Honors Latin II- Stage 26 Test Study Guide lege fabulam novam! storyline

Honors Latin II- Stage 26 Test Study Guide
I. lege fabulam novam! This is a continuation of the stage 26
II. English comprehension questions about the story- do
you what happened?
III. Free response grammar questions about the story- what
type of participle? what tense? what case? what type of
IV. Questions about the stage 26 stories- match characters
from the stories to Latin descriptions about them OR
Latin statements that they made
Purpose Clause Translation- Pick several English
sentences with purpose clauses to translate into Latin.
VI. Expressions of Obligation- Pick several English necessity
sentences and rewrite them in Latin to express the
obligation in all four ways.
VII. Culture- Life of Agricola- Identify statements about
Agricola as verum/falsum
VIII. Culture- Makeup of the Legion- match the
units/officers/people to their descriptions