College Council Meeting April 4, 2013, EC 302 _____________________________________________________________________________________

College Council Meeting
April 4, 2013, EC 302
Dr. Stephan J. Nix (SJN)
Dr. Selahattin Ozcelik (SO)
Dr. Larry Peel (LP)
Tamara D. Guillen (TDG)
Dr. Breanna Bailey (BB)
Dr. Jianhong Ren (JR)
Dr. Kim Jones (KDJ)
Dr. Bruce Marsh (BM)
Dr. Patrick Mills (PM)
Dr. Rajab Challoo (RC)
Dr. Sheryl Custer (SC)
Eusebio Torres (ET)
Dr. Joseph Sai (JS)
Eric Hollingshead (EH)
Austin McCoy (AM)
Not present: None
Welcome/Introductions- None
- N/A
- Have add’l stats on Flint Hills tour, let us know if your students are interested. BM
-Had a mtg on Monday, finished interviews last week, submitted pros/cons, waiting for chair to
recommend. LP
B. Bailey
- Javelina road trip April 15th w/admissions, expect some updates but not many students have
signed up. Tomorrow advising for priority 1 students, other 2 on April 16th & 19th.
E. Torres
-Have notified chairs on couple of events, Dr. Marsh going to Tuloso-Midway on April 18th,
Tamara to ESC region 2 for parent conference on April 29th, Dan Wright/Torres to Trio Day on
April 29th in Taft. Working on summer camps, apps are online w/disclaimer pending funding.
Items for discussion/Action
 College Software Plan- should have survey results in 2 weeks, looking over software used by
depts. LP
 Wireless, Laptop requirements: virtual desktop/server model- had mtg yesterday w/ itech &
they want us to use their programs, need to look into in more detail. SJN
 Faculty searches-EVEN: still in negotiation for Dr. Chen (LC), CHNG: still negotiating (PM),
EECS: will start forming committee (RC), bring in someone from bio/pharmacy/ME/CH/EE for
sustainable energy program (SJN).
 Annual Evaluations, continuance/tenure track reviews- rec’d continuance, still need annual
reviews from ME/CHNG, Faruqi & Ozcelik up for PTR. TDG
 Engineering Marvels- EVEN up next week, ME did two episodes. SJN
 CREST- will have conference call on Friday from 1-3pm, will have separate call on Saturday to
develop 15 pg narrative, active participants on subprojects needs to be evaluated, still
working through it. June 6th is when proposal due, have been working with Diana Luna. PM
 EFCREO- workshop will be held on April 10th at Kleberg Wildlife Center. JR
 HPCC- will be mainly used for research training purposes, research projects, storage backup,
etc. Going to utilze TACC as external source, will move forward. EH/SJN
 Earth Week Event- confirmed 235 area 5th graders, TX Parks & Wildlife will bring a touch tank,
TCEQ, EPA, NEC will be bring stuff, would like depts to have a table to display. ET
 STEA competition- will send out email today to schools, projects start tomorrow. TDG
 Senior Design conference & Senior Dinner- everyone needs to fill out registration form, for
industry people the dept can fill out form for them, we will be posting up flyers. SJN
 Spring 2013 commencement- Congressman Vela is our guest speaker, engineering has the
4:00pm session. SJN
 ABET retreat/Faculty meeting- will be held on dead day, May 2nd, combining both together
again, will send you updates. BB
Rumors, Conspiracies, etc
 FYI- Engineering marvels schedule will be as follows (from dept drawing): #1- CEAE, #2ITEN, #3- EECS, #4- MEIE, #5- EVEN, #6- CHNG. Starts week after next. March 4th will be
on air, but episodes are due Thursday before. #2 will start the week after March 4th and
so on.
 HEF funds- nothing has come up. LP/SJN