SARE Farm Intern Curriculum Pre-Assessment What formal or informal learning have you done in the area of sustainable and organic farming? What are your expectations for the SARE Farm Intern Curriculum classes? For each topic below please indicate your current level of knowledge on a scale of 0-4 : 0 little or none 1 2 some __Crop Rotation __Farm Records/Financial Records __Greenhouse 101 __Water Harvest Through Keyline Design __Community Supported Agriculture __Poultry Management __Animal Husbandry __Irrigation __Farming on The Wild Side __Hedgerows 3 4 much __Soil Science __Entomology __Composting __Genetically Modified Organisms __Plant Pathogens __Grazing Systems __Winter Farming __Cover Crops and Green Manure __Seed Saving What topic or topics from the curriculum are you most interested in learning about? Are there topics that you feel you already know enough about or have other reasons for being less interested in?