The Information Age Needs Spreadsheets What are Spreadsheets? Tools for Managing Numbers in the Information Age History of Spreadsheets v v People used a pencil, eraser, and paper to arrange their numerical data into rows and columns. Problems: – Lack of flexibility – Slow in calculation – Incapable of sophisticated modeling Spreadsheet Software v Single-Purpose Software – VisiCalc – EXCEL v Integrated Software – LOTUS 1-2-3: combines spreadsheet with compatible graphics and data base programs; – Microsoft Works: combines spreadsheet with word processing, data base, communication, and graphic capabilities. v Learner Programs – The Cruncher (Davidson, Grades 5 up) Major Advantage of Spreadsheets v v v v v v Quickly performs calculations Storage capability Ease of the change of data Accept formulas and functions as values Neatness Sophisticated numerical and financial modeling Who Needs Spreadsheets? v Government/Business/Industry – Budgeting – Modeling Economic Trends – Managing Resources v Schools – Administrators – Teachers – Students What Can Students Learn? v Organization of Numeric Data – Spreadsheet grids provide students with an organizational pattern which helps them categorize data and arrange it into labeled, ordered rows and columns. v Practical Work With Formulas, Functions – Spreadsheets provide an ideal environment to apply mathematical concepts to “real-world” situations v Projection, “What-if” Thinking – Spreadsheets facilitate hypothesis testing and modeling in different subject areas – Spreadsheets encourage number play which can build estimation, problem-solving, concept development, and intuitive mathematical skills Teacher Adminstrative Uses v Grade Records – Create templates according to personal needs & style – Ease and efficiency of calculation and data revision – Convenience in saving student data v Class/Club Records – Track financial transactions – Model a projected situation – Make and keep performance records Benefits for Students Mathematical SelfConfidence Flexibility Versatility Spreadsheet Vocabulary v Cell: – each of the possible locations on a spreadsheet, specified by its row and column. v Label: – a collection of alpha-numeric characters used to identify categories within a spreadsheet. v Value: – numerical data. v Formula: – a function that describes the relationship between various values in the spreadsheet. v Template: – the design for a particular spreadsheet which contains all the labels and formulas. A data-free spreadsheet design. Sample Spreadsheet Grid =C5+D5 Labels Cost Values $35.99 Cell Formula Tax $2.79 Total $38.78 Sample Spreadsheet Screen