Warm Up:


Warm Up:

1. What do you see?

2. What does you think this cartoon means?

3. Is this a primary or secondary source? Why?

Primary and Secondary Sources:

Primary Sources: something created or written during the time period being studied

• Journals

• Diaries

• Newspaper articles

• Photographs

• Songs

Secondary Sources: a secondary sources interprets or analyzes a primary source

• History books

• Encyclopedias

Today’s Question:

Are you a patriot, loyalist or neutralist?


1. Notes: Loyalists, Patriots, and Neutralists

2. Prepare for town meeting

Whose side are you on?

During the American Revolution, colonists had to decide whether to support the war for independence or to remain ______________ to the

British government.


Colonists who supported independence from

Great Britain were known as ___________.

Most patriots supported independence because they felt that recent British laws _______________ their rights as English citizens.

The were upset about __________, the Proclamation of __________, and British __________ stationed in the colonies.


Colonists who opposed independence from

Britain were called __________.

Most loyalists agreed that British laws were unfair, but wanted to come to a peaceful

_____________ with the British government.


Colonists who neither supported nor opposed independence were called ____________.

Both patriots and loyalists tried to convince neutralists to join their ____________.

Town Hall Meeting:

Today we will prepare for a Colonial Town

Hall Meeting to discuss whether or not we should break away from England.

You will be assigned a historical character to represent. Your character will be either a

Patriot, Loyalist, or Neutralist.

Are you a patriot, loyalist, or


Each person will be assigned a historical figure.

1. Read the description of your person carefully.

2. Create a nameplate for your person.

3. Create a piece of propaganda (small poster convincing people to support your side)

4. Come up with 3-5 key ideas supporting your historical figure’s view on independence

Nameplate (everyone)

Your nameplate should include:

• Character’s name in large, easy-to-read lettering

• A quotation that represents your person’s view on independence

• Pictures/drawings if you have time

You have 10 minutes to quietly create your nameplate!

Propaganda (patriots and loyalists)

Make sure your propaganda:

1. Communicates the key beliefs of your person

2. Uses striking pictures/graphics/words/slogans to influence or sway neutralists

3. Is visible from at least 10 feet

4. Use only the front side!

**While you are creating your propaganda, you may discuss/exchange ideas with other patriots if you are a patriot, or loyalists if you are a loyalist.**

Propaganda: information, usually of a bias or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause

2 sided loyalists/patriots sign

1. On one side, create a symbol, picture, or slogan of support for Loyalists.

2. On the other, create a symbol, picture, or slogan of support for patriots.

3. This will be used to show support for one side or the other during the town meeting.

Key ideas (patriots and loyalists)

1. Come up with 3-5 key ideas supporting your person’s view on independence

2. Must be clearly written on the back of the propaganda

3. Will be used to convince neutralists during the town meeting

**While you are coming up with your ideas, you may discuss/exchange ideas with other patriots if you are a patriot, or loyalists if you are a loyalist.**

Key questions (neutralists)

1. Come up with at least three questions to ask each side during the town meeting.

2. Example: (neutralists to patriots) “if the colonies declare independence, how will they govern themselves?”
