Stage Three: B

Stage Three: B
Write a short description using sentences about what happened at the school
swimming carnival. Include who went (which schools), were it was held, what
date it was on and which races you entered. Remember you must have a
beginning middle and an end.
Noun, verb and adjective revision:
Nouns: The name of a person, place, animal or thing. For example: friend
Verbs: Are doing or action words. For example work and play.
Adjectives: Are describing words. For example red and quickly.
In the passage below correct any spelling errors underline all of the nouns,
circle the verbs and draw a triangle around all of the adjectives.
It waz a verry hot day for the swimmming carnival. Evrybody had to put on lots
of sunscreen and sit in the shade. I swam in three rases they were backstroke,
freestyle and the relay. My team cum first in the relay and I came thid in the
backstroke and foth in freestyle. When everybody finished they’re races we
had some free time in the poool.
I relly enjoyed doing activities with different schools and cant wait until the
swimming karnival next year.