Health Science & Family Life

Health Science & Family Life
Principal: Mr. Anklam
Instructor: Mrs. Enrico
Voice Mail: (916) 294-2450 Extension 810301
Health Science /One Semester/ 5 Units/ Graduation Requirement
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Health Science includes the following units of instruction: anatomy, nutrition,
physical fitness, weight management & eating behaviors, self esteem & mental health, managing stress,
substance abuse, preventing infectious diseases, lifestyle diseases, and chronic disabling diseases. Family Life
Education incorporates adolescence, the male and female reproductive system, sexuality, pregnancy,
parenthood, STD’s/AIDS education, birth defects, prenatal growth and development, and the newborn surrender
PARENT COMMUNICATION: Voice mail messages will be answered after 3pm Monday-Friday. Please
email me at You can expect a response to emails no later than one day.
SCHOOL RULES: Please refer to your student handbook for a detailed description of all school rules. In
addition, the use of electronic devices such as phones and IPODS are prohibited during class time in Mrs.
Enrico’s Health Science Class unless directed by Mrs. Enrico.
GRADING: A traditional grading scale will be used along with the IB grading scale to determine grades as
Of the class points possible:
IB Grading scale
A= 90% & above
7-8 points
B= 89%--80%
5-6 points
C= 79%--70%
3-4 points
D= 69%--60%
1-2 points
F= 59% & below
0 points
MAKE-UP WORK: Students who have an excused absence may turn in the finished assignment the following
class with no penalty. Students with an unexcused absence are encouraged complete the assignment as well,
but it will be graded at my earliest convenience. Please note, some class participation quizzes/activities may not
be made up and students may lose points. It is the responsibility of the student to check the class website
and with me after class, or before school to find out what they missed during their absence. If you are
absent from class, it is your responsibility to see me about missed work. You must make up missed work,
including warm-up questions, in-class assignments, homework and projects. Students with missing work will
be assigned a Thursday School Homework Help/ Detention with Mrs. Enrico from 1:30 - 3 pm every
other Thursday.
DEADLINES: Students who do not meet assignment and/or project deadlines will serve a Thursday School
Detention in my classroom to work on the assignment. Parents will receive a phone call home communicating
the missed deadline and what the student needs to accomplish. Further missed assignments will result in a
Grade Contract with and additional Thursday School Homework Help/ Detention with Mrs. Enrico for
additional assistance.
TEACHER WEBSITE: Students and parents can keep track of assignments, videos, articles, and much more
on my teacher website found at and using If
you do not have internet access at home or on a smart phone, please let me know.
Materials: Students, please bring the following to class EACH DAY:
- a pen or pencil + highlighter
- a 1” binder with notebook paper, 5 dividers, and a HW folder ~ see below
- most importantly, a good attitude and open mind!
Binders: Students will be required to have a binder with dividers that they can make or purchase. Students will
have a place in class to store their binder if they prefer. Students need a homework folder so they do not need to
carry their binders home regularly. After each unit, students must organize their work with a labeled divider.
Therefore, at the end of the semester, students will have all the coursework to help them prepare for the final.
Textbook: Textbooks will not be checked out to each student. We have a classroom set that will be used in
class. Should you need a text for make-up work, one can be checked out for a brief time, usually 2 days.
Class Work and Participation: In order to do well in this class, students should make good use of class time,
keep their binder organized and take notes whenever possible. The main reason students do not do well is they
do not complete class projects and/or follow the directions. If you do those things, you will do well in this class.
Behavior & Rules: I have one rule that I really believe in: Please do not act in a way that detracts from your
learning or the learning of others. In other words, be on task, be kind and respectful of others and come to class
prepared. Also, I ask that students are seated when the bell rings with their binder and a writing utensil. Lastly,
the school rules must be followed at all times, see handbook for specifics. Consequences for inappropriate
behavior include a warning, a phone call home, and detention. Continued misbehavior will result in a class
Cheating and plagiarizing are not acceptable. See handbook.
Tardy policy: Tardy arrivals disrupt class. Please be respectful and arrive to class on time. On the third
late/tardy student will serve a lunch detention. Any additional late/tardy arrivals will be a phone call home and
additional lunch detentions.
I have read and discussed the above information with my instructor, parent(s)/guardian and understand
what is expected of me as a student.
Student’s name (print): ___________________________________________________________
Student signature: _______________________________________________________ Date
Parent(s)/ Guardian printed name: ___________________________________________________________
Parent(s)/ Guardian signature: ______________________________________________ Date
Parent(s)/ Guardian phone number & email: __________________________________________________