J Rwo-.,:.

'nl• K - r
T.C ..
:·pril 1 • 1985
""'- follovl.n9 p.,_r cUacu~M• a •e.ries ot ,....Un9a tb• -6Utbot' hu hMt
o"er the lut eevtral veeka concerni.nq t he futua o..t t.be South.ern Fron t .
Ttt.ese •••t ir\9• coolc. place in' the SO\lth and in. Waahinqton .
"n\e &~neat
recent ones "<!re held on l"rlday and S•turct.y, It~ 29 and 20 J.n
Leone 1 Pov.cla Sedi le•
Carlo~ coranel
cu~~le~ Mendieta
Luia Ri~a~ Leal
.llej•ndro Ma rtin •~ Saenz
Marold Martine~ Saenz
J'uan za,ada
~•etinq vi t h me in
J":crtinez .
;;bou t
Va~ hinoton ~ •r• :
!ou.r RIIOnth s ,a.qo
pTopoeed .nd setup by Arturo
six o C the seven IC-ata.e t o
~le j &ndr~
Cru~ ~r.
W•t~hinqton ~
the ur9i ng o f ~at Henry, to meet vi~h S~n&tor H•!.• . They Q•v e
Senator the •ttaehed peper and discussed their idea but they na v•r
haard anothe r thinq !~ the senator or his a~&ff. out of d•sp e~~t ~c ~
t hey c~e one mo~e t~• hoping to meet ~i th t.he K~~-
I h•d met Poveda du r inq tbe #umMer ot 198J uhen I vis ited Co1ta ~e a .
:ie ceeoqn i z" G'lf: a.n<l ..,_._, 9l ad tbe mee tinQ w•~ with someon e . hCl' );.new.
,t ll thr-ee , ... lized the ce a.J~on" fo r t.he meetinq wi t h me i.nste&d of
~i th
the powera that be.
~hey ~epre$ent
&r e vai10.
i n c lude ::
le•de r ~ hi p Ln the
•l t erna~ive eo Pa,tora
L•c k of
Lack of
coord in~tion bet~een ~aver•l
sm~l l oroup~
nov o pe t'4tinq
Th• need
a neu
oper ations
Cn •ssence , th es~ people are o f!et i~9 the ir s•rv i c • s to st ruct u re and
o rqani~e a n ev southern front.
They say they rept'esent El ~e9t0 Ch~r~o'3 oadp, Vhich noW con~i,~s
s.~ 41 tnen '.J.llder t he eormtand o f .Jo se: JWb e l o (Chepon) ,. e nd aho1:he :c~p whi ch \ ~ unde r t he command of th• CUbAn 5 and C~lero•$ people.
·rh is last c M~p Ls .actua.lly under the day t o d.ay COMIAnd of • rH car£qu .\:-:.
nhmad J~sus . bu't. ove c-all i~ under the vi.nQ of ~·
a• r
J Rwo-.,:.
.sou.them rrant:
April 1 , 1'8S
Paqe 2
kfore CCO<j,t\9 to V&:~hington, they •aid they had OM!L vith 'El ~~ci; &nd
b .d t.a.lk.O wicb the CUbans in Mi-i wbo • r e workin9 the oth e r Cldlp.
"ftle toDtC C' ..i.~ true. D.tt thw dJ.d not <:<~~~~• r:e px esent.inq t he C\a~s
o r the other c . .p .
Po-•2 :oal..d
he and carlo• COI!'Oftel. hAd lt.ail b r .,.kfut \rl.th C&lero on
i n OO•t• IUc:e and b ad clii>Cila•..t the -aibUity of
• ....., aouehem. c:::c..Aftd •tnw:tur• .
~alero'• bleeaift9.
.,_. -r
Acccrd.ln.g t.a POvecia t.hey have
'ftle o~ution wou.ld fall .....S.r the pol!dcal leadenhi p o .f. UNU
and tM new Mi.earACJI'*n ~at.i·c ReaJ..-t:anoe . ttilit.acily it wou.la:
tiM "'
and of t.onel .Pov.<ia, wt1o dont,l \rl. th the otb e c
~ ~ld
help s t ruct.ure
~d ~d
the new for ce .
Tbe e~ o f their plan is to develop *Rall baoeo of ~re t hat 100l SO -.n sever-al hears •w.y frca e•c:b a~her on etae 1-fi ·c:• r &<JUan side ol
t.he border. s.. « tt •ehed eap. Ini t i •lly t:'hey v &nt. to at.ar't. vit.h 150
.:~::: .
