al Si O 2 4 5 18 Mg Al Si O H 2 4 5 19 2 Fe Al Si O 2 4 5 18 MgAl SiO H 2 7 2 FeAl SiO H 2 7 2 Mg Al Si O H 4 18 7.5 48 4 Fe Al Si O H 4 18 7.5 48 4 Mg Al Si O 3 2 3 12 Fe Al Si O 3 2 3 12 Ca Al Si O 3 2 3 12 Al SiO 2 5 Al SiO 2 5 Al SiO 2 5 SiO 2 HO 2 variables. The number of reactions between the end-members that make up an independent set is the number of end-members minus the number of components, s-n (Powell & Holland, 1988). Given that there is a non-linear equation for each reaction in the independent set, these relationships indicate how many 583 Phase st–g–chl st g chl st chl ky g chl bi st–chl–ky g–chl–bi A F M 0.692 0.250 0.199 0.692 0.207 1.000 0.250 0.190 −0.228 0.294 0.702 0.542 0.274 0.356 0.014 0.048 0.259 0.033 0.437 0.704 0.559 0.871 0.046 0.251 0.356 unknowns can be solved for, and therefore how many must be set, because the s-n equations can only be solved for s–n unknowns. The number of things that have to be set in order for an equilibrium to be calculated can be represented in terms of degrees of freedom, equal to the number of unknowns, (s–p)+2, minus the number of equations, s–n, giving n–p+2. So the number of degrees of freedom is just the variance. Setting unknowns may involve setting P and/or T , or setting compositional variables, as would be done, for example, in calculating composition isopleths on a P–T diagram. Therefore, by variance, v: v=0. For an invariant equilibrium, a point on a P–T diagram, all the unknowns can be solved for. With no composition variables set, the equilibrium Table 4. Summary of the THERMOCALC output for the equilibria around the [cd, ctd] invariant point at P=10 kbar and T = 623 °C in the P–T projection shown in Fig. 3. First is the calculated coordinates of the invariant point itself, with the uncertainties (1s) arising from the uncertainties on the thermodynamic data, followed by the calculated coordinates of the univariant lines. The P and T of the invariant point are only slightly correlated (r =−0.133). PT (a) s [ky] [bi ] [chl] [g] [st] P ( kbar) T (°C) x 10.0 0.8 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 623 7 572 600 623 644 662 649 640 623 599 569 670 650 623 589 549 585 605 623 639 654 583 605 623 639 653 0.818 0.0203 0.937 0.884 0.817 0.737 0.642 0.752 0.782 0.818 0.859 0.902 0.895 0.855 0.818 0.786 0.761 0.859 0.838 0.818 0.797 0.776 st x g 0.771 0.0192 0.911 0.846 0.770 0.685 0.590 0.686 0.725 0.771 0.823 0.877 0.862 0.813 0.771 0.735 0.708 0.885 0.830 0.770 0.705 0.635 x chl 0.362 0.0258 0.604 0.466 0.361 0.277 0.209 0.279 0.315 0.362 0.427 0.515 0.394 0.377 0.362 0.347 0.333 0.542 0.442 0.361 0.295 0.239 y chl 0.565 0.0091 0.593 0.579 0.565 0.552 0.539 0.580 0.573 0.565 0.557 0.549 0.609 0.587 0.565 0.544 0.523 0.610 0.587 0.565 0.544 0.523 x bi y 0.384 0.0250 0.638 0.496 0.383 0.292 0.217 0.356 0.0483 0.417 0.386 0.355 0.326 0.297 0.574 0.468 0.383 0.315 0.259 0.429 0.406 0.384 0.363 0.343 0.578 0.471 0.383 0.310 0.247 0.493 0.425 0.355 0.284 0.213 0.448 0.400 0.355 0.313 0.274 0.446 0.399 0.355 0.314 0.275 bi x mu 0.620 0.0253 0.812 0.713 0.619 0.527 0.437 0.509 0.559 0.620 0.691 0.772 0.752 0.680 0.619 0.569 0.528 0.646 0.632 0.620 0.608 0.596 0.768 0.692 0.619 0.550 0.482 y mu 0.822 0.0161 0.860 0.841 0.821 0.801 0.780 0.863 0.843 0.821 0.796 0.767 0.879 0.852 0.821 0.784 0.739 0.889 0.857 0.821 0.782 0.741 0.877 0.850 0.821 0.791 0.759 584 R. P OW E L L E T A L . involves n+2 phases; the P–T of the point, and the compositions of all the phases in the equilibrium, can be solved for. For c composition variables set, the equilibrium involves n+2−c phases. For example, a divariant assemblage involving n phases, with two composition variables set, corresponding to the intersection of two isopleths, is (effectively) invariant, and the P–T and remaining composition variables of the equilibrium can be solved for. v=1. For a univariant equilibrium, a