Children’s Literature Masters Program The M.A. in Children’s Literature

Masters Program
The M.A. in Children’s Literature
Program Requirements: 30 hours total
Children’s Literature
Two required courses (6 hours)
CHL 516 Intro to Graduate Studies in Children’s
Literature (3 hrs)
CHL 585 Children’s Literature: Criticism and
Theory (3hrs)
Plus five courses (15 hours) from the following:
CHL 517 Children’s Literature for Teachers (3 hrs)
CHL 518 History of Children’s Literature (3hrs)
CHL 581 Critical Approaches to Mythology
(3 hrs)
CHL 582 Folktales, Legends and Ballads (3hrs)
CHL 583 Children’s Illustrated Texts (3 hrs)
CHL 584 Literature for Adolescents (3hrs)
CHL 586 Multicultural Children’s Literature (3hrs)
CHL 587 Children’s Media Studies (3 hrs)
CHL 588 Topics in Children’s Literature (3 hrs)
(CHL588 may be taken up to two times)
Plus electives (9 hours) from the above list or
from other programs such as creative writing,
literature, technical and professional writing, English education, theatre and drama for the young,
women’s studies or reading.
For more information visit:
or contact Program Coordinator,
Annette Wannamaker,
To apply visit:
Children’s Literature Program
Department of English Language and Literature
612 Pray-Harrold
Ypsilanti, MI 41897
Expert Graduate Faculty
The M.A. in Children’s Literature at EMU is
designed to provide a master’s level competency in all major areas of children’s literature,
including folklore, mythology, literary theory,
illustrated texts, children’s culture and multicultural children’s literature. The degree is an appropriate choice for candidates who anticipate
teaching in the elementary, middle or junior
high school levels, as well as special education
teachers, reading specialists, librarians, authors
and editors of children’s books. It also provides
preparation for college teachers of children’s
literature and for those who anticipate undertaking doctoral studies.
Professors, whose areas of expertise are in the
fields of children’s literature, adolescent literature,
children’s film and media, and childhood studies
and youth culture, regularly teach courses in the
Children’s Literature graduate program. Go to to learn
more about our faculty.
Flexibility: Students in the EMU Children’s
Literature M.A. Program work with graduate faculty to create an individualized program of study:
Students can choose to take CHL courses for all
30 credits or can include electives from such programs as creative writing, literature, technical and
professional writing, English education, theatre
and drama for the young, women’s studies or
reading to shape a graduate program that best
meets their individual goals.
Tradition: Founded more
than 40 years ago, the Children’s Literature Program at
EMU is one of the oldest in
the nation, and maintains
this tradition by teaching courses in mythology,
folklore and the history of
children’s literature.
Innovation: We regularly
offer cutting-edge courses
in children’s media and
culture, multicultural
children’s literature,
adolescent literature and
illustrated texts and special
topics courses on such
topics as global children’s
literature, multicultural children’s films and indepth studies of specific authors or themes.