Th••« q~p• vould be reoupplied by pUrcb••i n9 the food ~ other booic
neoesaiti•• froM the ...11 towns &nd vill•o-• aLonq ~he Co•t a ~~an
•nd ~l c• r-~an bonier' .
'n\ey 'IJ'QUld not buy the tood .nd otbe r material
in ~ an ~ o se •nd ~ruck i t out l i ke P•stora u.aed t o do. ~ r.
ve apon~ ond ~un ic ion can be purch•sed on t he bl•c k ~•rke~ to s~as t.
; K•s qa f or about S300 a pi.ce. An inventa~ of their eq~ipment ~a
at tached. Once t hinqs 9•t movinQ, they b.li eve •at e ria l can be •~~he r
• i RS.ropped. o A. l lovn int o am•l l ~i elcb. Thi a v u done ..nd i .s •~ i ll ~~!. :-. ;
done t.o br-inq supp1ie5 i n t o Paatora and the o~ h~r group•· The ! e • ~e
s u ip.a biq enough t o l.ond • IJC-J on.
To ac~l isft t hi 1 etto~ t. Po veda ~ld l i ke to s t~rt wi~b aome
Cinanci •l backinq on • .onth l y b&aia . Oe i• mor• than wil l i.nq to
• ceovnt fer all f unds 5pent . ~tea ched i5 An 1n 1 ci a l •~etma t e o t
; . .ediate needs fo r funds . on top o t ~his. t hey uou l d like to •~•r t
with • minimum of between $150~200t OOO. Thi s ~uld cover th• expenseA
o e movinQ a coupl,e h i qh level peopl« back t o C~, including Lu•s R1 V&J
and Ma r~in e z or xendie t &4
~ey bel i &Ye the tU.e is r i g ht ~o be9in ea tebtishinq a nGu str u~t~ re.
Th•re ar• ~&ny people vho are fin anei•lly on their l~st le9s and ~t
this does not ~• through they will ~ave t o ~bandon the f i;h~~ sO
t hey • l'e i n hope~ .socne~i. n9 vi ll woe._ out .
they hoped fo r t.o answet' in t.l'le rteillc lu t u ce. 1 put. t~el"'
off and s • id I o r s omeone ~i ll get ba~k to t hem in the ruuc t. t.uo t.o
~vi<uosly ,
The y be lieve they a r e c~pable ~ have t h• leade c ~hip ·and the kno~l edG~
r'U~CC:$$Ary to unde r t ake this effor t. .,
o\lthc>u(Jh they 1o1U.l O~ tat e 1.n
the 5ou~n. th~y ui ll st~y ~way from Pastor& and not i nfringe on hi ~
ccu:ritory. 'they vill wo~k closer t:.o t.he Paci fl.<;4 l t. vas st.re~sed : :. .;
uould wo t'k in concert with t.l\4 tloreh .
Sou.thecn rront
;>pril 1, 1965
P a9~
one l .. .et.
t.hat t.hey,
of Paotora'•
•nd has be• •ade by othe.r.s: .arne
ca.n.nder• ar• ready
join any aide
~blch ~~11
pcovide them with t'ood. and ...U.c:1nea. ~y h•ve not been E"eAupplied
in •t 1-.st. 8 fiiiiCif\tha. lJ1 f&c:t, ..,.ral o~ hi.• co-~anden \4~t. t.o
leave .net actually u-aa•t: contt'Ol.lecl by Paetaz:a, he ju.•t tAlk• with
t:h-. o,.,_c the cadio. 1.1'1ese ltt.el\lllllj acco:rdinc; to Poveda:. Lionel: s..,
oscar, and N•vegante.
otl>en who will l n - 1ncl...S. tvo Paa..,..,iano • • •
between t:h- have •bout. 1000 . .n • " ppo•edl.y •
HlUL 9, 1!185
~kpluq fta• d.cided ~ 90 vith £l Neqro Cb~rro A8 the ~ili t •ry
......,.•nclet' of the SOot~h. ~r• v i U be • pOll tic:&l{ali litery c:oW>til
Which will have ov~rvioory c•pac:ity over Ch~rro . Thia will be
t:tp o!:
El Meqro Cb..orro
:lon&ld L• c:• yo
Indal~cia P~s~ora
Picasso (vho i3 ~· ~ri ed to Calero's uife• s s i ste&)
Foveda lpo••ibly and other•)
i'epe h41, broken do-.m. ehe e aap t-hat. vas under hien into 4 SII'A11 c.»p.s
~nus spread the ~~n •round.