line on a P–T diagram, if one of the unknowns is set (i.e. one of P, T and the composition variables), then the remaining unknowns can be solved for. With no composition variables set, the equilibrium involves n+1 phases, and, given, say, P, the T and the compositions of all of the phases can be solved for. For c composition variables set, the equilibrium involves n+1−c phases. For example, a divariant assemblage involving n phases with one composition variable set, is a line on a P–T diagram (an isopleth), the equilibrium is (effectively) univariant and, given, say, P, the T and the remaining compositions of the phases can be solved for. v=v. For a v-variant equilibrium, if v of the unknowns are set (i.e. v of P, T and the composition variables), then the remaining unknowns can be solved for. For v≤2, and no composition variables set, the equations cannot be solved. With no composition variables set, the equilibrium involves n+2−v phases; for c composition variables set, the equilibrium involves n+2−v−c phases. Calculating pseudosections The calculation of P–T and T –x/P–X pseudosections (Figs 3 & 4) with the non-linear equation approach is greatly aided by augmenting the non-linear equations formed by the set of 0=DGo+RT lnK equations with a set of equations derived from mass balance constraints. For the specified bulk composition that is being used for the calculation, these additional equations relate the mole proportion of each component in the bulk composition with the sum of the calculated mineral compositions multiplied by their modal proportions. In other words, the bulk composition must be able to be made up of an assemblage of the phases of interest. Of course the phases in the assemblage must each have non-negative modal proportions. Situations where one or two phases have zero modes are particularly relevant, as they correspond to the lines and points in pseudosections, as discussed above. As can be seen in the following, the zero mode character of the lines and points in pseudosections can be utilized in calculations. For the n-component system considered above, there will be a mass balance equation for each component, giving n equations additional to the equilibrium relationships involved. There are also p additional variables, the modes of the phases. Then the total number of equations is s-n+n, i.e. s equations, in s-n+p+2, i.e. s+2 unknowns. So, if two things are specified, the number of equations equals the number of unknowns regardless of the number of phases involved. This means that equilibria of any variance can be calculated, once a bulk composition is specified (see also Spear, 1986). The value of including the mass balance constraints in calculations comes in setting one or two modal proportions to zero. On a P–T pseudosection, with one mode set to zero, an equilibrium (involving any number of phases) defines a P–T line (i.e. is effectively univariant). With two modes set to zero, an equilibrium defines a P–T point (i.e. is effectively invariant). On a T –x pseudosection (at fixed P ), with one mode set to zero, an equilibrium (involving any number of phases) defines a T –x line, and with two modes set to zero, an equilibrium defines a T –x point. This means that the lines and points that make up pseudosections can be calculated directly. The above approach can be seen in calculating the divariantÂquadrivariant point, ‘chl ( bi g)’ on a P–T pseudosection, occurring at 8 kbar and 580 °C on Fig. 3. The divariant equilibrium, chl–bi–g, involves the same set of seven independent reactions between the end-members of the phases as listed above in the compatibility diagram example. So there are seven equilibrium relationships, in the nine unknowns, P, T , x , x , y , x , y , x and y . Rather than fixing P g chl chl bi bi mu mu and T as in the above, the equilibrium relationships are augmented with