
Mrs. Newport – 7th Grade Texas History
Parent and Student Acknowledgment Form
Please initial the following policies and expectations as you read them together and return back signed
Student’s Parent’s
Policies and Expectations
7th Grade Classroom Rules:
 Be prepared. Bring all materials to every class time
(Social Studies composition notebook, AVID Binder, homework, etc.)
 Come to class on time, be seated, follow procedures, and be ready to learn
 Follow dress code rules as indicated on the school handbook: ID’s must be worn
 Food, beverages and GUM are not allowed
 Stay on task, participate 100% and do not disturb others
 Respect everyone – no vulgar language, bullying, harassment, violence
 Understand the teacher dismisses you and NOT the bell
 Respect other peoples differences, opinions, cultures, languages and belongings
 ALL electronics must be off during school/tutoring hours.
 Complete all assignments on time and take pride in your work
 Respect all property – no vandalizing or stealing of any sort
1st Offense: Teacher/student reflective conference along with parent contact
2nd Offense: Lunch Detention along with parent, student, teacher conference
3rd Offense: Immediate Office Referral/Breach of Class Contract
Severe Disruption or threatening conduct will be an automatic office referral.
Positive Reinforcements:
Verbal praise, Positive phone call home, Positive note home and ability to participate in
recreational school activities. (e.g. dances, pep rallies, sports)
Homework Schedule:
Monday = Math and Social Studies
Thursday = Social Studies and Science
Make Up Work Policy:
If a student is absent he/she is responsible for making up work according to the school policy for
an EXCUSED absence. Students may see teacher before class, after class and/or afterschool on the
date of their return to school. Students are given 2 days to complete the missed assignments for each
day of absence.
Late Work Policy or Failed Assignments:
Per district policy, students are given the opportunity to re-do an assignment and/or exam should
they receive a failing grade or a zero. They have 5 school days upon notification of the failing grade
to re-do the assignment.
Tardy Policy:
Students are tardy if he/she is not in the designated classroom when the tardy bell rings. Parent
contact will be made after each tardy. On the 4th tardy, a discipline referral must be sent to the office
Progress Reports:
Every 3 weeks students will receive progress reports. Student’s will need to return their progress
reports back to their advisory teacher and signed by their parent/guardian
SPC Rafael Hernando Middle School Websites:
Students and parents will use school website and Edmodo for classroom information and as an
extra avenue.
We have read through the information packet and we understand what is expected.
Parent Signature_______________________________
Student Signature_____________________________