Name ______________________________________
Period ___________
Date ____________
Assignment #1
Class Guidelines
Welcome to a wonderful aspect of science--Earth Science! Earth science surrounds
us and impacts everything we do, see, and feel. Not only will this course teach students
more of the basic principals of Earth science, but also how our natural environment
impacts people and places around the world. Geology, astronomy, meteorology and
oceanography are a few of the major topics emphasized throughout the year geared
toward the curriculum and Virginia Standards of Learning Tests.
Our goals are to learn and improve problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, and
reading and writing skills through inquiry-based instruction and hands-on activities.
We are looking forward to a great year!
Grading and Assessment
Your quarter grades will be calculated by totaling the cumulative points of labs, quizzes,
tests, assignments/class work, and Science Research Project (SRP) items #1, #2, #3
and #4.
69 and below
Your Earth science grade is primarily up to you. Opportunities for success in the class
are endless! Students are expected to complete assignments given; Mrs. Fehr will be
available before and after school should students desire extra help, tutoring, have
questions, or concerns.
Daily Class Necessities for success:
 (2) 3-ring binders (1-1/2 inches); preferably with pockets
One will be for class and the other for your Science Research Project (SRP) material
 Notebook Paper for both notebooks
 Notebook Dividers for Science Research Project
 Pen & Pencil
 Assigned Work
 Covered Text Book and Student Agenda (paper book covers available upon request)
 Positive Attitude and Desire to do your personal best
All students shall follow the rules and regulations of the Student Agenda because
we must work together as a team to be successful during class. To accomplish these
goals, we shall incorporate a few ‘Classroom Expectations and Policies’.
Classroom Expectations:
Students are expected to enter quietly, be seated, and begin the class warm-up
assignment prior to the tardy bell.
Students are expected to complete assignments. Not turning them in is not an
option; they are all important and geared toward SOL information.
* Late assignments will have points deducted from the grade. Point value of a late
assignment will be determined upon the day/time of class review. Phone calls will
be made and/or letters will be sent home to let parents know of continually late or
missing work.
Students are expected to attend class. We will see each other until June, but with
the alternating block, any day missed is like two, which causes make-up work to be
more difficult. Make-up work can be found in a labeled tray and it is your
responsibility to obtain and complete the work. According to the student handbook,
only one extra day will be given to make up work for each day missed.
Tests must be made up within two school days from the missed date before or after
school or you may take the test with me during your study hall.
Students are expected to be in class on time. If you happen to be tardy once, a
verbal warning will be given. If a second tardy occurs, we shall meet for retraining.
Classroom Policies:
Respect everyone and his or her property (be aware of your body language).
Respect everyone’s right to learn
Bring the proper materials daily: Covered Textbook, Notebook, Paper, Pen or
Pencil, Assigned work, and a Positive attitude, Desire to do your personal
best, and Agenda book.
The use of safety equipment should occur ONLY during an emergency.
Cheating is NOT tolerated at Stone Bridge High School. Cheating includes copying
work (including Homework) from any person or source including the internet, doing
another’s work for him/her, having someone else do your work, plagiarism, sharing
information about quizzes/tests, looking at notes or someone’s test during a quiz/test,
and talking during a quiz/test. Working on homework with someone else, not
contributing to group efforts then copying work, and allowing someone to copy off of
you are also considered cheating. If students are caught cheating, all of those involved
will automatically receive a zero on the assignment, parents will be notified, and the
student will be referred to administrators.
Please sign and return to Ms. Fehr by September 4th/ 5th
We have read and reviewed all of the classroom guidelines for Earth
Science and we (the student and parent/guardian) understand that I (the
student) will be held responsible for my own behavior and schoolwork.
Student Name ______________________________________________
(Please print)
Student Signature ___________________________________________
Date ________________________
Parent/Guardian Name(s) ______________________________________
(Please print)
Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________
Parent/Guardian e-mail ________________________________________
If I may e-mail you with progress / grade updates, please initial
below to grant permission:
Initials ________________
Date _________________
Parents: Grade inquiries may be made via e-mail, but we must have your
authorization to disclose grades in that format. Should you have any question
or concerns, please write them below with a contact phone number or e-mail:
Jeanette.Fehr@loudoun.k12.va.us I shall return your call or e-mail as soon
as possible.
I look forward to working with you and your child this year! Comments?