mass balance constraints. With constraints for K O, FeO, MgO, Al O , and the 2 2 3 additional unknowns, the modal proportions, p , p , chl bi p and p , the required P–T point can be calculated g mu directly, once p and p are both set to zero. Mass bi g balance constraints are not needed for SiO and H O 2 2 because quartz and H O2 correspond to these compo2 nents. The mass balance constraints that are needed involve combinations of the composition and mode variables. For example, for MgO, using the information in Appendix 2 for converting composition variables into mineral compositions MgO=p {cclin xchl +cames xchl +cdaph xchl } chl MgO clin MgO ames MgO daph +p {cphl xbi +ceast xbi +cann xbi } bi MgO phl MgO east MgO ann +p {cpy xg +calm xg } g MgO py MgO alm +p {cmu xmu+ccel xmu+cfcel xmu } mu MgO mu MgO cel MgO fcel In this, p , for example, is the modal proportion of bi biotite in the equilibrium, xbi , is the proportion of the phl end-member phlogopite in the biotite, and cphl is the MgO number of MgO in the formula of phlogopite. On substituting the expressions for the proportions of the end-members in the phases in terms of the composition 2H O is used here as a component and as a phase, with the 2 meaning given by the context. C ALC ULATING PHA SE DIA GRA MS variables this constraint becomes GA B 2 MgO=p 5 1− x (3−y )−(2y −1) chl chl chl 5 chl H +4(2y −1) chl GA A A B H 1 +p 3 1−x 1− y −y +2( y ) bi bi bi bi 3 bi +p {3((1−x ))} g g +p {x (1−y )} mu mu mu The coordinates of ‘chl ( bi g)’ on the P–T and T –x pseudosections as calculated by THERMOCALC are given in Table 6, section (ii) and Table 7, section (i). In the latter case, the coordinates are determined via the locus of the P–T point with bulk composition, with the T –x position of the point at the fixed pressure of the pseudosection found by interpolation, or by running THERMOCALC over an appropriately narrow composition range. The calculation of a line on a P–T or T –x pseudosection is illustrated with the trivariant quadrivariant line, ‘chl ( bi)’. This runs down pressure from the ‘chl ( bi g)’ point on Fig. 3, and to more magnesium bulk compositions from this same point on Fig. 4. The trivariant equilibrium, chl–bi, is represented by an independent set of five reactions: (1) ames+cel=clin+mu ; (2) clin+east=ames+phl ; Table 6. Summary of THERMOCALC output that relate to the calculation of the P–T pseudosection in Fig. 3, the p being the k modal proportions of the phases in the assemblage. The mineral composition information is omitted. (i) the g–chl–bi–st univariant assemblage calculated with the modes of st and g, and g and chl, set to zero, so determining the terminations of the corresponding trivariant fields on the univariant line; (ii) the bi–chl–g divariant field calculated with the modes of bi and g set to zero, so determining the position of the apex of the chl quadrivariant; (iii) the bi–chl–g divariant field calculated with the mode of bi set to zero, so determining the position of the boundary between the bi–chl–g divariant field and the g–chl trivariant field; and (iv) the bi–chl trivariant field calculated with the mode of bi set to zero, so determining the position of the boundary between the bi–chl trivariant and the chl quadrivariant fields. For (i) and (ii) the calculated uncertainties (1s) on the positions of the P–T points are also given. P (kbar) i s s ii s iii iv 7.3 0.8 6.3 0.9 8.0 0.6 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 T (°C) 590 5 577 6 580 6 590 600 609 609 521 541 561 581 p st p g p p chl bi p mu 0.207 0 0 0.575 0.217 0 0 0.444 0.102 0.454 0 0 0.495 0 0.505 0.088 0.158 0.219 0.273 0.407 0.337 0.276 0.222 0.495 0.495 0.495 0.495 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 585 Table 7. Summary of THERMOCALC output relating to generating the T –x pseudosection in Fig. 4, with the mineral composition