Study guide. USVA Government Quiz on Judicial Branch

Study guide. USVA Government Quiz on Judicial Branch
1. You will have to list the 9 supreme court justices
2. You must know how the Supreme court makes its decisions
a. The 3 kinds of opinions
3. Vocab
a. Jurisdiction
b. Plaintiff
c. Defendant
d. Docket
e. Appeals
Habeas corpus
g. Writ
h. Judicial Review
Double jeopardy
4. You need to know the difference between
a. Exclusive Jurisdiction
b. Concurrent Jurisdiction
5. Who chooses federal judges
a. Does this person need any help and if yes from whom?
6. Who can be a judge
7. How long do Supreme court justices sever in office
8. Why is the case of Marbury v Madison so important.
9. What is the rule of four.
10. What is the Miranda Rule
11. What is the 5th Amendment