1 What are the 4 main parts of the Urinary System... What are 6 important functions of the Kidney?

Chapter 25 Class Notes BSC 2086 Fall 2010
What are the 4 main parts of the Urinary System and what is their general role?
What are 6 important functions of the Kidney?
What are the 3 layers of supportive tissue of the Kidney?
What are 6 general anatomical features of the Kidney?
Please label the general features of the kidney below:
Renal arteries deliver approximately__________ or _________________ ml of cardiac output to the
kidneys each ___________________.
_____________________ are the structural and functional units that form urine, and there are
approximately _________________ per kidney.
Nephrons have which two main parts?
Please label the main features of the Nephron below:
The Renal corpuscle is made up of the ________________________ and
The ________________________ glomerular capillary endothelium allows filtrate to pass from plasma
into the glomerular capsule.
Starts with the Glomerular capsule
The _________________ (outer) layer is simple squamous epithelium. The ____________________
(inner) layer is branching epithelial _______________________ which have extensions that cling to
basement membrane of the capillary, and __________________________ near the fenestrated capillary,
which allow filtrate to pass into the glomerular capsule space.
The ________________________________________________ (PCT) is made of cuboidal cells with
dense microvilli and large mitochondria. It functions in ____________________ and secretion and is
confined to the renal cortex.
The ____________________________________ has descending and ascending limbs. The
______________ segment is usually in the descending limb and it is made of simple squamous epithelium
The ____________segment is freely permeable to water. The ________________ segment in the
Ascending limb is made of cuboidal or columnar cells.
The __________________________________ (DCT) is made of cuboidal cells with very few microvilli,
and the DCT functions more in ____________________ than in reabsorption. The DCT confined to the
renal ____________________.
The _____________________________ receive filtrate from many ___________________ and fuse
together to deliver urine through papillae into minor ___________________.
Cell types of collecting ducts include _________________________ cells that are cuboidal cells with
microvilli. Intercalated cells function in maintaining the _____________________ balance of the blood.
_________________ cells are cuboidal cells without microvilli. Principal cells help maintain the body’s
______________ and _________________ balance.
What are the 2 types of Nephrons?
(Slide # 36) ____________________ nephrons are 85% of nephrons and are located almost entirely in
the _____________________.
_________________________________ nephrons have the
______________________________________ that deeply invade the ________________________, and
have extensive thin segments that are important in the production of _________________________ urine.
(Slides # 39 – 41) What are the 3 types of Capillary Beds and what is the main function of each?
Please label the 2 types of Nephrons and the 3 Capillary Beds in the Figure below:
There is high resistance in afferent and efferent arterioles that causes blood pressure to decline from
approximately ______ mm Hg to approximately _______ mm Hg in the kidneys.
There is one ________________________________________________________ (JGA) per nephron.
The JGA is important in the regulation of ________________________________ and blood
____________________. The JGA involves modified portions of the _______________ portion of the
____________________ limb of the loop of Henle and usually an _________________ arteriole.
The JGA has _______________________ cells that are enlarged smooth muscle cells of the arteriole
which have ____________________ granules that contain _______________. These cells act as
_____________________________ that sense blood ____________________.
The JGA has a _________________________________ which is a group of tall closely packed cells of
the ascending limb, which act as _________________________ that sense the ________________
content of filtrate.
The JGA has _____________________________________________________ cells that are
interconnected with _____________________________ and may pass signals between macula densa and
granular cells.
Please label the Renal Corpuscle and 3 Cell types associated with the Juxtaglomerular Apparatus:
(Slide # 53) The _______________________________ allows passage of water and solutes smaller than
most plasma proteins while the capillary fenestrations prevent filtration of _____________________.
The kidneys filter the body’s entire plasma volume _______________ times each day. Kidney filtrate is
____________________________ minus __________________.
Urine accounts for _______________________ of total filtrate and contains metabolic ______________
and unneeded substances.
(Slide # 56). What are the 3 mechanisms of Urine formation?
___________________________________ a passive mechanical process driven by blood pressure.
The Net Pressure responsible for filtrate formation is ______________ mm Hg.
The volume of filtrate formed per minute by the kidneys is _____________________ ml/min.
The _____________________________ (GFR) is controlled by these 2 types of mechanisms (Slide # 64):
(Slide # 66) What are 2 types of intrinsic renal Autoregulation?
Briefly, how do these work (Slides # 67 & 69)?
Please explain the 3 steps of extrinsic sympathetic nervous system control of the kidney (slide # 71):
Please draw the Renin-Angiotensin II flowchart seen on slide # 72:
What are the first 2 effects of Angiotensin II (slide # 73)?
What is the end result of the R-A mechanism (slide # 75)?
_________________________________ released from kidney cells is a ________________________
that counteracts vasoconstriction by norepinephrine and angiotensin II, and helps ________________
renal damage when peripheral resistance is ____________________.
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