information omitted: (i) the bi–chl–g divariant field calculated with the modes of bi and g set to zero, so determining by interpolation the position of the apex of the chl quadrivariant field; (ii) the bi–chl–g divariant field calculated with the mode of chl set to zero, so determining the position of the boundary between the bi–chl–g divariant and the bi–g trivariant fields; and (iii) bi–chl trivariant field calculated with the mode of bi set to zero, so determining the position of the boundary between the bi–chl trivariant and the chl quadrivariant fields. The prop column refers to the proportional position along the bulk composition line. i ii iii P (kbar) T (°C) prop p g 5.1 5.5 5.8 5.8 6.0 6.6 7.0 7.4 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 528 535 541 541 545 556 563 572 541 554 567 545 543 542 540 538 535 532 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.150 0.179 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.430 0.413 0.399 p chl 0.495 0.495 0.495 0.495 0.495 0.495 0.495 0.495 0 0 0 0.495 0.495 0.495 0.495 0.495 0.495 0.495 p bi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.130 0.164 0.192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p mu 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.440 0.423 0.409 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 0.505 (3) 5clin+3mu=4ames+3phl+7q+4H O ; 2 (4) daph+4fcel=3ann+mu+7q+4H O ; 2 (5) 5ames+5fcel+4clin+daph+5mu . So there are five equilibrium relationships, in the eight unknowns, P, T , x , y , x , y , x and y . chl chl bi bi mu mu Augmenting with mass balance constraints for K O, 2 FeO, MgO, Al O , with the additional unknowns, p , 2 3 chl p , and p , there are nine equations in 11 unknowns. bi mu On setting p to zero, the set of equations defines a bi P–T line for a particular bulk composition, as in Fig. 3, as well as a T –x line at fixed pressure across a bulk composition range, as in Fig. 4. The corresponding calculated coordinates are given in Table 6, section (iv), and in Table 7, section (iii). Determining the stability of calculated equilibria Not addressed in the above development is the determination of the stability of equilibria. When all the invariant and univariant equilibria in a P–T projection are calculated, many or most will be metastable. The stability of the equilibria can be determined by applying Schreinemakers Rule3 to the univariant lines around each invariant point, then putting the invariant points together. With the resulting P–T projection, determining the stable equilibria in compatibility diagrams and pseudosections is generally straightforward. 3the metastable extension of the reaction not involving phase i (i-out or [i]) lies between i-producing reactions (e.g. Zen, 1966). 586 R. P OW E L L E T A L . In the context of determining which assemblage is the most stable one at a particular P–T , for a particular bulk composition, the minimization of the Gibbs energy of the system can be utilized. From the last subsection, with the mass balance constraints included, equilibria of any variance can be calculated if two unknowns are fixed. Choosing these to be P–T , it is straightforward, if laborious, to loop through all the possible divariant and higher equilibria in the system, determine the Gibbs energy of each assemblage if it can be calculated, and identify the one with the smallest Gibbs energy. Such an approach, applied at a series of P–T points along a P–T line, is very effective in getting started in constructing pseudosections, in identifying (stable) lines that may then be calculated by the method of the last subsection. In conclusion, the software THERMOCALC is built around a non-linear equation solver, and it involves an implementation of the material covered above. As a consequence, the features of P–T projections, compatibility diagrams, P–T pseudosections and T –x/P–x pseudosections