Thank you again for participating in our interview. This basically... final product to make sure we did not make any...


Thank you again for participating in our interview. This basically will help us develop the final product to make sure we did not make any big mistakes. Your feedback will also help us make a much better program with any additional features you might want.

Our program basically is a better version of the contact list. You'll get to see a status of each of your friends. You can also leave your own text status, audio status, or video status. Do you have any questions?

Alright, let me first run through a demo task and then you'll have a much better idea of what we would be doing. I'll be setting a text status so my friends can see when they browse their own contact list. So throughout this whole process, if you can try to think out loud about what you see, anything that is confusing or annoying, or anything that you really like. Any little thing would help us.

-- Go through Demo Task --

Alright, did that make sense? So what we will do is go through 3 more tasks ranging from what we consider easy to a more difficult task. And I won't help you through it, you'll have to play around with the application and try to figure it out. So your first task is to:

-- Go through Tasks --

Task 1 – Check your friends’ statuses

The first task you will perform with the prototype is to check your friends’ statuses. Our applications allows you users to post status messages and allow their friends to know they are up to. Your goal is to us how you would check your friends' status messages. We are not giving you specific instructions on how to perform this task, but the facilitator will be talking with you along the way. Feel free navigate anywhere in the program.

Task 2 – Deleting a status from history

The second task you will perform is to delete a message from the history. The history is the latest 5 status messages that you posted.

Task 3 – Setting a video status from history

The third task you will perform is to set a video status message.

-- Done with Tasks --

Thank you so much for your help. I have a post-evaluation questionnaire. Thanks again!

Post-Interview Questionnaire


What were your thoughts about the interview process?


What are your thoughts about the interface?


What are your thoughts about this application?


What tasks could have been easier?


What would you change about the interface or the application?


What features would you like to see?


What features would you use? Which features wouldn’t you use?


What is your overall impression of the application, the interface, and the interview process?