He i a ~ • i tinQ f or equi~en t ~o
st~ r't. canin9 in CrOfl'l £1 ~al vador .. ._~or al i.s 900d ,and the cnen vl. il
st ar~ workinq in s~a ll teams.
"Fh.= ~n-e~ f•• .~~ut:. Ch.:..--::-..n t'') ~ .;: ~h= t. h .: U z'itlt'~ ·~ · f :i!'" '..l.e!):!:<:t. · &l"!'d ~~r· - -- ·~,..-.-!'c.u n d h ::..::; ~~ ). f vt ~r~ ~~;>l : .....[ ..-: •re ::.~ t.htl .....:-:·
:.~-c. cn l.~ :.1)
f;. q:h't..
trut t O:• mAk: ;;:-~ n -ey.
t==:=-~p LA ...:h~ :.r • ~ :s.u ~::'t. i. on• b l.-: ~_. .... ,~Aw ::.: -~ t p" ::;:.
l r.d:o.scr •:at.i :)i: '"· i ncJ. ;,~:1: ..: _
.=. -.1~-.,-.,.. ~~t4:rb ~ <:i1-:.'1-"'-~n) ::;:-~t:,,t.i~ j ~z:.\.~ulvt;m::::'- \JLc.h Cr;..F~
r"U:-...z: i :~=:: And th: :l·' i ,-...: . ·=-f QOC-~ = pi'l)Vi ~ ~~ b y 1: :''' -
~ :Arl ..::: ==·=·ron ~ l: ..-~lkc ._.'"- ti : ,., ' i .=.l.d: •. ~._. _.;
tf'l,;::':: ..:i ch ~h : :,., fll1i ::is~ = • ~t ::•i ~
mak ::..n:-1
Lev,:;- i
th ~
•·=•'t. s. e. l
Ly : •'·"'
;. nt'\ ::.:...~ . ~} \ .r- •
f:..~vtld ::
:.:~nor-:-d t~ h-r.:::- ~+.:-n J..r, ... ,_. i v~a -,.;;. ~- :.
~._. !,·· o f ~-=~~:t .~.·,.i r~::.~lt•t. .i.n:; ·~·!'r~ .:l. n '" ·'-~.'1.-Mi .: .= ~:::n :,. ·
,.._.\v. ::~ i.:. :: 0.'::::: ...~.1.::- ~
0\ll. ,_d ~Ari..=.:-"'E :
l\-i:ch.::n l• u ~u l.n vol ,..;:1 i n. d .:•.;:..: n Jnn :.·
... :
SOilt.hertt rrant
•prU 9. 19 ~
... .' .. . ..
Paqe 4
~~ o~
the people
ahQUld o.
structure is e stablished tor the South. tioh~ cont ro l
kopt an the ftM\ey'". And resourcoe.t. ln the past i t b.a" been
too ea ..y to sell ~ · teo "'""Y people hne harned hov to
••k• a 900d livi.nq off of elw ..,.r. Kaney And equip11ent 1111ust be • c cowu: ..
ed tor and when there are dif€erence•. ~·• •-hou~d be a&de ..
Mlst ~
Posey h.aa &n indivi.c!uu villinq to outri9l>t dofta~e bet-- 70 ,000
and 80 1 000 lba. of ..Uc:al ~uppl.ie• to tbe ~ttort. . I t i~ • wide
aeaort:ment of qood• Uld sQCDeorw " i ll have to lock at i t to .aee .;, .
W•t. i.s C)OOcl and W•t ian•t. It i s n.ow locatftd in SOU~h cacollna.
1'he ••teri •l can be .shipPed .as far as r.l•batn411 by the individual vbo
i s 90109 to donate it.l but i t. ha• got to o•t. f.tora ~lab.AII.a to ~E!\1
Flako i s
and is wcrking on aOfloe n..,
He hAs est.abli•hed
e cAP~.s ..
h i~sel t in Mew Orleans
.s t. • vi~'Q at eh•..- t ••uvi t.\,•n<"_.
.t. vi ~i.t 0\J\·.l t.,>ld b.,.nl ttJ tJf• h,:'lc:'k.
H-e 1a
)'tot.el. It i s t.iine ~~ -pAi t.f h i m
to the hole h e ~e-• frOtl.