can be calculated directly. Aspects of this are discussed in Appendix 1. Table 8. (Continued) cd 3 g2 chl 3 2 fcrd 1 2 hcrd bulk 1 1 1 2 bulk 1 1 x(cd) 0.45 h(cd) 0.7 py 1 1 check 0 alm 1 1 bulk 1 1 check 1 x(g) 0.9 clin 16 3 ames east mu 3 Table 8. Main part of a THERMOCALC datafile for KFMASH, showing the coding of the a–x relationships etc used in the examples, using the a–x relationships from the Appendix. Everything after a % on a line is treated as a comment and is ignored by THERMOCALC, allowing the annotation of datafiles. See the documentation on the web for details of datafile construction. See Table 3 for the abbreviations of the phases and the end-members. ctd 2 1 1 check 0 fst 1 1 bulk 1 1 check 1 x(st) 0.92 mctd 1 1 check 0 fctd 1 1 bulk 1 1 check 1 x(ctd) 0.91 1 1 −1 1 4 % a(mst)=(1−x)^4 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 % bulk 1 1 check 0 1 x( bi) 0.5 y( bi) 0.49 mu 1/4 3 fcel 1 1 −1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 % a(fctd)=x % x=Fe/(Fe+Mg) check 0 1 1/4 4 check 0 0 1/4 4 bulk 1 2 ky q 0 0 check 1 0 1/4 4 bulk 1 2 a(fst)=x^4 % x=Fe/(Fe+Mg) % a(mctd)=(1−x) check 0 0 1/4 4 bulk 1/3 2 cel mst check 1 1/2 1 2 bulk 1 1 check 0 1 x(chl) 0.5 y(chl) 0.6 phl 1/4 4 ann A P P EN D I X 1 : U SI N G THE R M O C A L C st 2 check 0 1/2 16 3 bulk 1/5 2 We thank F. Spear, D. Pattison and J. Brady for their helpful comments. We also thank all those friends and others who have laboured with THERMOCALC, who have helped in its evolution over the years, including J. Baker, M. Guiraud, T. Will, G. Xu, K. Stuwe, J. Arnold, E. Maher, C. Carson, among others. The software THERMOCALC allows phase diagrams to be calculated, as in Tables 4–7. In using THERMOCALC, provision of the a–x relationships for the minerals is done via a datafile, of which for example Table 8 is a part. Although for a few solid solutions the mixing model to use is fixed by the way the thermodynamic data for the end-members were extracted (see Holland & Powell, 1990), in general the user can code whichever mixing model is thought to be appropriate (within the Margules 1 daph bi 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMEN TS crd check 1 0 x(mu) 0.75 y(mu) 0.95 HO 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 −1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 % a(crd)=(1−x)^2 * % (1−h) % a(fcrd)=x^2 * % (1−h) 2 1 % a(crd)=(1−x)^2 * % h % x=Fe/(Fe+Mg) % h=H O pfu 2 % a(py)=(1−x)^3 1 1 −1 1 3 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 −1 −1 1 1 2 2 5 2 2 % x=Fe/(Fe+Mg) % a(clin)=16 (1−x)^5 * % (1−y)^2 * % y^2 0 1 0 0 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 −1 1 2 −1 1 2 2 1 2 5 2 2 % a(daph)=16 x^5 * % (1−y)^2 * % y^2 1 0 −1 1 1 1 −1 1 2 1 2 2 4 4 % a(ames)=(1−x)^4 * % y^4 % a(alm)=x^3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 −1 −1 1 −1 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 % x=Fe/(Fe+Mg) % y=oct A1/2 % a(phl)=1/4 (1−x)^3 * % (2−y)^2 * % (1+y) * % (1−y) 0 2 1 1 0 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 % a(ann)=1/4 x^3 * % (2−y)^2 * % (1+y) * % (1−y) 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 −1 1 1 −1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 % a(east)=1/4 (1−x)^2 * % y* % (1+y)^2 * % (2−y) 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 −1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 % x=Fe/(Fe+Mg) % y=oct Al % a(mu)=1/4 (1+y)^2 * % (2−y) * % y 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 −1 −1 1 −1 −1 −1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 % a(cel)=1/4 (1−x) * % (1−y) * % (1+y) * % (2−y)^2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 % a(fcel )=1/4 x * % (1−y) * % (1+y) * % (2−y)^2 % x=Fe/(Fe+Mg) % y=oct Al−1 family). Output from THERMOCALC, processed by Mathematica functions made available here, can be used for assembling phase diagrams and phase diagram