North Carolina 6-Point Lesson Plan Topic: Spreadsheets – Basics and Formulas Subject: Computer Skills Grade: 8 Teacher: Cynthia Coleman Date: June 24, 2015 NC Standard Course of Study Essential Standard: Understand the basics of spreadsheets. NC Standard Course of Study Clarifying Objective: Students will learn basic spreadsheet vocabulary. Students will be able to name spreadsheet parts. Students will learn the purpose of each spreadsheet part. Activity I. Focus and Review (Establish prior knowledge) Teacher and students will review spreadsheet vocabulary. Description of Activities and Setting Materials and Time Students will take out their spreadsheet vocabulary list, pair with another student, and orally quiz each other. 15 minutes II. Statement (Inform student of objectives) Teacher will present the objectives of this lesson. 2 minutes III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) Teacher will inform students that they must spell the vocabulary words correctly or they will not get credit for their answers. Teacher will also tell students to only use lower case letters when spelling their answers. In addition, teacher will inform students that all answers should be entered in their singular form – no plural answers. Finally, teacher will tell students that they will have two opportunities to answer each question correctly; and that they will be on the honor system, and responsible for grading their own test by keeping track of how many questions they get wrong. 5 minutes IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance, provide assessment and feedback) V. Independent Practice -- Seatwork and Homework (Retention and transfer) VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) Students will take their test in Alice. 20 minutes ____minutes Teacher will ask students to share any problems they had in taking the test in Alice. 3 minutes