Patriots VS Loyalists


Patriots VS Loyalists


8.4b- Explain the roles played by significant individuals during the American Revolution, including Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton and Samuel Adams

8.16a- Identify the influence of ideas from historic documents

8.30b- Identify points of view from the historical context surrounding an event and the frame of reference that influenced the participants

Historical Truism . . .

• In every conflict, there are at least two opposing sides.

• In the 13 colonies, this statement was also true.

• Not every colonist believed that the conflict with

Britain was a good idea.

In this corner . . .

• Wearing red trunks, are the LOYALISTS.

• The Loyalists were people who remained loyal to the king of England.

• Loyalists were also referred to as

“Tories” by their opponents (I guess this was an insult?)

Why be Loyal?

• Loyalists argued that Britain had taken care of the colonies both financially and militarily.

• They pointed to the French and Indian War as a prime example.

How many were there?

• It is estimated that about 30% of the colonists were Loyalists.

• They were the minority in some places, but in colonies like New York, they were the majority.

And in this corner . . .

• Wearing blue trunks, are the PATRIOTS!

• Patriots were those who rebelled against the


• Loyalists called them


Examples of famous Patriots

Samuel Adams, leader of the Sons of Liberty Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death”

Thomas Jefferson, main author of the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Paine, author of “Common Sense”

George Washington, commander of the

Continental Army

Why hate on England?

The Sugar Act

The Stamp Act

The Proclamation of 1763

The Tea Act

The Townshend Acts

How many Patriots?

• Only about 40% of the colonists were Patriots .

• They were the majority in New England

(especially Massacheusettes.) Now you know why the New England Patriots play in Boston.

And on the sidelines . . .

• Some people simply wanted to stay out of the whole mess.

• These people were called Neutralists, since they were neutral in the conflict.
