Directions for loyalists and patriots:

Directions for loyalists and patriots:
1. Read the description of your person carefully.
2. Create a nameplate for your person.
 Character’s name in large, easy-to-read lettering
 A quotation that represents your person’s view on independence
 Pictures/drawings if you have time
3. Create a piece of propaganda (small poster convincing people to support your side)
 Communicates the key beliefs of your person
 Uses striking pictures/graphics/words/slogans to influence or sway neutralists
 Is visible from at least 10 feet
 Use only the front side!
4. Come up with 3-5 key ideas supporting your historical figure’s view on
 Come up with 3-5 key ideas supporting your person’s view on independence
 Must be clearly written on the back of the propaganda
 Will be used to convince neutralists during the town meeting