Harold Zarate Diaz AMM101.0050 HW#1 Professor B. Smith 4-16-08 1. 2. Identify: the steps in human resources planning. I am interesting in that objective because the steps in human resources planning is the development of strategies to meet a firm’s future human resources needs, human resources demand and determine the number of employees needed and their qualifications. 2. In this article the first idea that I found is that McDonald’s hires people of every race and ethnicity, as well as people with disabilities. The second idea is that women’s are well represented at all levels; most of the women’s that work on McDonald’s are managers. Also say the company buys $3 billion worth of goods and services every year from suppliers owned by women and minorities. 3. 1. The three main HRM activities are acquisition, maintaining and development. The objective of acquisition is the various activities that lead to hiring new personal that means new workers. The objective of maintaining is the primarily of encouraging employers to remain with the firm and to work by using HRM and the objective of development is concerned with improving employees skills and expanding their capabilities. 5. The major challenges and benefits with culturally diverse are the differences among of people in a work force due to race, ethnicity and gender. The benefits are attracting the best personal, improved creativity, bilingual skills bring numerous benefits to the organization, increased organizational flexibility in the placement of personal and viewpoints fro problem solving and decision making. 7. The advantage of external recruiting is that it brings in people with new perspectives and varied business backgrounds, the disadvantages of this is that often expensive, especially if private employment agencies must be used. The disadvantage of internal recruiting is that promoting a current employee leaves another position to be filled. 8. The two best techniques for gathering information the interview and the references. 9. Orientation is an important HRM because is the process of acquainting new employees with an organization and may consist of a half hour informal presentation by a human resources manager. 2. Organization recruiting and selection practices are affected because the cost of hiring an employee can be several thousand dollars. 3. Yes the employees are benefit because the right number is enough to allow a good match between applicants and open position, but not so many that matching them requires time and effort.