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Classroom Policies & Expectations - High School

Classroom Policies and Expectations
Mrs. Gorsuch
Room 951
I am so excited to have each of you in my class and I can’t wait to get to know
all of you! Our main goal for the year is to develop the critical thinking, speaking,
reading, and writing skills necessary for success in college and/or your future
professional careers. 😊
Classroom Code of Conduct:
1. Be on time to class. Students are to be in their assigned seats and
working when the bell rings.
2. Be prepared and on-task in class. Students must bring all necessary materials
to class, be prepared to participate in class activities, and remain on-task
throughout the period. This includes keeping ear buds and cell phones silent
and stowed away throughout the period unless otherwise directed.
3. Respect the rights of others. Students are expected to always be courteous,
kind, and fair to their classmates, teacher, and all classroom guests.
4. Use school appropriate language. Inappropriate language or gestures will
not be tolerated.
5. Raise your hand and ask for permission to speak or to get out of your seat
during classroom instruction.
6. Strive for excellence. Quality performance and effort are expected.
1. Tardies (per the Newsome High School policy and handled by the NHS
administrators): 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th tardies verbal warning, 5th tardy Parentlink from
Administration, 6th tardy 3 days of lunch detail, 7th tardy one day of lunch ISS
(during lunch only), 8th tardy 2 days of lunch ISS (during lunch only), 9th tardy
one full day of ISS, 10th tardy 2 full days of ISS
Any students that receive ISS or OSS will not attend prom or homecoming
1st period consequences (by quarter):
5th tardy to first period: parking decal suspended for one week
6th tardy to first period: parking decal suspended for two weeks
7th tardy to first period: parking decal suspended indefinitely
2. Unacceptable Behavior such as not following directions, disrupting classroom
instruction, using inappropriate language, or talking about inappropriate
subjects will result in the following actions:
First offense: Verbal warning
Second offense: student/teacher conference and potential seat change
Third offense: parent contact
Fourth offense: Referral
*Disciplinary procedures are subject to change depending on the severity of the
3. Unauthorized electronic devices: All electronic devices such as smart phones
and tablets must be silent and put away throughout class time (unless
explicit permission is given during a specific classroom activity). If a student
uses their cell phone at an inappropriate time, they will be given a verbal
warning to put it away. If the phone is seen out again, it will be sent to
“Cellphone Jail” and remain there for the rest of the period. Further
infractions will be dealt with per the NHS Cell Phone Policy.
4. Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism or cheating of any kind will always result in
a zero and may also result in a referral.
1. Each student is expected to be in their seat working when the bell rings.
2. Students will include their name, the date, and the class period in the upper
right-hand corner of every assignment.
3. Each student will be allowed a limited number of bathroom and hall passes.
Plan your bathroom and locker needs accordingly. Ask to use the restroom
only during seat work; do not interrupt me while I am giving classroom
instruction. You are to sign out with your name, date, and time when you
leave for the restroom in the binder near the door, and when you return, you
will record in the binder the time you returned to class.
4. Students are responsible for all material covered in class during an excused
absence or excused tardy. For all absences, it is the student’s responsibility to
find out what was missed and to make it up. If a student is present when work
is assigned, but absent when it is due, the work is due immediately upon the
student’s return. Assignments will be posted daily on our class Canvas page
for absent students. Every student must access their Canvas account.
5. Students are to make up all work within 3 school days of their excused
absence unless explicitly approved for more time due to extenuating
circumstances. I will work with you to ensure you do not fall behind on course
materials or assignments in these instances.
6. Per county policy, students have one week to make up missed quizzes or
7. Late class work will only be accepted with teacher approval and for a limited
Contact me to get your late work approved. Accepted late work will receive
partial credit:
Max score:
One day late: 75%
Two days late: 50%
3 days late: 25%
*** No late work will be accepted after the third day, no exceptions. ***
As your teacher, my responsibility above all others is to keep you safe. In my
classroom, we will follow all district and school-wide safety measures.
Grades are based on a points system. Every assignment counts.
I will be available before school by appointment, so please see me if you ever
need any extra assistance or if you have any questions or concerns. And always
feel free to contact me by e-mail. 😊
Let’s have a fantastic year! 😊
Sarah Gorsuch
or via e-mail on Canvas