Myths Based on Lesson Plans by Raymond Huber

Based on Lesson Plans by Raymond Huber
What is a Myth?
 Myths are the oldest and most powerful of all story
forms. They often carry an important message
for a culture or group. Myths are stories that
give people a relationship with the
universe, the passing of time, and with
their environment. Some myths give the official
view of creation, while others are a way to explain
natural events (such as fire and floods). Myths were
passed on by spoken word, and their function
was to explain, to teach lessons, and to entertain.
What is a Myth?
 The word myth comes from the Greek word
“mythos” which means “to tell a story.”
 Myths are stories with a message that groups of
people (cultures) told to explain how life began and
how the world of nature behaved.
Is it a Myth?
 Does it explain how life started, or explain natural
 Does it involve some supernatural power?
 Does it involve heroic people or gods?
 Is it believed to be true by the people who tell it?
Creation Myths
 Myths of “beginnings”
 How were people created, where did the universe
come from?
 Explanatory in purpose.
Creation Myths
 Creation myths help people know they have a special place
in the universe. Read four (4) different creation myths. Ask
your teacher for help locating the myths. Do they have a
similar plot or structure? Create a chart (on PAPER) and
answer the following questions about each of the 4 myths:
 1- Where is the myth from (which culture/country)
 2- What things are created in the myth?
 3- How are these things created?
Nature Myths- Flood
 Look for similar patterns in myths from different
 Flood Myths usually follow this pattern:
 CAUSE: The flood is humankind’s punishment
 SIZE: The flood covers the whole land or world
 SURVIVORS: A few people survive because they are
 SIGNS: There’s a sign of hope, e.g., a rainbow, to
show that life will go on
Flood Myths Assignment
 Read three (3) Flood Myths and see if they fit the pattern
explained on the previous slide. Create a chart for each story
and include the following information:
 1- Title of Myth
 2- Cause
 3- Size
 4- Survivors
 5- Signs
Nature Myths- Fire
 Look for similar patterns in myths from different
 Trickster Character: Delight in breaking the rules,
boasting, and playing tricks on both humans and gods.
They often appear as animals, and can also be shape
 Fire Myths usually follow this pattern:
The people have no fire
A hero gets fire from the gods, usually by a clever trick
People find that fire is very useful
But fire also brings evil with it
Fire Myth Assignment
 Read two (2) fire myths. Do they follow the pattern for
fire myths? Answer these questions for each myth:
 1- Who/what has the fire at the beginning of the myth
 2- How does the hero get/steal the fire?
 3- How is the fire useful?
 4- Is there evil that follows? Explain it.
Hero Myths
 Most myths have a hero who is brave, clever, and strong. He
usually brings important gifts to his people (such as fire) and
is a role model of right behavior and is greatly admired.
 The story of his life usually follows this pattern:
He has a special birth
He has unusual skills as a child
He is tested as a young man
He goes on a journey or quest to find something
He has difficult tasks to do
He has one weakness
He is rewarded for his effort
He dies a special death
 These women were usually brave and skilled with a
 They showed great courage and the ability to
survive hardship
 They also made great sacrifices, even facing death
 These female characters were usually goddesses
Hero Myths Assignment
Create a chart showing the hero myth pattern for the myth you
chose to read. Be sure to include the title of the myth.
 What are his/her special skills as a child?
 How is he/she tested?
 Where does he/she journey?
 What difficult task does he/she perform/she?
 What evil forces or monsters does he fight?
 What is his/her weakness?
 What is his/her reward?
Mythical Creatures
 Heroes and heroines had to fight against evil, often
in the form of a supernatural creature or powerful
 Examples: Cyclops, Hydra, Harpies, Gorgon,
Grendel, Phoenix, Minotaur, Quetzalcoatl, Chimera,
Scylla, Unicorn
Mythical Creatures
 Choose 4 mythical creatures (from the previous slide or
from your own research) to describe. Be sure to include:
 What does it look like?
 Does it have any special powers?
 Is it used for good or for evil?
 Choose one of these creatures to illustrate. Create a
poster that includes information on the creature as well
as the picture.
 Write your own myth. Do NOT base it on an
already existing myth. It can be a creation, fire,
flood, or hero/heroine myth. You should also
include a mythical creature in your myth.
 Follow the pattern for whichever type of myth you
have chosen.
 Use descriptive writing (imagery) and figurative
language in your myth.
 Create a full-color, illustrated book for your myth.