Welcome to APUSH! You have chosen to take a demanding,... in U.S. history. There is much that will be expected...

Advanced Placement United States History (APUSH)
Mrs. Shangraw
Course Description
Welcome to APUSH! You have chosen to take a demanding, COLLEGE LEVEL survey course
in U.S. history. There is much that will be expected of you. You will read the entire textbook as well as
numerous additional primary and secondary resource materials. You will be expected to analyze, reach
conclusions, and to fully and firmly support those conclusions both orally and in writing. You will be
expected to do more than memorize names, dates and facts. You will use the factual information to
construct a meaningful "larger" picture and make connections across time and place. The course will
follow a chronological path but some topics or issues will bridge and overlap chronological periods for
their political, economic and social perspective. You will look at trends and cycles over time. The course
is meant to challenge your thinking about the history of this nation.
Given all we need to cover in this course, our limited class time will be used to clarify, apply, and
extend information from the prior night’s reading assignment. Every day, you are expected to participate
in class discussions of primary documents and events, debates of key issues, and partner and group
activities. Therefore, you must come to class every day with your notes from the previous night’s reading.
You will also develop your writing skills through regular short essays, essay exams, and writing quizzes.
To ensure you come to class prepared to contribute to the day’s learning, there will be brief quizzes or
other assessments based on the homework readings at the beginning of every class. I am here to coach
and support you, but your effort is what will determine your success in this class.
APUSH focuses on the development of
historical thinking skills and an understanding of
content organized around seven themes:
- Work, Exchange, and Technology
- National Identity
- Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture
- America in the World
- Environment and Geography
- Politics and Power
- Peopling & Migration
In this course, you’ll develop the following
historical thinking skills:
- Historical argumentation
- Historical causation
- Patterns of continuity & change over time
- Periodization
- Comparison
- Contextualization
- Interpretation
- Synthesis
The College Board divides the course into nine chronological periods (some units overlap years due to the
different concepts covered in each unit). However, we will break the course up into 10 units that cover
the same material. The chart below shows how our class units correlate to the AP curriculum AND your
textbook (Enduring Vision):
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10
Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial America
Independence and Nation-Building (1754-1800)
Young Republic and Transformation of American
Society (1800-1849)
Slavery, Civil War and Reconstruction (1830-1877)
Expansion, Industry & the Gilded Age (1860-1900)
American Imperialism, the Progressive Era, and
the Jazz Age (1900-1929)
Great Depression & WWII (1929-1945)
Early Cold War America (1945-1960)
The Liberal Era & the Conservative Resurgence
Modern America (1989-present)
Ch 1-4
Ch 5-7
Ch 8-11
AP Periods
Period 1 (1491-1607),
Period 2 (1607-1754)
Period 3 (1754-1800)
Period 4 (1800-1848)
Ch 12-16
Ch 17-20
Ch 21-23
Period 5 (1844-77)
Period 6 (1865-1914)
Period 6 & Period 7 (1890-1945)
Ch 24-25
Ch 26-27
Ch 28-30
Period 7 (1890-1945)
Period 8 (1945-1989)
Period 8 (1945-1989)
Ch 31-32+
Period 9 (1989- present)
Text: The Enduring Vision – A History of the American People by Paul S. Boyer (supplied)
Supplemental E-text: Give Me Liberty! by Eric Foner (instructions will be provided)
Other primary source material and secondary source excerpts will be provided to students.
Recommended Review Book: United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement
Examination by John Newman and John Schmalbach (may be purchased in the print version or
electronic version on the AMSCO website: amscopub.com)
I will make a variety of review materials available on my web site.
Materials Required
 Highlighters, pens (black/blue and red) and pencils with erasers should be brought to class daily
 Three-ring Binder just for APUSH (expect to fill one of these each semester)
 8 Tab Dividers (Intro/Ref, Units 1-5 for first semester, AP Review)
 Spiral notebook(s) for outlines/notes
 At the beginning of each quarter and unit, you will receive a syllabus that will specify the
readings and assignments for the unit and the dates of the unit tests. All readings and assignments
must be completed by the assigned due dates.
