ELLEFITNESSNEWS VEG£TABLE MATTER \kgebions v.OO ~ iroo IT'Oy \.'.art to soot::h cbcee d oootine--on omiro ccd es.sood b h:! mece gt:Mt1 hi is P'~ bynman /ish. Reseachena Sf. fun:is:tWe' ~" No><> Sroio. IoJ b; (h." &k. 00. fP" ""'9Hv .04 9"'"' 01 """"."..00 pe pocnJ d bcdv ~h! loroord coe ecspcco b a 13Op:ud 'Ml'TUl1 OOify during 00 aghtv.eek resisk:n::.elroining txcgrO'Tl. "**'" ~~~ogooairoa:JSei'l becbcess ~.,.,,;. . ~ eco eee. onJ.., """ """'" 1-00 occ, ~ v.ro bi "'",..,.. mI Yefl€UKns gi\€n a pccebo. "There oe ~ edes CfI ~ m used IiYe grams d aeotir.ecbify: sc¥J:ooI::hCbk. AlD, a pcessc- d rEUfd:gy at te lk1~ d Circiro who has do-e exler\siI.<e reseoch 00 the St.bjed. ""fhj's ceo sceed a !die ccse. ~€OS pecoe v.ro tie 4OgcF'lSci cecee 0 d:::¥ ere p..*'9 a temen:bJs b..rden 0'1 heir b::des '*"'''9 '" ood ~. ' 0<d~ los a 30daylife seen in the b::dy,:O &k ~ a = !'Iy iOiiiioi~ ""*"'" Idbn schEdJe b rmintJJ'iM r:J ~ rnW'o odd..... more <hit b ore v.eel. fen tie a lhree b b.rv.wk bed::.• GREENS PEACE Vega fans may be ochieving more h:rI ;""" ooIm--<hey abo rouId be ~ their golf game. In a sllx:Iy p.JbIished in The Ameri::al h mo! oI Sporl> Me& ;ne. 901100 who perotred yoga stretches that improve hip flexibilityexperienced ess bwerhxk pain. A.nd fost.moving sequences {such as those in vi")'U50 )'C9O) may bring )OJ ccse 10 a hoIe-in-one. Accord ing 10 a study published in The Journal ofStrength and Conditioning Resear:h, subjects who combined weighttraining and pIyorneIrics (any activity in which muscles srech beloe !hey ccoecct scch cs powe< ~ ro, ,;g~ """" ;~ Ihe speed and 00"""", elM '*"e. Eeecses b:Jkjng to fl1E!OSUI'e !he i~ty cJ liar ecce v.ulouts hove relied on highiech heort1Oie monibrs or the super.Jow.lech "speck test' (if youcan't corry ona concesotco , you're working 100 bordl. But a recent study hom bwa Stote Universityc1fefsan e.oen easier vvoy 10 know if you've gone hom a stote of aerobic (wirn oxygen) metabolism Ie on onoerobic one: .~ il OOesn'lfeeI goo::l, slow OOML Feelings ofdispleasure ~ rrol. o~"~~ . · "'Y'~p'oIe= f'onEIe;m:,n~ . PhD, who rXJle5!hJt ecessbe croeobc adivity may ircrecse inilKY risk. Preeccs resecrch has fourd tfut pecce born the rnosl lo! when !hey v.'C:fk iuS! bekw the onoerOOic 1h-t0dd, XI rt makes sense 10 target this zone if you're trying 10 lose we ight. "To improve your b:xiy, you boe b ddIenge il,' El::l ekakis wys. ' &1 if you sbrt feeling bod, scale bock 'fX!I" in~ty a bit: • "' all