College Council Meeting July 25, 2013, EC 302 _____________________________________________________________________________________

College Council Meeting
July 25, 2013, EC 302
Dr. Stephan J. Nix (SJN)
Dr. Selahattin Ozcelik (SO)
Dr. Larry Peel (LP)
Tamara D. Guillen (TDG)
Dr. Breanna Bailey (BB)
Dr. Jianhong Ren (JR)
Dr. Kim Jones (KDJ)
Dr. Bruce Marsh (BM)
Dr. Patrick Mills (PM)
Dr. Rajab Challoo (RC)
Dr. Sheryl Custer (SC)
Eusebio Torres (ET)
Dr. Joseph Sai (JS)
Eric Hollingshead (EH)
Austin McCoy (AM)
Trisha Gottschalk (TLG)
Not present: E. Torres, P. Mills
Welcome/Introductions- hired new Director for Administration, Communications and Outreach
Trisha Gottschalk
- Signed agreement from Dr. Al-Smadi (SO/LP)
-Still looking for secretary (RC)
B. Bailey
- Camps are done, wrapped up mini-camp from KISD, need more communication. Sheila
Slaughter would like to continue presentations w/ us.
A. McCoy
- Hoggie days going a little bit better, getting more advisors to help. Transfer days at 2pm today.
M. Abdelrahman
-Expect more growing numbers of grad students, approx. 250 students (mainly EECS), need to
work w/Alexis to get students registered accordingly, grad studies will also work w/college.
E. Hollingshead
-Need to purchase chairs for classrooms, need to start looking at our options.
S. Custer
-Ready to start phase III on electronic files for all students so that faculty advisors can access.
Items for discussion/Action
 Faculty searches- EECS: working on CS lecturer (RC), MEIE: have the ad drafted for the energy
faculty (LP).
 Writing Intensive Courses- CHEN needs to revise, need ME & EVEN (BB), maybe add 1 or 2
courses for grad students (MA) or have writing workshops for grad students (JR).
 Affiliated faculty- still on hold, will meet w/ Leon Bazar to work on it. SJN
 2012 publications- missing CHEN. SJN
 Computer labs in 2013/2014- getting some setbacks w/ College Station & auditors, need to
find ways to have enough computers in classrooms for classes. EH/SJN
 FY 2013 budget wrap up- deadline is July 15th, ME 3D printer still hanging out there. SJN
 Merit raises- turned those in yesterday. SJN
 Articulation agreements w/ TAMIU- will update handout to include more courses. SJN
 UNIV courses- mtg tomorrow w/ Dr. KingSanders. SJN
 WDC visit- mtg w/congressman Vela and staff, TAMU Office of Federal Relations, will talk
about our programs w/ Eagle Ford, AE institute, homeland security, etc. SJN
 Website- depts. and college needs to update these ASAP. SJN
 Items before Board of Reagents- mtg Aug. 8th-9th, preliminary authority for new PhD program,
AE institute and Eagle Ford center. SJN
 FE Exam- formed subcommittee: Drs. Bailey, Sai & Ozcelik.
 Send off parties- handout given, San Antonio Aug. 5th, McAllen Aug. 6th & Richmond Aug. 13th.
 Cookout- Thursday, Sept. 5th, 4-6pm. SJN
 Opening Faculty/Staff meeting- Friday, August 23rd, 10:00am. SJN
Rumors, Conspiracies, etc
 FYI- Engineering marvels schedule will be as follows (from dept drawing): #1- CEAE, #2ITEN, #3- EECS, #4- MEIE, #5- EVEN, #6- CHNG. New episodes start around Oct. 1, 2013.