Document 17795046

Mission Statement:
We are dedicated to offering customers a superior tasting
choice of pork that is grown only with fresh air, sunshine,
exercise, forage & grain and without artificial substances.
We also strive to honor God, family, & nature in all our
farming decisions.
Vision Statement:
Our vision is to protect our natural resources through sustainable farming methods in
order that our future generations may chose to enjoy the same happiness and profit that
rural life has offered us. In all of our farming endeavors, we will consider all parts of
nature including God, water, soil, plants, animals, and neighbors and recognize their
interactions and dependence on each other. We will only employ practices that are
beneficial or neutral to these elements of nature. Farming activities will also promote
diversity and not place reliance of all farm income on one enterprise. We also hope to
involve our children in the day-to-day workings of the farm as well as decision making
processes so that they may gain respect and understanding of the rewards of hard work
(and fun) as well as the role of animals and plants in our existence. We will continue to
strive to serve as an example and a resource to fellow farmers and encourage sustainable
farming choices that can be profitable and positive for all involved.