movies. The mechanics of datafile construction, running THERMOCALC, and assembling phase C ALC ULATING PHA SE DIA GRA MS 587 diagrams, is covered in detail on the web. Additionally on the web are QuickTime compatibility diagram movies for AFM, running from 500 to 580 °C at 3 kbar, and a T –x diagram movie for AFM, running from P=5 to 10.5 kbar, and the information needed to construct them. One aspect of using THERMOCALC to perform mineral equilibrium calculations that is worth emphasizing is its ability to propagate uncertainties in the thermodynamic data of the endmembers of the phases through calculations. These data uncertainties are generated along with the thermodynamic data themselves as a consequence of the way the data are generated (see below; also Powell & Holland, 1993). The magnitude of the uncertainties on the thermodynamic data reflect how well they are constrained by the various experimental data used to calculate them. It is always worthwhile calculating the uncertainties on equilibria, e.g. Tables 4(i), 6(i,ii), to give an indication of how well known the equilibria are. Such an error propagation calculation as done by THERMOCALC omits any contribution from errors in the formulation of a–x relationships. However, in the absence of gross a–x errors, generally, if uncertainties arising from the thermodynamic data are small, they are likely to remain small overall. Of course, if uncertainties arising from the thermodynamic data are large, they can only get larger if other sources of uncertainty are also included. On this basis, the position of the [ctd,cd] invariant point in Fig. 1, Table 4(i), is relatively well known, with an uncertainty of about 1.5 kbar (2s), whilst the pressure of [cd,as] is much less well-known (±>4 kbar). The position of this point is obviously sensitive to the data used in its calculation. In considering a whole phase diagram, the uncertainties on the positions of points and lines will usually be strongly correlated, so care is required in developing on overall picture of uncertainties. For example it can be asked if different topologies in a P–T projection can be stable within error: can [cd,as] be at a lower pressure than [g,cd] in Fig. 1 (so making both invariant points metastable, and a different topology apply)? To answer this requires knowing the correlations, because it is not sufficient to say that the uncertainties on the two points overlap. THERMOCALC can be used to perform calculations additional to those addressed here. These include the geothermometry/ geobarometry calculations called average P–T methods (Powell & Holland, 1994), as well as phase diagram calculations not involving solid solutions (e.g. Powell & Holland, 1988). These latter calculations are simple to perform as the datafile needed requires just a list of the phases (end-members) involved, and the results include not only the positions of the equilibria but also the stability relationships (see Powell & Holland, 1988). amesite [Mg ]M1[Al ]M2[Si ]T1[Al ]T2O (OH) . 4 2 2 2 10 8 The composition variables to use are not prescribed, although some may be easier to use in calculations than others. A reasonable choice is one that brings out the substitutions involved in the phase, so define: APPENDI X 2 : ACTI V IT Y- COMPOSI T ION A ND B U L K C O M P O S IT I ON R E L AT I O N S H IP S F O R M I N ER A L S I N K F M A S H From the expression for y chl p =2y −1 ames chl and substituting this into the expression for x chl 2 p = x (3−y ) chl daph 5 chl In any mineral equilibrium calculation involving solid solutions, the thermodynamics of the phases need to be expressed in terms of their compositional variables. Then, once a calculation is done, and the equilibrium values of the compositional variables are found, the bulk composition of the phase must be constructed, for example for writing reactions or plotting the