Mrs. Economou’s Newsletter Parent Volunteers – September 10th @ 8am is volunteer training. Once parents are approved, I will schedule help in my classroom. Last year one mom came every week and ran a reading group. (They read and discussed a novel they read together.) Another mom came every week and did the spelling tests. (We had different groups depending on the students’ levels.) I had a mom come once a week and pull aside each child and listen to him read his journal and offer encouragement and feedback. Possibly a parent wants to come and just listen to a child read. I love volunteers in my classroom. Room Mom – Yes, Mrs. Rompf, our PTO mom of the year, has a child in our class and has volunteered to be our room mother, but since she lives at the school and already does a million LES tasks, I am asking if anyone else would like this honor. The responsibility is basically to organize our 3 parties. Usually parties entail finding out what each person is sending/bringing in (such as carrots, chips and dip, drinks, etc.) and planning an educational game or simple craft. (I can help with the educational game.) Just email me if you have an interest. Last year I had 2 moms who enjoyed working together. Box Tops – Lakeshore is collecting Box Tops this year, and right now any box tops we send in are worth more than their face value, so please gather up any you have and send them in. Campbell’s soup labels are needed, too. Time for Kids – Please send in $5 for this magazine that we use in reading and social studies. Fire Safety - We have fire safety once a month, and usually it is the first Friday of the month. Lunch – Parents are welcome to come eat with their child, but other students cannot join them. Snacks – Our class doesn’t each lunch until 12:35, so the kids really need a snack. Please make sure you are sending healthy snacks. Eating Oreos or candy at 9:00 in the morning usually leads to a mental slump later. If anyone wants to donate snacks to our classroom, such as crackers and peanut butter, that would be wonderful because basically everyday someone forgets their snack and is starving by 10am. Science Fair – Every year LES has a science fair. All students are welcome to enter. If you would like more information, I will provide it. Reading – In reading, we are learning about character traits & summarizing. Please make sure your child reads every night, you read with your child, or to your child. Math – In math, we are learning about place value, factors, prime, & composite #s. Science – In science, we are learning about nutrition & will have a quiz soon on the healthy plate. We are learning that carbohydrates (plants) provide energy. We are learning about how plants store energy from the SUN during photosynthesis. We are also learning about energy sources, such as fossil fuels and solar energy. Social Studies – In social studies, we are learning about the regions of North Carolina, longitude and latitude, and our natural resources. North Carolina ABC Book – During the day, whenever a child has finished his/her work, he/she can work on his/her NC-ABC book. Basically they write a paragraph about a North Carolina topic that they have looked up and read about, and draw a picture. For example, A is for airplane, first made and flown in Kitty Hawk by Wilbur and Orville Wright. C is for Cherokee Indians or our state bird, the cardinal. Wish List – Shoeboxes for a science project and snacks to keep in the cabinet for those who forget.