College Council Meeting November 21, 2013, EC 302 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Stephan J. Nix (SJN) Dr. Selahattin Ozcelik (SO) Dr. Larry Peel (LP) Tamara D. Guillen (TDG) Dr. Breanna Bailey (BB) Dr. Jianhong Ren (JR) Dr. Kim Jones (KDJ) Dr. Bruce Marsh (BM) Dr. Patrick Mills (PM) Dr. Rajab Challoo (RC) Dr. Sheryl Custer (SC) Eusebio Torres (ET) Dr. Joseph Sai (JS) Eric Hollingshead (EH) Austin McCoy (AM) Trisha Gottschalk (TLG) Alma Limas (AL) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Not present: S. Ozcelik 1. Welcome/Introductions- NA 2. Announcements L. Bazar- HR - I-9 process is being turned in late from college. HR will have to pay a penalty if processed b/t 35 days before start date. Cannot have student work until process is completed. Handout attached. Lump sums on Form 500 is only for consultants and contracted work. MEIN -A Sr. Design team won first place at the TX Space Grant Consortium, Dr. Al-Smadi will send out the information (LP). B. Bailey -Submitted camp proposal for YESTX (June 17-21st) & ESF (June 24-28th). ABET mtg on Dec. 5th @ Kleberg Wildlife @ 11am. Secretaries need to start making copies of advising sheets to Alma & Austin to try & catch mistakes w/faculty & they can also scan for electronic student files. Send catalogue text to Tamara by Jan. 8th so I can review before sending to the Provost. Double check your websites to make sure everything is updated. A. McCoy -Some freshman students are going to faculty advisor instead of JESSC. If <30hrs, need to see academic advisors. Going to host “bring your own device” session to help students w/ registration, advising, holds, etc. – mainly Q&A session. Time to graduation down from 157 to 143. S. Custer -Remind seniors graduating in May that the grad packet is due Dec. 2nd. New admin asst is here and started yesterday for the JESSC. 3. Items for discussion/Action Writing Intensive courses- CHEN almost done, EVEN done, AE done. BB 2012 publications- have them all! SJN 2013 publications- please collect electronically as part of annual review process. SJN 2nd year faculty, continuation- need Xiao and Polastri. SJN Fall 2013 e-newsletter- EFCREO, IAEH, enrollment, faculty & student accomplishments to be given to Trisha. SJN Computer lab situation- Michelle Duran did not like the plan, will meet w/her soon. EH Engineering Marvels- 1 MEEN, 1 EVEN & 1 EECS needed for rest of Fall. SJN Articulation agreements- TAMIU: visited 11/14/13; LCC: visited 11/14/13; STC: signed 11/19/13, course map needs final review; DMC: reviewing; McLennan: ??; NW Vista: inactive. SJN Admission, graduation criteria- will present at ABET mtg Dec. 5th. SJN FY 2014 budget- will meet w/chairs to discuss on Wed., Nov. 27th. SJN FY 2015 HEF- will meet w/chairs to discuss on Wed., Nov. 27th, due Dec. 15th. SJN IEPs- were due to dean on 11/16/13, missing CHNG, MEIE, EVEN, ISEE, EFCREO, IAEH. SJN Enrollment for Spring- numbers are going up. SJN 4. Events EAC meeting from 11am-3pm on Nov. 22nd in EC 275 Commencement at 1pm on Dec. 13th. 5. Rumors, Conspiracies, etc FYI- Engineering marvels schedule will be as follows (from dept drawing): #1- CEAE, #2ITEN, #3- EECS, #4- MEIE, #5- EVEN, #6- CHNG. New episodes start around Oct. 1, 2013. Dec. 1st Summer/Fall schedules are due to Provost, need to turn in to Trisha before Thanksgiving holiday. TLG