Tips on using calculators

Tips on using
1. Use Algebra 2 setting: a+bi
(to type in “i” use “2nd .”)
2. When given a table you will most likely need to use regressions:
stat -> edit, enter data into L1, L2 . Stat -> calc (choose regression correctly!)
How do we know which one?
Read directions (Yes really read!)
Check answer choices
Check scatter plot (2nd y=, Scatter plot ON,
graph, zoom #9 statistics)
3. Using graphs, tables and 2nd trace
Finding zeros, solutions, intercepts (x, 0), (0,y)
Finding min / max, vertex
Checking domain (left to right)
Checking range (bottom to top)
Finding asymptotes and end behavior
Checking increasing, decreasing intervals
Finding solution
Finding solution for a system
Checking your answers
4. Series and sequences
 If they give you a formula, use it (remember an-1 means previous term!)
 If no formula is given decide if it is:
o geometric; we keep multiplying/dividing (r = 2nd term / 1st term)
o or arithmetic; we keep adding/subtracting (d = 2nd term - 1st term)
and use the right formula from your formula sheet a n – general rule for nth term,
Sn – sum of n terms, S - sum of infinitely many terms (…)
5. Statistics:
6. Review of Regression (How do we find the best fit model?)
1) Enter data: STAT 1: Edit (enter data into L1 and L2)
2) Turn on Stat Plot: 2nd y = up to Plot1, then ENTER. Highlight ON .
3) Determine what kind of regression you need based on the shape of the scatter plot: ZOOM
9:ZoomStat to look at graph. Based on the shape choose which type of regression is appropriate
4) STAT -> CALC to pick type of regression (linear, quadratic, exp, etc) for the StoReg: VARS Y-VARS,
Function, Y1
5) Write the equation of the regression the calculator gives you. Go to Graph to see how the model fits
the data. Also, use TABLE to help predict other values of X and Y.