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Hitler's Foreign Policy 1933-1939: Key Events & Aims

1. Rearmament
- (1933) When Hitler becomes Chancellor,
begins to secretly increase Germany's
military, walks out of LON.
-Drafted unemployed and introduced
conscription (1936)
-Held rearmament rally (1935)
- Rearmament=popular in Germany.
Increased confidence in Hitler.
2. The Saar Plebiscite
- The LON held a plebiscite for ppl to vote
whether the Saar should return to Germany.
- It had belonged to LON after TOV
- Joseph Goebbels (Propaganda minister)
was successful, 90% voted for German rule.
- Completely legal, moral booster.
3. Remilitarisation of the Rhineland
- Ruhr bordered between Germany and France.
Demilitarised in TOV and Locarno.
- Hitler decided to move troops into Rhineland.
- Hitler argued that France and USSR made pact
against Germany and were under threat.
- Risky, could lose face and lose men. Violated
TOV and France was way stronger.
4. Spanish civil war
5. Axis Alliance.
(1936 ish)
- Civil war in Spain between government and right-win
rebels led by General Franco.
-Hitler and Musso. supported Franco. Supplied troops,
aircraft and transport.
- USSR supported government, sent troops. Britain did
not intervene directly, made USSR suspicious.
- Franco won with Hitler and Musso,'s help.
- Strengthened bond between Hitler and Musso. Also
helped train inexperienced German army who used
bombs for first time.
- Hitler and Musso. showed strength of
armed forces; Musso. triumphed in
- 1937, Japan took over more of China.
- Hitler, Italy and Japan shared interests.
- Germany and Japan signed AntiComintern pact (1936)
6. Anschluss
- Banned in TOV but Hitler felt that Germany and
Austria belonged together.
- Hitler pressured Schuschnigg (Austrian
Chancellor) to agree to Anschluss.
- Plebiscite was organised. 99.75% voted for
Germany under watchful eyes of Nazi troops.
- Reaped reward of Austrian soldiers, weapons,
and rich deposits of gold & iron ores.
7. Sudetenland
- focused on the Sudetenland which was an area of Czechoslovakia which bordered
Germany, had many Germans.
- The Sudetenland was important. Where Czech armament factories and defences were so
losing them would mean Czechoslovakia would be defenceless.
- Edward Benes (Czech president) wanted to protect his country from Hitler so went to
B&F for assurance. They said they would defend Sudentenland.
- Neville Chamberlain met with Hitler who said that Germany only wanted parts of the
Sudetenland, and Plebiscite should be organised.
- However 3 days later Hitler then demanded all of the Sudetenland, not just the German
speaking parts; said Germans were being oppressed.
- Munich Agreement organised, (1938). Chamberlain followed Appeasement, decided to
give Sudetenland to Hitler (without consulted Edvard).
- Effects: Hitler won gamble, went on to occupy whole of Czechoslovakia in 1939 with no
- Final ultimatum from B&F: If Germany invaded Poland, war would be declared. Germany
invaded Poland (Sept. 1939). 3 days later B&F declare war.
8. Nazi-Soviet Pact
- (Temporary) Alliance between USSR
(Stalin) and Germany (Hitler)
- Reasons: USSR had lost trust in B&F in
Spanish Civil war.
- Both had designs on Poland.
- Concerns about invasion from Germany
after invading Poland (join the enemy).
9. Appeasement
- Chamberlain sympathised with Hitler.
Policy of giving Hitler what he wanted
to stop him from going to war.
- Signed Anglo-Naval pact that let
German navy be 35% of Britain's size.
- Sudetenland.
Hitler's Foreign Policy Aims
1. To gain lebensraum (living space for Aryan
empire, Saar Plebiscite)
2. Destroy the Treaty of Versailles (Rhineland)
3. Autarky (self-sufficiency)
4. Create a greater Germany (Rearmament,
Anschluss, Sudetenland)
5. Destroy Communism (USSR) (Nazi-Soviet