SUMMER ASSIGNMENT 2014 Welcome to A.P. Biology! Please

Welcome to A.P. Biology!
Please answer the Interactive Questions, Structure Your Knowledge Questions, and Test Your
Knowledge/Multiple Choice Questions for Chapters 25, 42, 43, 44, 45, and 47 in the
accompanying packet (Please see “Summer Assignment Packet 2014” under A.P. Biology
Documents on my website).
Please adhere to the following guidelines:
1) All answers should be written on your own sheet of paper. Each sheet should have your
name, date, and A.P. Biology Summer Assignment 2014 written as a header on the upper
right side of the page.
2) Each chapter should be clearly labeled.
3) Each Interactive Question, Structure Your Knowledge Question, and Multiple Choice
Question should be clearly numbered.
4) You do not need to rewrite the questions. Simply write your answers in complete
sentences where applicable.
5) When answering questions involving diagrams, there is no need to recreate the diagram.
Simply write the letters on your own sheet of paper (a, b, c, etc.) and write your answer
next to the letter.
6) For the Multiple Choice Questions, write the number of the question and write the correct
letter next to the number.
The assignment is due on the first day of class in September.
Should you have any questions, please contact us at: or
Enjoy your summer, take care, relax, and see you in September.
Mrs. Sharif and Mr. Moskowitz