FY 2012 Budget & Legislative Changes Financial Area Representatives

FY 2012 Budget &
Legislative Changes
Financial Area
July 21, 2011
FY 2012 Budget
Changes to UTSA’s state budget
represent a loss of $11 million in
discretionary funding and deep
reductions in Special Items
 Total GR reduction = <$12.8 million>, or
12.5% less than amount originally funded in
the last biennium
FY 2012 Budget
Permanent Base Reductions passed on
to Special Items:
Institute of Texan Cultures <$488,282>
Center for Water Research <$131,250>
Texas State Data Center <$113,813>
P-16 Council
FY 2012 Budget
Balance of permanent reductions to state
appropriations will be covered by:
 Increases in base tuition revenue budgets:
 Statutory tuition – enrollment growth & change in
mix between UG and GR SCH
 Designated tuition – enrollment growth & rate
 Overhead recovery from auxiliary enterprises
 Prior year ‘savings’ of unallocated base
designated tuition revenue
FY 2012 Budget
No permanent budget reductions will be
passed on to E&G and 19-7 accounts other
than those “Special Items” previously
After covering the $11 M in discretionary
reductions, funds are available for:
 E&G merit & equity salary increases
 $1 Million - FY12 permanent budget requests
 $2 Million - FY12 one time budget priorities
Merit Salary Increases
 2.25% Merit pool (base salary adjustments)
 Effective November 1, paid with December payroll
 For meritorious performance 2/1/10 – 1/31/11
 Subject to BoR approval at August meeting
 To be eligible, must be hired as of 2/28/11
 Process will follow past years / info session for area
leads to be scheduled
 Cost of merit for employees in funds other than 14(E&G) must be covered by those revenue sources
 Budget will assist in assessing cost impacts for non E&G areas
July 18
Merit Policy approved
August 25
Board of Regents approves UTSA budget & merit program
Sep 23
Information Sessions with Area Leads
Sep 26
Templates sent to Area Leads; Area Leads distribute templates, each
division determines/communicates internal process
Oct 17
Templates due to Budget Office (Excel files)
Oct 24
Templates delivered to HR by Budget Office
October 31
Budget Office transfers funds to E&G accounts; Areas transfer funds
to Non-E&G accounts as necessary
Nov 1
Departments begin entry of awards into HRMS modify documents
Employee merit increase is reflected in December paycheck with
base salary changes effective November 1, 2011
LINK TO POLICY -http://www.utsa.edu/financialaffairs/budget/meritFY12.html
Staff Equity Increases
 $400,000 Equity pool
 Process occurring now (VP decisions due end
of July)
 Open to A&P and Classified staff
 To address internal compression created by
external market conditions
 Base salary increases will be effective
September 1, 2011
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
SB 5 – effective June 17, 2011
 We are no longer required to follow Gov Code
Ch 2254 B, re: consulting contracts.
 Consulting contracts may be treated as any other
contract for services.
 No finding of facts
 No publication on Texas Register & notifications
to the Governor and LBB
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
SB 5 – effective June 17, 2011
 Electronic Funds Transfer – to facilitate EFT, a
reference to payment of salary or wages has
been removed.
 Internet Access to Financial Transactions – our
website must link to transparency reports on
comptroller’s website. (IMPLEMENTED)
 Electronic & Digital Signatures to improve
efficiency and lower costs of operations.
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
SB 5 – effective June 17, 2011
 Expedited process for THECB approval of
construction projects and real estate purchases.
 Project must be on campus master plan, certify
compliance with institutional standards, and no
outstanding deficiencies from recent facilities audit.
 Open Meetings for Fee Committees
 Requires committees to post notice & hold open meeting,
under institutional rules. Final recommendations of the
student fee advisory committees must be made public.
