Uploaded by Kim Brooks

Federal Courts Practice Worksheet

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Block: ______
Federal Courts Practice
1. List federal jurisdiction (8):
2. What did Marbury v. Madison establish?
3. What is the final court of appeal?
4. Fill in the chart:
5. Which is the only federal court that has a jury?
6. How many Supreme Court judges are there?
7. Which court has original jurisdiction?
8. What does appellate mean?
9. Which courts have appellate jurisdiction?
10. Who appoints federal judges and justices? Who approves?
11. How long do federal judges/justices serve?
12. What is the Supreme Law of the Land?
13. What is the dual court system based on?
14. What is the power of judicial review?
15. How many U.S. District Courts are there in the United States? What type of jurisdiction do they have?
16. What type of cases do the U.S. District Courts hear? (list 4)
17. How many Court of Appeals are there in the United States? What type of jurisdiction do they have?
18. What type of cases do the U.S. Courts of Appeals hear?
19. How many U.S. Supreme Courts are there? What type of jurisdiction do they have?
20. What type of cases does the U.S. Supreme Court hear?