Algebra 2/Trig & PreCalc Mrs.V. Ahuja 2015-16 E e-mail: BWHS Phone: 703-957-4400 Supplies Textbook Pencils (all work in this class is to be done in pencil) 3-ring binder with dividers: o General Information o Warm-Ups o Notes/Handouts o Homework o Quizzes/Tests Eraser(s) Ruler or straight edge (the one from your agenda works great) Notebook paper, lined and graph Calculator (optional, but recommended – I will provide a TI-84 for work in class, but it can’t leave the room) Tissue Box Expectations Be Prepared o Arrive to class on time (be in your seat by the time the bell stops ringing). o Have all of your materials (textbook, binder, pencil, homework, etc.). o Complete all assignments and study for quizzes and tests. Be Respectful o Listen to directions and follow them quickly. o Raise your hand to get permission to speak. o Raise your hand to get permission to leave your seat. o Treat others in the class as you would like to be treated. o If it’s not yours, don’t touch it. Be Willing to Do Your Best o You control your attitude and effort every day. o If you don’t succeed, try (and try) again. o Attempt all activities with an honest effort. o Take good notes, ask questions and stay organized. Tardies Arrive to class on time and come prepared to work. You are considered tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell stops ringing. If you drop your books off, leave the room and return after the bell, you are tardy. You are allowed two (2) tardies to class per nine-week grading period. As per school policy, three tardies will result in Saturday School, and additional tardies will be handled by the administration. Homework Homework will generally be assigned daily and is worth 5 points unless otherwise stated. Write the page number and assigned problems, as well as the date the homework was assigned, at the top of the paper along with your name and class section. Copy each problem and SHOW ALL OF YOUR WORK to receive credit. Attempt EVERY problem. Credit is given for your attempt and NOT for the final answer. Use any class time that is given to work on homework to do just that. This is a great time to ask questions. Homework is due at the beginning of class. LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (this is a math department policy). Quizzes & Tests Quizzes will usually be announced, although I do reserve the right to give “pop” quizzes. Tests will be announced in advance. There are no retakes of quizzes or tests. Making Up Work If you miss class, it is YOUR responsibility to check the log THE NEXT DAY THAT YOU ARE IN SCHOOL (not the next time our class meets) to get the information and assignments you missed. (For example, if you were absent Monday, you must get the assignment and have the work completed by the time you return to class on Wednesday.) You can also check with a classmate or the web site for all assignments you missed. You have two (2) calendar days from when you return to make up a quiz or a test. You will need to schedule a time with me to take your quiz or test during flex or before or after school. No make-up quizzes or tests can be completed in class. If your quiz or test is not made up within two calendar days, your grade is a 0. Grading Each quarter grade will be calculated using total points: Points Earned ÷ Points Possible. Each semester grade will be calculated by weighting the two (2) quarter grades 40% each and the exam 20%. The final course grade will be determined by averaging the two (2) semester grades. Other Important Notes Follow all school rules. Do not write in your textbook or on anything that does not belong to you. You may have drinks and snacks in the classroom provided you keep the room clean by disposing of your trash properly (please recycle). Eat your breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria. Please do not comb or fix your hair or apply lotion or cosmetics in class. Groom at home. All electronic devices are to be turned off and put away. If I see it or hear it, I take it until the end of the day (first time). For further violations, your parent or guardian will have to come get it from the main office. If you need to leave the room, you must have YOUR OWN AGENDA signed by me. If you do not have your agenda, YOU MAY NOT LEAVE. If you lose your agenda, you will need to buy a replacement from the office. I will not sign another student’s agenda. YOUR NAME MUST BE IN YOUR AGENDA. Changes and/or additions to these expectations may be made as the year progresses. Understanding of Expectations Due Wednesday, September 2 (Block 2& 3) and Thursday, September 5 (Blocks 5 & 6) For the Student: I, ____________________________________________ (print student name), in period _____, have read and understand everything in this letter as well as the items listed in the Procedures and Routines for Ms. Ahuja’s Class. I agree to be honest, prepared and respectful, and I also agree to do my best in this class. Student Signature______________________________________ Date ___________________ For the Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Please sign this form and have your child return it me by the date indicated above. Please feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns throughout the year. I have read this course guideline and have discussed it with my child. My child and I are aware of the policies, including the make-up policies regarding homework, quizzes and tests. I have also read the Procedures and Routines for Ms. Ahuja’s Class. Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________ Date _____________ Authorization to E-mail Grades: As the parent/legal guardian, I allow Ms. Ahuja to send information to me via e-mail communication regarding my child’s class behavior and academic performance. Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________ Date _____________ Parent /Guardian e-mail . ____ I DO NOT give permission to have my child’s behavior and academic performance e-mailed to me.