Latin America: Revolution and Reaction into the 21st Century Chapter 33 Reading Guide 1. What were the main political characteristics of Latin American countries immediately following World War II? 2. How did Mexico and their main political party, the PRI, change after World War II? 3. What unresolved challenges has Mexico faced during the last decade? 4. Why did Latin America witness many revolts in the 1950s? 5. Why did the U.S. intervene in Guatemala and to what effect? 6. How did Cuba turn into a socialist country? Who were Batista and Castro? 7. Why did some L. American countries see military takeovers? Give examples. 8. Describe U.S. intervention in L. America in the 20th century. 9. How did women’s roles change? What comparison can you draw with women in N. America and Western Europe? 10. What demographic shifts and movements has the region experienced since 1980?