The Tsunami Evaluation Coalition: What Worked and What Did Not?

Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
The Tsunami Evaluation Coalition:
What Worked and What Did Not?
European Evaluation Society 2006
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
Background of Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
•The TEC is a new sector wide learning and accountability
initiative constituted in February 2005
•It is made up of about 40 UN agencies, donors, NGOs, a nonfor-profit and the Red Cross/Crescent Movement.
•Participating agencies have worked within a framework that
encourages sector-wide information sharing, lesson learning,
accountability and transparency.
•Focus on cross-cutting themes (coordination, needs
assessment, local capacities, donor response, LRRD) and
sector-wide performance rather than on individual agency
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
TEC Timeline
•February 2005 Geneva Meeting
•April 2005 First TEC teleconference
•June 2005 ALNAP Meeting in the Hague
•July – August - planning phase for all evaluations
•September – November – field visits
•October 05 – Copenhagen Meeting: Comm/Diss strategy
•November- May 2006 Report Writing
•December 8: ALNAP meeting/TEC meeting Brussels:
Presentation of early findings and early findings report
•December 25 – publication of early findings report
•February 2006 – Teamleader validation meeting London
•February – June 06 – Production of the Synthesis Report
•July 06 – Launch of Synthesis Report during ECOSOC
•July 06 – April 07 – TEC Follow up
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
Getting started … (1)
•This was a voluntary initiative started by a few actors who
felt the time was right for a major inter-agency initiative
•The first meeting in 02/05 did not immediately provide
clarity about roles and responsibilities, nor the actual
nature of the various studies
•Many actors stayed on the fence ….
•Much time was initially spent on gaining mutual
confidence and building relationships
•Key initial actors busy with other things and TEC
workload was significant for all key actors
•There needed to be dedicated time and resources at the
beginning of the process: jump started by ALNAP - the
f/t researcher played pivotal role to keep the TEC going
during the early days
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
Getting started …..(2)
•Key tipping points were: the appointment of the researcher, the
appointment of the coordinator and the ALNAP Biannual
Meeting in the Hague in June 2005
•ALNAP meeting in particular brought the necessary buy-in and
•Funding, however, came in slow and had adverse impact on
timeliness of the TEC
•Some agencies had to wait for full funding before the
evaluation process took off – delayed start-up of TEC missions
as they were to be undertaken simultaneously
•TOR preparation not coordinated - duplication
•“Fishing in the same pond”
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
•Getting commitments from some major donors
brought in others and gave wide buy-in
•Down-side: multiple donors with short time-frames
lead to short contracts for consultants, shortened
field visits, increased admin costs
•Raising funds for the core of the TEC and between
studies should have been better coordinated
•Fundraising for all five studies and the TEC
Secretariat was extremely time-consuming and
cumbersome – this should have been part of the
appeal or a special trust fund established
•Yet, excellent results BUT can this be replicated?
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
Implementation Modalities
•Set-up with a core management group and a
broader working group worked well
•Strong commitment by CMG and sub-groups – with
very harmonious way of working together
•3/5 studies had similar set-ups
•Good mix between face-to-face meetings and
•Good use of technology – telecon, shared
documents, mapping, the resource CD
•Backing of ALNAP, a network with a natural fit to the
TEC and an interest in joint evaluations – was critical
•Complex arrangement
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
led by OCHA
Core Management Group
Tsunami Evaluation
Coalition and the six thematic
for the
ALNAP Secretariat
Hosts the TEC and manages the writing
of the Synthesis Report.
TEC staff include: Evaluation Advisor &
Coordinator (EAC), Researcher & Deputy
Coordinator (RDC), and TEC Administrator
Community’s Funding
Response led by Danida
Impact Assessment
led by IFRC with the
Global Consortium
Led by WHO,
Impact on Local &
National Capacities
Led by UNDP by DMI
written by
the EAC
Individual Agency
Evaluations (TEC Members)
Synthesis Report
Written by the
TEC Online
Forum (includes
the Evaluation Map)
Led by Sida
Synthesis Primary
Author with
contributions from the
EAC and the RDC.
Longer term
(from ’06)
Evaluation Reports
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
Working through the mandate
•Mandate was assumed by the TEC but had no
broader clientele, including those not working in
evaluation units of the respective TEC members
•No real involvement of regional and local actors
•Five cross-cutting themes in principle a good idea
but resulted in overlap, uncertainties between the
teams and a confused and overloaded recipient
•Did not consider alternative and possibly more cost
effective approaches, e.g. one team per country
•Missed out on “impact” although an attempt was
made to cover this through an IFRC-planned
initiative that took almost a year to materialize
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
Some TEC shortcomings
•Not all teams worked well together
•Some critical expertise was missing
•Not enough time spent in the field
•Weak on hard data
•Little information on Impact
•Lack of local ownership/buy-in
•Reports of varying quality – much work needed to
bring some of them to acceptable levels
•Country reports in some cases not very strong –
underestimated time needed to do them well
•Many cooks …teamleaders not fully on board
•Did not reduce evaluation overload
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
Some TEC Achievements
•First major system-wide humanitarian evaluation
since Rwanda
•TEC approach can work and lessons from setting up
the TEC will make the next time easier
•Timing of TEC products was well planned and critical
(initial findings report for 12/25 and the synthesis
report for ECOSOC)
•TEC is beginning to influence humanitarian reform
•Clinton Initiative is moving on critical TEC issues in
relation on NGOs
•Much more follow up ahead but will need dedicated
attention and a sustained effort at various levels
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition
What should we do differently next time?
•Include system-wide mechanism as part of the
•Get early in-country stakeholder buy-in
•Establish a local support/reference group(s)
•Organize regular in-country discussion/follow-up
meetings (through a focal point organization)
•Promote the early establishment of performance
indicators and M&E systems
•Develop an evaluation framework with agreed-to
performance benchmarks
•Reduce complexities (funding, multi-team etc)
•Identify good practice, not just what did not work