AP WORLD-BROWN- Chapter 10 Review Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. What was the post-classical period in Western history between the fall of the Roman Empire and the fifteenth century known as? Know how the medieval West compared and contrasted to other civilizations. Know the impact of Christianity on polytheistic religions in western Europe. Describe the medieval backwardness in western Europe. Describe the vitality in medieval western culture following the Roman Empire’s fall. Where was the center of post-classical West after the fall of Rome? Who were the invaders that disrupted the development of political institutions in the medieval West until the tenth century? Describe the intellectual activity of the medieval West prior to the eighteenth century. Know the system that described economic and political relations between landlords and their peasant laborers. What were agricultural laborers under the jurisdiction of aristocratic landowners known as? Describe the agricultural laborers of the medieval West. Know what the moldboard was. Know the manorial system. Know the three-field rotation system. Describe the relationships between members of the military elite based on a reciprocal exchange of land and military service and loyalty. What were members of the military elite who received land in return for military service in the bands of the greater lords called? Know feudalism. Describe the power of the papacy immediately after 500? Know the Frankish king who was responsible for the conversion of his people to Christianity in order to gain a vague domination over the Franks. What belief did the conversion of Germanic kings create among western religious leaders, particularly the pope? Know the accomplishments of Benedict of Nursia in the sixth century. Describe the benefits of the monastic movement in western Europe. Which dynasty took over the Frankish monarchy in the eighth century? When did Charlemagne establish a substantial, if temporary, empire in France and Germany? Know the Holy Roman Emperors after the tenth century. Know the development that introduced new sources of strength by the ninth and tenth centuries in western Europe. Describe the impact of the improved economy after the tenth century on the social system of western Europe. Know the locations of the greatest concentration of urbanization after the tenth century. Compare the introduction of feudal monarchy into England to the political experience of France. Which century did France achieve a completely feudal monarchy? Which regions achieved feudal monarchy prior to the end of the Middle Ages? Know the regions where expansion from western Europe took place. What year did Pope Urban II call for the first crusade? Know the results of the crusades. Know who created the reforming monastic orders founded in Assisi in the thirteenth century. Know the investiture Pope Gregory VII decreed that the practice of was invalid. What region was the Fourth Crusade, which was manipulated by the merchants in Venice, an attack on? What Parisian scholar utilized logic to examine ecclesiastical doctrine? (Hint: author of Yes and No) What twelfth century monk stressed the importance of mystical union with God over logic and philosophy? Compare and contrast the educational system of the medieval West to that of China. Who was Thomas Aquinas? Know the term scholasticism. Know the term Gothic. Describe the developments of the improved economy of the High Middle Ages. Know the functions of the merchant and artisan guilds. Who was Jacques Coeur and what was his true career? What were the threats of the sources of Western vitality at the end of the Middle Ages? Describe the results of the Hundred Years War. What were the challenges to medieval institutions in the 15th century? What was the importance of medieval economics?