Retrieved Beowulf and Grendel: MLA Format… Begin with the end in mind. Searching the Online Catalog REMINDERS: • Avoid these common mistakes – Author keyword – Using a phrase or question – Too narrow a search term – Misspellings movies20074/beowulf1.jpg Retrieved from: MLA Citation Format • What is it? Format of the Modern Language Association • When is it used? Most English and History papers • Today we’ll concentrate on : Books and Databases Books: One or two authors: Author(s) [Last name, first name and first name last name]. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Print. EXAMPLE: Sherrow, Victoria. The World Trade Center Bombing: Terror in the Towers. Springfield, NJ: Enslow Publishers, Inc., 1998. Print. Article in a Reference book: Author or editor. Title of set. Volume number. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Page numbers. Print. EXAMPLE: Lazzari, Marie, ed. Epics for Students. Vol. 1. 1997. 25-48. Print. New York: Gale, Okay, now you find a book source and cite it correctly! • When you’ve finished, show one of us to get it checked. Databases Which would you use? (Hint: Look through the brochure) * List 3 databases that you’ll try for this project. Recommended Databases • InfoTrac – PowerSearch – Gale Biography in Context • EBSCO Host – Literary Reference Center • NetTrekker – Reviewed links to web content Simple Searching • Always choose full text! • Example: Grendel in Literary Reference Center • Example: John Gardner in Biography Resource Center More Advanced Searching • • • • • • Advanced Search Wildcard (*) Phrase searches (“xxx xxx”) Subject versus keyword Still choose full text InfoTrac – Gale Biography in Context (scroll to bottom) – PowerSearch • Choose your databases! • Example: Advanced Search Beowulf (Subject keyword) AND John Gardner(keyword) NOT “book review” (keyword) FULL TEXT Article from a Database: Author. “Title of Article.”JournalName volumenumber.issuenumber (Date of Publication):pages. Name of Database. Web. Date of Access. Gerritsen, Johan. “Beowulf and the Beowulf Manuscript.” English Studies v.79. 1 (Jan 1998):82-87. Literary Reference Center. Web. 6 Nov, 2010. Discover an article from a database that will help with your project. Cite it correctly and show us. Pictures, Maps, Graphs, etc. Pictures, Maps, Graphs, etc. should be labeled Figure (Fig.) and given an Arabic numeral (1,2,3..) and a caption with author, title, and source (usually found directly below the image in Google Image) directly below the illustration; one inch margins; if you give complete information in the caption, you do not need to list it in your Works Cited unless you’ve used it for other information in your paper. Example: . Fig. 1 Now, it’s your turn again…find an image and cite it correctly….don’t forget to show one of us when you are finished. QUESTIONS?