Mrs. Daly Grade Four Lunch, Recess, and Specials Lunch: Recess: 12:15-12:45 12:45-1:00 Monday: Music 9:45-10:15 PE 10:15-10:45 Tuesday: PE 10:45-11:15 Wednesday: Library 10:00=10:30 Computer Lab 10:30-11:15 Thursday: Music 9:45-10:15 Search 10:15-11:00 Biweekly Guidance 11:00-11:30 Friday: Art 9:15-10:05 P.E. 10:15-10:45 Please send in a nutritious and neat snack for your child to eat each morning. Students are reminded to provide their own spoons as needed. Students are also allowed a water bottle on their desk during class.