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
SB 5 – Elimination of Reports:
 Effective 9/1/11 the following sections of state
law are repealed:
 Crime statistics report (Ed Cd 51.216)
 Class size reports (Ed Cd 51.403(b)(c))
 Timely Graduation report (Ed Cd 51.4033)
 Matching scholarship report (Ed Cd 61.087(c))
 Annual Debt Report to AG (Gov Cd 2107.005)
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
SB 5 – Elimination of Reports:
 Effective 9/1/13 state law is repealed re:
 Technology Workforce Grants (Ed Cd 51.859)
 Veteran’s Tuition Exemptions (Ed Cd 54.203(h))
 Institution TPEG Guidelines (Ed Cd 56.034(c))
 Deferred maintenance report (Ed Cd 61.0582)
 Total Cost of Attendance (Ed Cd 61.066(c))
 Report on ARP/ATP progress (Ed Cd 142.005-006)
 Report on customer service (Gov Cd 2114)
 Annual aircraft use (Gov Cd 2205.041)
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
 HB 9 - Higher Education Outcomes-Based
Funding Act
 To ensure student outcomes are aligned with
state’s education goals
 Applies only to general academic teaching
 Establishes a committee (one representative per
university system) to review formula funding
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
 HB9 – not more than 10% of the total amount
of base general revenue funding may be based
on the following success measures:
 # of degrees awarded
 # of degrees in critical fields (engineering, computer sci,
math, physical science, allied health, nursing & teaching
certification in math or science)
 # of degrees awarded to “at risk” students (Pell grant
recipient or a student who is over 20 yrs old; had
SAT/ACT scores lower than national mean, is a part time
student, or earned a GED w/in past 6 yrs)
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
 HB 9 – Board shall adopt rules to
administer the act’s requirements
including data submission by institutions
& various reports to the Joint Oversight
Committee (including highlighting best
practices on improving student outcomes
& higher ed governance).
 Expires August 31, 2013
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
HB 33 – Dissemination of Course Schedule &
List of Required & Recommended Textbooks
 Publish on the internet
 Provide to college bookstores
 May be performed by contracted campus
bookstore (Follett)
 Provide information about textbook rental &
buy-back programs
 Imposes restrictions on textbook publishers
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
HB 399 – Personal Financial Literacy Training
 THECB will make rules regarding requirements;
training will begin no later than the Fall 2013
HB 452 Temporary Housing between
academic terms for students under the
protection of Family & Protective Services
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
 HB 736 – Internet Access to Information (not
an exhaustive list)
% of T/TT w/teaching responsibilities
% of SCH Lower Division courses taught by T/TT
Faculty Rank by Gender & Ethnicity
Avg Faculty Salaries by Rank
State funding & total revenue spent per FTEF & FTES
Research expenditures per FTEF
# of Endowed chairs & professorships
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
 HB 736 – Internet Access to Information (not
an exhaustive list)
 % of UG students receiving student loans & avg
annual amount
 % of UG students receiving federal or state grants &
avg annual amount
 Total academic costs (TAC) & % of budget that
revenue represents
 % increase in TAC in each of the 5 most recent years
 % of first time UG that are transfer students
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
 HB 1163 (SB 32) Peace Officers Exemptions
 Exempts tuition & lab fees for a criminal justice or
law-enforcement related degree program for eligible
peace officers that apply for the exemption at least 1
week before the last date of registration.
 THECB responsible for rules
 If funds are not appropriated to cover cost of HB
1163, report is made to Senate Finance Committee
and House Appropriations Committee
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
 HB 2758 Emergency Alert System
 Requires establishment of an emergency alert system
that must use email or telephone notifications in
addition to other alert methods.
 Requirements for registering new students and staff
 Information is considered confidential and not subject to
 Implementation by Spring 2012 semester
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
 HB 3025 Required Filing of a Degree Plan
 Student must file degree plan not later than the end
of the 2nd regular semester immediately following the
semester or term in which the student earned a
cumulative total of 45 or more SCH (including
transfer, dual credit & others for which college credit
has been awarded.)
 Must notify students & deny transcripts for failure to
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
 SB 28 Texas Grant Readiness Reform Act
 Changes eligibility beginning awards for 2013-2014
SB 36 Academic Advising Quality
 Empowers THECB to develop a method of assessing
academic advising effectiveness
SB 639 Tuition Exemptions for Dependents of
Residents Deployed for Combat Duty
 Requires legislative funding but if sufficient $’s are
not available, THECB will prorate available funding
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
 SB 1414 requires a training and examination
program for employees on campus programs
for minors that are not enrolled at the
institution on warning signs of sexual abuse
and child molestation
 Applies to recreational, athletic or educational
activities for at least 20 campers for a period over
a duration of 4 days
Legislative Changes
Impacting Higher Education
 SB 1726 requires learning outcomes for UG
courses to foster transparency & facilitate the
universal articulation (transferability) to other
institutions of higher education.
 Does not apply to independent study or laboratory,
practicum or discussion section of a lecture course.
 Can conform with outcomes identified by
accrediting agencies