 My SBHS website is the place to go for the course calendar with homework assignments, other
assignments, PowerPoints, videos, announcements, and additional resources. Frequent access to a
home or school computer is important. Please let me know if this is a concern.
 I use REMIND.com frequently (especially once Wayde stars calling). I expect you to sign up.
 Grading: I use a point system and mastery grading. Major tests and essays will be worth 100
points, reading quizzes will be worth 5-10 points. Other assignments will vary. All assignments
will be posted on CLARITY. There are no grades for HW or participation – they are a means to
mastery. I will provide more info on re-assessment opportunities in the first quarter.
 Absences- PLEASE DO NOT MISS THIS CLASS! Nothing can substitute for being present.
Making up missed work or assessments is the student’s responsibility. Use the resources on my
website to keep up with the class if you must be absent, and see me before any planned absences.
 Makeup tests and quizzes must be scheduled within two days of the absence.
 PLEASE see me for extra help, advice, or guidance. I want you to succeed. I’m happy to
schedule a consult any time. E-mail me at sarah.shangraw@lcps.org, or stop by to schedule.
Classroom Procedure and Expected Decorum
 I expect you to act professionally. That means be on time, be prepared (with your notes and
questions), and contribute to the class’s learning (by asking questions and participating fully).
 Effort is more important than talent. Always give your best effort on all class activities and
assignments. They are opportunities to learn, achieve and grow. Take advantage of them.
 Academic Freedom: Be respectful of others at all times. Respect your teacher and your peers by
listening carefully to their ideas and contributions and responding thoughtfully. The best learning
comes from asking questions and engaging in thoughtful debate with others.
 Behavior: A little kindness goes a long way – be kind. Engaging in private conversations, doing
work for other subjects, arriving late or packing up early are considered disrespectful. Repeated
infractions will result in conferences, calls home, and/or detentions.
 Academic Integrity: Remember that your personal honor and integrity are very precious and are
important parts of who you are. I encourage you to study together, but I expect that you will do
all of your OWN work at all times. Ask if you are not sure.
APUSH Commitment Form: Mrs. Shangraw, 2015-16
Student Name: _______________________________________________
Parents’ Name(s): _____________________________________________
Please sign and
return by Sept 4th
Best contact Email: ____________________________________________
Best contact Phone(s): _________________________________________
I have read and discussed this syllabus at home with the adults who support my success in school.
I understand that this is a college course with college-level expectations, and I understand that my work
will be held to a college-level standard. I understand that I will grow towards this standard over time.
I understand that I will have homework (textbook reading, primary source, notes) prior to every class and
that I am expected to complete that homework to the best of my ability.
I understand that class time will be used to clarify, apply, and extend information from the prior night’s
reading assignment, and that I am expected to come to class every day with my notes, prepared for
discussion, activities, and assessments.
I understand that while I am strongly encouraged to study and discuss with classmates, all work I submit
will reflect my own reading, writing, and analysis. I will not copy from other students or the internet.
Academic dishonesty of any kind will result in a 0, a call home, and discussion with administrators.
I understand that, in order to do the best I possibly can, I should review my notes and take advantage of
resources on the website on a regular basis; “cramming” for a test or “winging it” will result in low grades.
I understand that Mrs. Shangraw will be available to help me before or after school, and that she is happy
to work with parents or students with concerns. (sarah.shangraw@lcps.org)
I understand that I should try to keep my absences to a minimum (including, if possible, school function
absences) since no amount of make-up work can substitute for my presence in class.
I understand that if I am aware of an upcoming absence that I am expected to notify Mrs. Shangraw and
keep up with the reading schedule while I am away, so that I am not behind when I come back to class. If I
have an assignment due on the day of a pre-excused absence, I will hand it in before the absence.
I understand that if I am unexpectedly absent from class, it is my responsibility to check Mrs. Shangraw’s
website (and the missed work folder in the classroom) for class materials. I am responsible for arranging
to make up quizzes and work I missed within two days of the absence at the latest.
If I am absent on a day a long-term project is due, I must contact Mrs. Shangraw on the due date.
I understand that a major objective of this course is to prepare me for the AP test; therefore I will make
every effort possible to prepare myself for the test and take that test in May.
Are there any concerns or questions for me?
Student signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Parent signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________