compositions on a compatibility diagram. These processes are illustrated for chlorite in KFMASH. The corresponding expressions for the other minerals are also given below. The starting point is deciding which end-members to include and what a–x model to use. For chlorite in KFMASH, clinochlore (clin), daphnite (daph) and amesite (ames), constitute an independent set of end-members, if the FeMg and (Fe,Mg)SiAl Al substitutions −1 −1 −1 are to be considered. The a–x relationships will be modelled using ideal-mixing-on-sites, with Al mixing on two octahedral sites (designated M2) and two tetrahedral sites (designated T2) (Holland & Powell, 1990). Thus the end-members can be written: clinochlore [Mg ]M1[MgAl ]M2[Si ]T1[SiAl ]T2O (OH) ; 4 2 10 8 daphnite [Fe ]M1[MgAl]M2[Si ]T1[SiAl ]T2O (OH) ; 4 2 10 8 Aloct Fe and y =x = x = chl Al,M2 chl Fe+Mg 2 Then the site fractions can be written in terms of x and y : chl chl =1−x x =x Mg,M1 chl Fe,M1 chl x =(1−x )(1−y ) x =x (1−y ) x =y Mg,M2 chl chl Fe,M2 chl chl Al,M2 chl x =0 x =1 Al,T1 Si,T1 x =y x =1−y Al,T2 chl Si,T2 chl Then, for clinochlore using ideal mixing on sites: x a =16x4 x x x2 x x clin Mg,M1 Mg,M2 Al,M2 Si,T1 Al,T2 Si,T2 in which the 16 is a normalization constant forcing a =1 for pure clin clinochlore (e.g. Powell, 1978, p. 70). This is necessary because both the M2 and T2 sites have more than one element on them in pure clinochlore. Substituting the site fractions into the ideal mixing activity expression gives a =16(1−x )5(1−y )2y2 clin chl chl chl The same logic for daph and ames gives a =16x5 (1−y )2y2 daph chl chl chl a =(1−x )4y4 ames chl chl Following an equilibrium calculation, there will be values of x chl and y which can then be used to reconstitute the chlorite. This is chl done via expressions for the proportions of the end-members, p , clin p and p , in the chlorite in terms of x and y . A start is daph ames chl chl made by writing the definitions for x and y in terms of the p’s: chl chl 5p 5p Fe daph daph = = x = chl Fe+Mg 5p +5p +4p 5−p daph clin ames ames in which the multiplier on p comes from the number of atoms of k Fe or Mg in the formula unit of k. The last step comes from the fact that p +p +p =1. Similarly clin daph ames p +p +2p 1+p Aloct daph ames= ames = clin y = chl 2 2 2 and, by difference 2 p =1− x (3−y )−(2y −1) clin chl chl 5 chl The a–x relationships of staurolite, chloritoid and garnet are particularly simple to represent in terms of their composition variables, in each case x is Fe/Fe+Mg. Thus, for their end-members: =(1−x )4 a =x4 ; mst st fst st =1−x ) a =x ; mctd ctd fctd ctd a =(1−x )3 a =x3 . py g alm g In considering biotite, using the compositional variables a a Fe and y =2x =Aloct x = bi Al,M2 bi Fe+Mg with Al mixing with the Fe+Mg on two octahedral sites (M2), and 588 R. P OW E L L E T A L . Al with the Si on two tetrahedral sites (T2), then x =1−x Mg,M1 bi x A y x =(1−x ) 1− bi Mg,M2 bi 2 x = Al,T2 B Fe,M1 x 1+y bi 2 =x bi A B y y =x 1− bi x = bi Fe,M2 bi Al,M2 2 2 x = Si,T2 1−y bi 2 and the ideal mixing on sites expressions for the biotite end-members are: 1 a = (1−x )3(2−y )2(1+y )(1−y ); phl 4 bi bi bi bi 1 a = x3 (2−y )2(1+y )(1−y ); ann 4 bi bi bi bi 1 a = (1−x )2y (1−y )2(2−y ). east 4 bi bi bi bi In considering muscovite, using the compositional variables Fe and y =x =Aloct−1 x = mu Al,M2 mu Fe+Mg with Fe+Mg mixing with the Al on two octahedral sites (M2), and Al with the Si on two tetrahedral sites (T2), then x x Mg,M2 =(1−x ) mu y = mu Al,T2 2 A B 1−y bi 2 x x =x Fe,M2 Mu Si,T2 A B 1−y 1+y bi x bi = Al,M2 2 2 y =1− mu 2 and the ideal mixing on sites expressions for the muscovite end-members are: 1 a = (1+y )2(2−y )y ; mu 4 mu mu mu 1 a = (1−x )(1−y )(1+y )(2−y )2; mu mu mu mu cel 4 1 a = x (1−y )(1+y )(2−y )2. fcel 4 mu mu mu mu R E FE R E N C E S Baker, J., Holland, T. 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